The Blackened Male Leads All Want Me

Chapter 1106: oh, my sick master 17

The two discussed good things.

Feng Zhi returned to the house full of food.

Su Yan was also full, just waiting for Hua Wuqing to be full.

Next to him, Su Gu was also eating buns.

The expression was very similar to that of Hua Wuqing eating buns.

It looks like thinking about things.

Almost at the same time, the two of them finished chewing and each took a bite of the bun in their hands.

Su Yan looked at Su Gu, and then at the bowl in front of him.

He has been eating with a spoon instead of chopsticks.

Su Yan almost forgot that Su Gu had just transformed.

Probably Su Gu's performance was too normal.

Walk normally, eat normally, talk normally.

It's no different from ordinary people, so that it always makes people ignore that he actually started to be a human yesterday.

She picked up the chopsticks.

"Su Gu"

She yelled.

Su Gu was carefully counting how many times he had bitten, and when he heard Su Yan calling him, he raised his head.

Su Yan didn't speak any more, only demonstrating the use of chopsticks over and over again.

Then, pick up something and eat it in your mouth.

Su Gu looked at it for a while.

Then pick up the chopsticks and follow along.

Su Yan slowed down so that he could see more clearly.

After a while, Su Gu had learned a lot of Kung Fu.

The action of clamping things is a bit rusty, but I can already clamp things up.

Practice more, you should be able to master it in a few days.

Su Yan noticed that her clothes had been tugged, so she looked down.

Comrade Xiaohong stuffed his whole head into the bun to eat the bun.

The tail was sticking out, and it was eating happily.

Look at Xiaohong, then look at Gu King.

Probably some understand why they both study at the same time and both eat spar.

One has all mastered and cultivated a human body long ago.

And the other...

Su Yan glanced at Xiao Hong again.

It seems to eat in addition to eating.

Su Yan glanced at Hua Wuqing next to him.

He ate the buns with one hand and the chopsticks with the other, trying to pick up the beef.

But the beef is thinly sliced ​​and very soft.

So much so that it can't be clipped.

He acted strangely like Su Gu, like using chopsticks for the first time.

Su Yan's eyes drooped, and he reached out and pulled the beef to him.

"You can eat with your hands."

Huawu's eyes are eager, and her voice is wronged

"I don't know how to use chopsticks, will Yanyan despise me?"

Su Yan

"will not"

Xiaohua whispered

"You are a fool host and don't dislike it, do you still care about this little thing?"

In the end, it evolved into Hua Wuqing holding buns in both hands to eat, and Su Yan sandwiched beef for him.

Occasionally, he would clip some Su Gu.

As a result, the meal was eaten abruptly for more than an hour.

By the time Su Yan followed Fengzhi and went back to the village, it was almost noon.

Feng Zhi looked back when she set off.

"Huh? Where's your little tail?"

The little tail in Feng Zhi's mouth means that the flowers are not tilted.

Sticking to Su Yan, where to go and where to go.

Feng Zhi can be seen.

Su Yandao

"Give him some drugs."

Feng Zhi's eyes widened, thumbs up and smacked

"It's worthy of being a great person, amazing."

With that face called Qingqing, Feng Zhi couldn't bear to give him drugs.

As a result, the ferocious Su Yan said that he could do it.

Su Yan specially left King Gu for him to watch.

The amount of the medicine is well controlled, allowing Hua Wuqing to sleep until night.

By that time, she had already returned.

The two rushed to the village.

What Su Yan never expected was that

The man who was lying on the bed who was supposed to have been drugged and fell asleep woke up almost as soon as she had just left.

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