Chapter 833 Thumb Boy (66)

   On the last page of the forbidden magic book, it clearly states how to remove it.

  It's a pity that these elves have never seen it.

  Flower Prince: "..."

   Physician: "..."

  No one expected that after thinking for so long about a way to deal with witches, it turned out that the way was in the forbidden magic book that none of them would read.

  If it weren't for this outsider who didn't care about the rules of the elves, they would probably have been kept in the dark.

Sang Jian said again: "The white **** scattered on the ground around her should be taken from the Thumbelinas she sold. Those girls seem to have new owners, but they are actually her puppets. They ..."

   Speaking of this, Sang Jian looked at the flower slave in his hand, and continued: "They are not considered to be elves."

   "How come? Aren't they born from elf embryos like the one in your hand?" Prince Hua was puzzled.

   There was no need for Sang Jian to answer this question, Hua Nu said: "I was born from an elf embryo, but they are not. They are another species born from the nutrition of the elf embryo."

  Normal elves bury the elf embryos under the grown flowers, absorb the nutrients from the flowers, and then grow wings and grow so big.

  The Thumbelinas rely on absorbing elf embryos. When the elf embryos are small, they can't absorb anything at all, so they are all so small.

  Huanu is also so small because he has absorbed the nutrients in the seeds. Naturally, the seeds are not as nutritious as the flowers. So in simple terms, he is malnourished to become a thumb boy.

  Thinking of this, Hua Nu reached out to touch the natal ball hanging around Sang Jian's neck, "Didn't you notice that my **** are all different from theirs?"

  Others have small white balls, but his is a big golden ball!

  Prince Hua glanced at Sang Jian's neck, and remembered that it was something Sang Jian had been protecting all the time, so it hurt the doctor.

   It turns out that this is the little thing's natal ball.

  So who was the one who kept calling this mole a thing?

   Isn't that good for him?

  He still hasn't figured out whether the little thing that followed him in the library was Sangmi or Hanu.

  However, no one cared what Hua Prince was thinking.

  Sang said: "The conscience that belongs to your sister has also returned to your sister's body, so our work has been completed."

  The next thing is the internal affairs of their elf kingdom.

   "What do you want?" Prince Hua is also a smart person. Hearing what Sang said, she knew she was asking for a reward.

  Sang Jian was not polite, "Arrange some coolies for me."

  Flower Prince: "?"

   "Didn't you want him to turn back into an elf?" He thought that Sang Jian would ask Hua Nu to turn back into an elf, after all, he had asked himself about this before.

   Didn't expect that she just wanted some coolies?

   "Who said I want to turn back into an elf?" Hua Nu frowned when she heard what he said.

  He looked up at Sang Jian, "You said to ask him something, this is it?"

  Sang Jian nodded, not hiding anything from Hua Nu, "He has a way to make you change back."

  Whether he wants to change back or not is entirely up to him.

  Huanu: "..."

  He knew that Sang Jian wanted him to relax.

  Whether you want to change back is one thing, but whether you can change back is another.

   Want to change back, he will be an elf family in the future, and can live in the elf kingdom.

   And cannot change back, he will be the only creature in the world from now on, without race, without the same kind.

  (end of this chapter)

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