Chapter 838 Thumb Boy (71)

   "Hmph, don't think that I will... um~"

  Huanu originally wanted to be arrogant, but Sang Jian bowed her head and kissed him.

  He widened his eyes, and Sang Jian also opened his eyes.

  The two of them stared wide-eyed, Hua Nu blushed and felt a little out of breath.

   This ugly thing...


  Huanu slowly closed her eyes.

  Sang Jian flashed a smile in his eyes, "I thought your mouth was tough, isn't it soft?"

   "..." Hua Nu's eyelashes trembled slightly.

  Only she has a mouth! She can talk!

   Tired of it!

so shy…


  It was already noon when the two came down from the tree house to eat.

  Hanu is sitting in the center of a flower, and Sangmi is lying under the flower in the form of a mole basking in the sun.

   Both of them are in a good mood.

  Although they didn't eat nectar with morning dew today, they will have plenty of time in the future.

  Hua Nu glanced at the elf castle, and asked casually, "So they are stable now? Speaking of which, Princess Hua is also getting better now?"

  Sang Jian, who had no reaction at first, moved his eyelids and opened his eyes, "Are you so concerned about Princess Hua? Are you familiar?"

  She remembered the plot in the original world, he was married to Princess Hua.

  Before, Princess Hua had a problem, so the two of them didn't have much contact with each other. Now that Princess Hua is back to normal, he wants to be "friends" with Princess Hua?

  Huanu withdrew her gaze, lay on the petals, and looked at Sang Jian from above, "What's the matter? Are you jealous?"

   "Heh, you also have today for ugly things!"

   He has always been blindly jealous, and now she is also jealous?

  I thought that Sang Jian would find an excuse to refute, but I didn't want her to admit it directly.

   "I'm a little jealous. I heard that Princess Hua was beautiful, kind, gentle and considerate before her conscience was taken away..."

   Before she finished speaking, Hua Nu interrupted, "That's not you either."

  Hanu slid down from the petals and landed on Kuwanami's soft belly.

  He patted Sang Jian's belly lightly, smiling all over his face, "I have a fetish for ugliness."

  She admitted that she was jealous, so what does it matter if he admits that he is a ugliness?

  Sang Jian: "... well said, don't say it again next time."

   The first sentence is quite touching, but the latter sentence is unnecessary!

   "Haha..." Hua Nu rolled on Sang Jian's belly with laughter.

  He never thought he would fall in love with this ugly mole before.

   Those ugly guys I met before are nothing compared to her.

  Sometimes he can't understand why these ugly guys are so ignorant of themselves?

  Looking like a ghost, one or two dare to take him home?

  Now he is only lucky that the ugly thing proposed to him and brought him home.

   Otherwise, how could he meet this silly little mole who is dedicated to him?

   Regardless of race, regardless of appearance, as long as she has the heart, he will always like her.


  The following days will be peaceful and fulfilling.

  Sang Jian would take him to eat morning dew nectar every morning, and occasionally go fishing with him by the river.

  This morning, Sang Jian reached out to touch his chest as usual.

   There was nothing there, and she opened her eyes immediately.

  Where did this little thing go early in the morning?

  Sang Jian turned over and got out of bed, looked around the room, but there was no sign of Hua Nu.

  She walked towards the door, stood on the balcony and looked out.

  I saw the flower slave and... the flower princess among the flowers.

  (end of this chapter)

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