Chapter 818 Thumb Boy (51)

   "I can only think about you, so I am not mentally retarded?" Sang Jian shook his mustache.

  Huanu raised his hand and grabbed her mustache. He looked up at the huge mouse head, "What do you mean!"

  He saw a bit of a smile from Sang Jian's small eyes, obviously laughing at him for not being smart!

   "Hmph, I know you think I'm not smart enough, but it's okay, I don't care about you."

  Huanu let go of her hand holding her beard, turned her head to one side, and asked unhappily: "Now that we all know about it, can we leave?"

  Anyway, the outside is already in chaos, leaving here now is the best chance.

  He doesn't want to stay here at all.

  As for my identity...

  As early as when Sang Jian comforted him for the first time, he had already figured it out.

  No matter what the facts are, he is the one who survives now.

   And she has promised to stay with him all the time, so the process is not important.

   What matters is their future ending.

   "There is one more thing I want to figure out."

  Sang Jian closed the book in his hand, grabbed Hua Nu, and asked him to put the book back in its original place.

  She raised her head and looked towards the top floor, "The answer I want to know may be on the top."

  Huanu sat in her palm and looked up with her, "What?"

  What else does she want to know?

   "This may be related to forbidden magic. Naturally, that kind of thing will not be placed below."

  The higher the place, the harder it is to get, and some prohibited books will be placed.

  Huanu blinked, "Did you forget that they have wings? They often fly in the sky, and rarely walk..."

  So for elves, the lower the price, the harder it is to get it?


  Hearing this, Sang Jian turned his head to look at Hua Nu.

  Feeling her gaze, Hua Nu also tilted his head to look at her.

  He raised his eyebrows at Sang Jian, as if he was asking, is what he said wrong?

  Sang Jian: "..."

  He was absolutely right.

  People who have been in high places for a long time rarely look down.

  She was silent for a moment, then bent down and put the flower slave on the ground, and she changed back into a human form, and said softly, "Help me find it!"

   After finishing speaking, she remembered that Hua Nu couldn't read. She reminded: "Look for books that don't look right and have a dark cover."

   As she spoke, she wrapped the rags around herself.

   Turning into a mole doesn't need to wear clothes at all, the hair is her clothes.

  But when I change back into a human without fur, I have to wear my own clothes every time, which is a bit troublesome.


  She was wrapping in rags and didn't notice Hua Nu's reaction.

  Hearing a sound of spurting blood, she raised her mouse head and looked at him.

  Huanu's eyes were wide open, her face was flushed and she was covering her nose, but she didn't take her eyes off Sang Jian.

  His hand covering his nose seemed to have nosebleeds overflowing from his fingers.

   Seeing Sang Jian looking at him, Hua Nu was the first to say angrily, "You don't know how to hide someone behind your back!"

   Such a big mouse suddenly turned into a human and appeared in front of him. Although she has a mole head, her body is not!

  Sang Jian: "...You can also get nosebleeds?"

  A person with the size of a thumb, even if it is a girl, is as flat as a horse. The only difference from Hua Nu is that it lacks a little flesh.

  So Sang Jian couldn't understand why Hua Nu sprayed nosebleeds at all.

  Huanu said very honestly: "Because I haven't seen it before."

   When I first saw you, I was a little excited.

  Sang Jian wrapped up the rags and walked towards him, "Look down at your own, isn't it exactly the same?"

   "..." Hua Nu obediently looked down.


   It seems that there is nothing to watch.


  Here it comes, yesterday I obviously posted a chapter related to my work and asked for leave, I don’t know why it can’t be updated, I don’t understand it.

   I always have to rest for two or three days a month, don’t panic~ Meme~

  (end of this chapter)

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