Chapter 807 Thumb Boy (40)

   "Prince, this..."

   All the elves looked at Hua Prince at this moment.

   This mole seems a little dangerous.

  Although that strange force is harmless, if she wakes up, there is no guarantee that she will not do anything else.

  Prince Hua raised his hand to stop what they wanted to say.

  He tidied up his clothes, and approached the bed again, "It would be best if you could take out the things in her hands, lest the things in her hands be damaged by the residual magic in her body during the treatment."

   A few words are all about giving Sang Jian treatment, it seems that he is sincerely thinking about Hua Nu.

  Huanu frowned slightly, still lying on the back of Sang Jian's hand, "I can't take it out. Don't worry, if it breaks, it will break. I won't ask you for compensation, as long as I can save her."

   Really think he is a fool.

   Put things in Sang Jian's hands, and others will be blown away if they approach.

   Once he took it out, he would lose the protection of Sang Jian. He is such a small person, so he will not be at the mercy of them by then?

  He's just a little man, not a cerebellum.

  Flower Prince: "..."

   This little thing in front of me is a bit soft and hard to eat.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, "Since you think there is no problem, then doctor, go ahead."

  This time, the voice was a bit colder.

  The doctor just got up from the ground, and when he heard this tone, he instantly regained his energy.


  He strode towards Sang Jian, deliberately avoiding Sang Jian's hand.

  Huanu looked at him silently.

  As long as the doctor starts to attack the ugly thing for a while, he will push the ugly thing's hand over and blow him away again!

  He had already thought of a countermeasure, his heart was beating fast and beating non-stop.

  The doctor stood by the bed, and stretched out a hand towards Sang Jian's back.

  Muttering incomprehensible spells, an electric current sizzled at his fingertips.

  A drop of cold sweat ran across Hua Nu's forehead, it's now!


  Suddenly, a force knocked the doctor away again.

  This time it was much more serious than last time. The doctor hit a wall not far away, fell down, and vomited a mouthful of blood.


  The elves around were instantly angry, and took out their staffs one after another, aiming at Hua Nu and Sang Jian on the bed.

   "Things that don't know good and bad! You are the ones asking for help, and you are the ones who don't receive treatment! Do you really think we are easy to bully?"

   This time, Hua Prince didn't say anything.

   Watching all this with cold eyes.

  Huanu's brows and eyes are full of astonishment.

  He looked at the doctor who had been helped up, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth, a little confused.

  He hasn't pushed the hand of the ugly thing over, why did he fall out by himself?

  His idea is very simple, but for him, it is very difficult to operate.

  He tried to push Sang Jian's hand, but it couldn't be pushed at all!

  So this doctor is touching porcelain?

   Before he could react, the hand under him suddenly moved.

  In an instant, Hua Nu was sent flying by the back of Sang Jian's hand.

  The next second, it fell into her palm again, and sat with his natal ball.

  The sudden change made Hua Nu stunned.


   "Ah..." Sang Jian's slightly hoarse voice sounded.

  She moved her body slowly, protecting Hua Nu with one hand, and sat up from the bed.

   "I felt a strong murderous aura after sleeping so dead. Are you sure he wants to save me, not kill me?"

   After lying on the stomach for a long time, it seems a little uncomfortable.

  While twisting her neck, she lifted Hua Nu to her face and rubbed her long nose against him.


  (end of this chapter)

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