The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 885: Take the boss to get the pentakill (44)

  Chapter 885 Take the boss to take the pentakill (44)

  Looking at Lin Su's smile, Wei Jie felt a little apprehensive.

  Damn it, can you still play on another phone?

  Now is not the time to think about this, Wei Jie swallowed, and his tone to his teammates became more normal, "You all come up, let's catch Yuan Ge five times, and now the opposite Yuan Ge is played by Lin Su."

  Others can also see it from the sentence Yuan Ge just said.

  Little Luban, who was biubiubiu fighting with Sun Shangxiang, saw that Sun Shangxiang suddenly left him and walked towards the middle.

  He immediately reminded: "They are going to the middle, be careful."

   "I'm afraid it's not going to the middle road, but to fight against the road." Sang Jian said: "I'll help Brother Su."

   "Okay." There is no one on the development road, so there is no need for little Luban to be afraid.

   Sure enough, Sang Jian’s Master Lu Ban followed Sun Shangxiang and Da Qiao, and went to the confrontation road together.

   On the road, I also met Zhang Liang who was going to fight against the road for support.

   "Brother Su, there are no accidents, all five of you are here." Sang Jian reminded.

   "We're here too." Diao Chan and Tachibana Ukyo were on their way to confrontation.

  However, it was too late, and the five people on the opposite side appeared together on the confrontation road, intending to jump over the tower and kill Yuange by force.

  Lin Su hurriedly ran away with his big move, but the opponent chased after him, crossed the first tower, and chased in front of the second tower.

   Just when Lin Su was hooked by Baili Xuance's hook, Sang Jian's Master Lu Ban descended from the sky, jumped in front of several people, and blocked their way.

  Her assistant with the second skill rushed to the rescue, grabbed Tachibana Ukyo who was still separated by the wall in the wild area, and pulled him to her side.

   Diao Chan also rushed over with the second skill.

   "There is someone coming from the opposite side, let's go!"

  Big Joe on the opposite side immediately put a second skill Sea of ​​Fate next to him. As long as he stands in the circle, he can teleport all his teammates home.

  The people on the opposite side stood in the circle very obediently, even Wei Jie, who has always been rebellious, was also very obedient.

  Seeing that the countdown to the teleportation circle is about to end, they will be able to return to the spring water immediately, and let Sang see them coming in vain.

  Sang Jian suddenly manipulated Master Luban, flashed, rushed over, activated the big move and powerful storage, put chains on everyone in Da Qiao's circle, and pulled the five of them out of the circle abruptly.

  The countdown to the teleportation circle ended, no one went back, and they all crowded around Master Lu Ban.

   This wave of operations is simply beautiful, with five people in one hand!

  Lin Su was stunned for a moment, and in the next second, he quickly threw the puppet, using the three skills of the puppet state, the secret technique Bind, to stun the five people under the puppet.

  Ju Youjing and Diao Chan also came up to make up for the damage, Lin Su did not hesitate to come up with a gaudy combo, and took the five heads!

  【Yuan Song ends Sun Shangxiang】

  【Yuan Ge defeated Zhang Liang in two consecutive rounds】

  【Yuan Ge beat Ma Chao three times in a row】

  【Yuan Ge Silian Extraordinary Baili Xuance】

  【Yuan Ge Wulian Peerless Joe】

   Assists: Master Luban, Diao Chan, Ju Youjing, Luban No.7.

  Don't ask why there is little Luban, because he put a shark mouth cannon on the development road.


   "Hahaha... I pulled the mini-map just now and saw Sister Asang's operation, which is indeed much better than Brother Su's father!" Little Luban laughed.

  Lin Su: "..."

   I have to admit that what he said is true.

  If she hadn't pulled everyone out just now, the person on the opposite side would have gone home in Da Qiao's "elevator", and it would be impossible to get this pentakill.

  Lin Su didn’t feel angry when he heard Xiao Luban’s words. Instead, he boasted, “Of course, I’ve already said that Ah Sang is an all-around player. Otherwise, why would I let her take me?”

  (end of this chapter)

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