The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 846: Take the boss to get pentakill (5)

  Chapter 846 Take the boss to take the pentakill (5)

   It is equivalent to just going online, the first wave of soldiers is gone before the line is cleared.

  [All] Enemy Shangguan Wan'er: "You two old Yinbi wait for me!"

  [All] Our Fang Lu Bu: "Tsk tsk tsk, our Fang Baili is in the national uniform!"

  [All] Enemy Shangguan Wan'er: "What's wrong with the national uniform? Wait until I'm level 4, beat him until he calls Dad!"

  [All] Enemy Shangguan Wan'er: "Ming Shiyin, don't eat my mid-route, I don't need you in the mid-route, go away!"

  Shangguan Wan'er was very unhappy when she gave her first blood.

   Ming Shiyin saw her dead, and even cleared her army line.

  Ming Shiyin saw what she said, and he left the middle road to support the development road.

  Sang Jian also retreated to the wild area to clean up his own wild area.

  Lin Su cleared the army line and ate the river elves in the middle road again.

  The enemy Yun Zhongjun finished playing the red buff, came to the middle road and wandered around, and was seen by Baili Shouyan's skill of Tranquil Eye.

  Lin Su returned to his defense tower early to prevent Yun Zhongjun from catching him.

   After failing to catch people, Yun Zhongjun had no choice but to go back and fight the blue buff.

   After going back and forth, it actually developed peacefully for dozens of seconds.

  Shangguan Wan'er, who returned to the online line, also successfully rose to the third level.

   And Baili kept the contract with an assist, and he has already reached the fourth level.

  Seeing that King Lanling was rushing to the middle road after clearing his own wild monsters, Lin Su immediately manipulated Baili to keep the contract and sneaked into the grass in the middle road.

  Shangguan Wan'er finished clearing the army line, and planned to go to the development road to support, thinking in her heart that after finishing the development road, she should be able to reach level four.

  When the man entered the grass in the middle road, he didn't see the invisible Baili Shou promise attached to the wall.


  Baili kept the promise with a close-up shot, coupled with his ultimate move to escape, jumped out of the wall, and distanced himself from Shangguan Wan'er.

  With two skills, Shangguan Wan'er's HP will be halved.

  At this moment, the player behind Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help but curse out: Fuck!

   This is not the most deadly, at least he is not dead, and Baili Shouyue also jumped away, and the A cannot reach her.

  The most deadly thing was that before she let out a sigh of relief, three exclamation marks popped up above her head!

  【Lanling King defeated Shangguan Waner】

  With the cooperation of the first wave, there is no need for Lin Su to say anything later, Sang Jian can understand what he means.

  The two cooperated very well.

  In less than three minutes, Shangguan Wan'er delivered the second head.

  [All] Enemy Shangguan Wan'er: "Prince Lanling, do you have a grudge against me?"

  [All] Enemy Shangguan Wan'er: "What are you doing all the time in the middle of the road? Baili's promise is your friend?"

  Sang Jian naturally ignored her, and continued to catch people in other ways.

   It was Lin Su who stood in the grass and replied.

  [All] Our party Baili kept the promise: "You haven't realized the seriousness of the matter."

  [All] Enemy Shangguan Wan'er: "I think you didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, right? I'm going to level four soon!"

  Shangguan Wan'er revived angrily and came to the line again, but this time she did not leave the range of the defense tower.

  She was afraid that the old Yinbi, King Lanling, would be around again.

  Unfortunately, in front of Baili Shouyi, even hiding in the tower is not safe.

  Lin Su had already moved to the pit where the enemy's three wild monsters were hiding.

  After seeing Shangguan Wan'er showing her head, she aimed and shot.

  Hit all the shots.


  Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help but eat the blood bag under the defense tower, as if the other party knew she wanted to eat it.

   Just ate it, another shot hit her.

   Not only interrupted her blood recovery, but also reduced her blood volume a lot.

   This hero is really cheap!

  The skills are long, but I can't see him!

  Shangguan Wan'er could only go under the second tower, and was going to go there to return to the city.

   Just when she thought it was safe, three exclamation marks appeared above her head.

   This King of Lanling actually chased after the second tower, jumped over the tower and killed her! !

  【Lanling King defeated Shangguan Waner】

  [All] Fang Baili keeps the promise: "Remember not to ban Yaoyao next time, it makes me unhappy. My wild king doesn't have exclusive support, and he is also unhappy."

  Sang Jian: "..." If you deserve such a beating, are you really not afraid of being targeted?


  00:00 will be updated regularly, to accompany everyone on New Year's Eve! happy New Year! Happy every day in 2022!

  (end of this chapter)

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