The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 854: Take the boss to get pentakill (13)

  Chapter 854 Take the boss to take the pentakill (13)

  All kinds of black fans pretending to be passers-by are good at sowing discord. As soon as the words were posted just now, they successfully aroused the scolding war between the fans of both sides.

   Originally Ah Sang's fans were just hiding it, but seeing someone scolding Ah Sang, they naturally couldn't just sit idly by!

  However, before the scolding war continued, each of them was banned by the administrator of the live broadcast room.

  Lin Su didn't bother to deal with the barrage anymore.

   Keep staring at the time.

   When the time jumps to 19 o'clock, Ah Sang's gray profile photo lights up.

   There are two green fonts on the line next to it, which are extraordinarily dazzling.

   Tsk, really on time.

  He immediately exited the room, waiting for Assangla to rank herself.

  Yesterday we agreed to bring him along. Seeing him online, Ah Sang will take the initiative to pull him, right?

   Waited quietly for a minute, but there was no movement from the other party.

  Lin Su frowned, couldn't help but put down his phone, searched Ah Sang's live broadcast room and took a look, wanting to see what he was doing.

   As a result, the other party's live broadcast room only had the game interface, and nothing else.

  He forgot, Ah Sang doesn't show his face.

  Then what is Ah Sang doing now?

  Lin Su didn't notice it at all. He searched Ah Sang's live broadcast room, and went to peek at other people's affairs, all of which were broadcast live.

  On the barrage, Ah Sang's fans danced the most.

   "Let's just say that Lin Su wanted to tie up Ah Sang! He even peeked at his live broadcast!"

   "If you care so much about other people's movements, you really want to fire CP! Shameless!"

  Linsu fans: "..."

  Lin Su's behavior is really confusing, they really can't refute it...


  Lin Su waited quietly for another two minutes. On the game interface, the words "Ah Sang invites you to rank" finally appeared!

  Lin Su immediately agreed.

  As soon as he entered, he turned on the microphone and said, "What were you doing just now? I thought you forgot our agreement."

  Sang Jian typed and replied: "Go out to get takeaway."

   She just woke up not long ago and hasn't eaten yet.

   A certain world has also been an anchor, and the anchor's schedule has always been chaotic.

  Lin Su raised his eyebrows slightly, "I just ate? I just woke up not long ago, right? You are so unhealthy."

  Ah Sang: "Yes."

  It's really not healthy.

  She couldn't remember how long she hadn't slept before eleven o'clock!

   "Then...shall I wait until you finish eating?" Lin Su asked.

   Seeing no reply, Sang directly clicked to start matching.

   During this period of time, there are a lot of people playing the game, almost entering in seconds.

   It's the familiar stage of choosing heroes and banning heroes again.

  This time, Sang saw Lin Su for a second and preselected Yao.

   "Brother Yewang, who are you?" Lin Su asked quietly.

  Sang Jian confidently uttered a line, "I want to eat."

   "Pfft." Lin Su couldn't help laughing.

  Yao, an auxiliary hero, uses his ultimate move to ride on the heads of his teammates and add shields to them.

   Let’s say she is useful. Players who know how to play can really play her very disgustingly. They keep shielding their teammates and often save people from residual blood.

Say she is useless. Players who don’t know how to play often ride on a teammate with a big move. If the shield is broken, they don’t know how to jump off to brush the shield. Just hang on the teammate’s head and watch the teammate’s operation. You don’t have to worry about it. It’s okay to watch dramas and eat snacks.

  So what does it matter if Ah Sang eats a meal and mixes it up?

  Lin Su hooked his lips and said: "I just watched the barrage, they said that I want to make CP with you, so let me try it?"

   In the next second, Yunzhongjun will be pre-selected directly.

  Yun Zhongjun and Yao are the officially certified CP heroes of the game.

  Sang Jian: "..." He in this world seems to be extra active.

   I'm still a little uncomfortable.

  (end of this chapter)

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