Chapter 822 Thumb Boy (55)

  Sang Jian swallowed, tried to find Hua Nu's tone, imitated his tone and said: "Anyway, you are considered an elf, why can't I understand this kind of book?"

  The flower slave hiding between the books: "..."

  The voice is exactly the same as his!

   It's over, it's over, isn't it true that you will fall in love with yourself in the future?

  Prince Hua squinted his eyes slightly, he took another look at the surrounding environment, and asked coldly, "Where's your mole?"

   Can touch the prohibition, which means that the mole just touched the book here.

  As for the forbidden magic book that this little thing is reading now, Prince Hua didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't think that someone could learn the forbidden magic in it by reading it for the first time.

  Ordinary magic is not so easy to learn, let alone forbidden magic that needs to pay more.

  Speaking of this, Sangjian immediately showed a hint of anger on her face, and she said angrily: "That ugly thing, as soon as he saw that the restriction was triggered, he left me and ran away! If I can see her later, I will definitely not spare her!"

  She showed Hua Nu's usual wayward appearance to the fullest.

  Huanu himself was stunned for a few seconds when he saw it.

   What's more, the Prince Hua who is not too familiar with Hua Nu.

  He didn't notice anything unusual about Sang Jian at all, he just looked and looked in the library.

  He didn't believe the little thing, but there really wasn't a place to hide a mole in the library.

  He frowned and looked at Sang Jian.

   This little thing is exactly the same as when I saw it before, except that the clothes on my body have changed.

  He folded his wings before San met, put his feet on the ground, stood in front of her, bent down and lifted her up.

   "What is your purpose?"

  He brought Sang Jian to his eyes and stared at her dangerously.

   "The purpose from the beginning was to let you save that ugly thing! Who knew that ugly thing was an ungrateful white-eyed wolf! I was so kind to her, she left me and ran away!"

  Sang Jian scolded himself, completely merciless.

   "Didn't I promise you to cure the bugs later? Although the ugly thing eats bugs, she can't eat that much, so we set fire to the place. Now the bugs are gone, right?"

  Sang Jian folded his arms around his chest, with a bit of complacency on his face.

   Really played Hua Nu to life.

  Huanu in the dark was stunned.

  Is he usually like this?

  Flower Prince: "..."

   The plague of insects is indeed gone for the time being, because the insects are all dead.

   But that flower is also dead!

   "And now is now." Sang Jian glanced at the forbidden magic book on the ground, then looked up at Prince Hua, stared into his eyes and said seriously: "Actually, I have a question to ask you."

   "Before you said about the witch, I had doubts about my own life experience, so I came here to check and it proved that I was also an elf embryo before."

   "So what? You're nothing now."

  Prince Hua flapped his wings again, and flew outside with Sangjian in his hand.

   By the way, he told the other elves, "Go to that mole, she shouldn't be far away."

   "Why are you looking for that ugly thing? She is not from our elf family. I am annoyed when I see her now!" Sang Jian snorted coldly.

  Flower Prince: "..."

  The flower slave in the dark: "..."

  Hmph, this ugly thing will act like a fool!

  When did he say that to her? He will never say such things to her, okay!

   "Don't think that I will let her go if you use the trick of causing conflict." Prince Hua seemed to have seen through everything, and didn't even listen to Sangjian's abuse.

  Sang Jian spread his hands indifferently, "You can do whatever you want, but that ugly thing can make holes, you can try digging holes."

  Flower Prince: "..."


   One more chapter to make up for not updating yesterday.

   Thank you for your rewards, okay~

   Remember to vote and clock in, okay?



  (end of this chapter)

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