Chapter 587 Fatal Live Broadcast (End)

  Although their machine has developed a waterproof function, it is still not heat-resistant.

  It is easy to break when it is hot.

  Yanxiu could feel that some parts in his body had melted, even if he carried Sang Jian out, he should be useless.

  He stepped forward suddenly, hugged Sang Jian from behind, and said in a low voice: "Okay, the one who doesn't know you, knows that I will go to the sea of ​​fire with you, live and die together, will you have any opinions?"

   It was his dereliction of duty that he didn't completely fool her.

  He obviously treated Sang Jian according to the previous few worlds, so the treatment of her was discovered in some details.

   It seems good to be able to die with her now?

  However, no one replied to his words.

  Sang Jian was completely out of breath when Yan Xiu went over to hug her.

  Yan Xiu couldn't bear it either, and fell to the ground with Sang Jian in his arms. The part of his body that wasn't human flesh began to melt slowly...


  Jin Yang was rescued half an hour later.

  When the fire in the main building was extinguished, on the fifth floor, in addition to a pile of charred liquid melted by the machine, there were two corpses hugging each other in the room.

  One of the corpses had a very strange shape, and in some places, it was a puddle of scorched black liquid just like the robot outside.

   Some places were burnt to black ash like the corpses next to them.

  Jin Yang tuned out the video of Sang Jian explaining things in his live broadcast room, and showed it to everyone.

   He himself said that it seems that he has taken all the credit.

  So he used the method of live broadcast playback to tell everyone that the credit is actually all credited to Sang Jian.

   Then I asked the news editor to rewrite the events of the year, as well as the destruction of the Leman Manor.

  Hope to dissipate the grievances that have been hidden for so many years and grow in the Leman Manor.

   At this point, the task assigned to him by Sang Jian is considered complete.

   This matter caused a lot of trouble, and everyone was feeling sorry to see a girl who could drag the murderer before she died, and made a great sacrifice for this matter.

  But they can’t understand, they’ve only known each other for two days, there’s no need to die to clarify for them!

  Even so, the people from the Kunlun Live Broadcasting Platform, after knowing about this incident, still added an additional list to the leaderboard.

  It is called the list of heroes in memory, and the first name that appears on it is Tang Sangjian.

  When the platform is willing to do these tasks, the compatriots who sacrificed for justice will be more concerned about death!

  Sang Jian: "..." They are all dead, so there is no need.

  Jin Yang was not punished. After all, the mistakes his parents made back then cannot be blamed on him at all, not to mention that his parents have been dead for many years.

  Thinking about it now, the generation who offended the Leman Manor at the beginning died one after another for unknown reasons after the Leman Manor was destroyed.

   This has led to their descendants, who are in such a miserable situation today, relying on live broadcasts to survive.

  Perhaps in the dark, God also avenged dozens of people in Leman Manor.

  Jin Yang is still the top brother on the Kunlun live broadcast task list.

  Every time before he goes to the next mission, he will pay homage to Sang Jian.

  Because of the next mission, he will not meet another kind person like this again.

  【End of the seventh world. 】


  Detached from the small world, Sang Jian suddenly opened his eyes, and what came into his eyes was the familiar room and the pungent smell of disinfectant.

  She, back to real life.


  Author's Note:

   Didn’t expect it! The ending is like this! That Yanxiu is a fake!

  The reason why this world is shorter than the previous ones is because there is a story linking reality in the back, which will explain the identity of Quangu and Yiyuan, and about Yanxiu.

   are the key points!

  Okay, thank you for your rewards and votes, okay?

  (end of this chapter)

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