Chapter 829 Thumb Boy (62)

   "Princess, don't you let me go?" The witch smiled and ordered Princess Hua.

  She knew that she would have such a day, because as long as she used forbidden magic for a day, one part of the flower sea in the elf kingdom would be punished.

  For the safety of Huahai, they will also find opportunities to deal with themselves.

  So when she left, she left a way out for herself.

   is the flower princess.

  Princess Flower will become a variable in the elf kingdom.

  Hearing her words, Princess Hua shifted her eyes to the witch's face with a disgusted expression, "I told you, anyone who breaks into the elf kingdom will die!"

  Although she wants to overthrow her brother's rule, it doesn't mean that she is with witches.

  This old hag stole so many elf embryos, and now she dares to act presumptuously, she can only die!

  Princess Flower appeared with a scepter in her hand, quickly chanting magic.

  The witch's face darkened, and when the white light spots on her body dissipated halfway, she broke free from the restraint.

   "I want to see if I die, or if the elf kingdom is destroyed!"

  Princess Flower fights with the witch.

  A vine quietly stretched out in front of the flower prince.

  Sang Jian and Hua Nu jumped out from the flowers, and they silently wanted to drag Prince Hua to a safe place.

  However, the strength is too weak, and Sang Jian had to change back into the form of a mole, so he and Hua Nu moved Prince Hua into the castle.

  Prince Hua was in a daze at this time, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the ugly face of a mole that he had asked people to look for for a long time, and he was shocked.

   "Why are you here?" he asked weakly.

   Then she looked at the flower slave on her shoulder.

   Didn't this little thing scold her badly before?

  Why did the two get back together again?

  Before, the little thing fell from the witch's head, and who was the little thing that followed her below?

  Prince Hua is a little confused now.

   "Don't bother with irrelevant things." Sang Jian put a hand on his shoulder, and said casually: "It's like this..."

"The agreement we reached before was to catch the witch together, right? It was obviously successful just now, but you were stabbed by your sister. This matter is not within the scope of our cooperation, right? This variable is caused by your own family members Yes, it has nothing to do with us, so let's go."

  Flower Prince: "..."

  Are you so cold-blooded and ruthless?

  Seeing this situation, the first reaction is to leave?

  Prince Hua pressed Sang Jian's hand on his shoulder with his backhand, and said palely, "Save my sister!"

  Since they are so ruthless, it is not difficult for him to pull down his face and beg.

  He wanted to find this mole before because he thought she had other powers and could subdue witches.

  She must have a way!

   "Put your hands away!" Hua Nu, who had been silent all this time, roared angrily.

  Sang Jian took the initiative to withdraw his hand.

  Hua Nu refused to give up and said: "If you ask for help, you will ask for help. Why do you use your hands?"

  Of course, these words are not shouted at Sang Jian, but at Hua Prince.

   "Ahem..." Hua Prince couldn't help coughing, not knowing whether the wound was hurting or he was choking on Hua Nu's words.

  To be honest, with the appearance of this mole, he only moved his hands and feet because he was afraid that she would run away, and he didn't have any other thoughts.

  Why does this kid guard against him like a pervert?

  He's not an ugliness!

"calm down."

  Sang Jian lightly patted Hua Nu's head with his fingers, and then said to Hua Prince: "Your sister is not easy to handle..."

  She changed the subject, "I have to pay more!"

  (end of this chapter)

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