Chapter 121 Best Intern (1)

Regional Magic Center. Gyeonggi-do branch.

This facility was established to quickly respond to the devil.

How can the police or the army stop the low-level monsters that appear from the gate?

However, from the intermediate level, there are ghost monsters without a body, and there are cases such as golems that are difficult to deal with with guns or trolls with fast recovery, so only wizards can

can face

If you drop missiles like in China, nothing can’t be killed, but whenever a monster appears in a densely populated area, evacuate citizens and fire missiles, there is no city left.

Nearly 1,200 wizards are produced from magic universities across the country every year, but only about 200 of them become battle wizards, so the battle departments of regional magic centers across the country have always suffered from a manpower shortage.

“to… Originally, intern teachers only come in March, but this time there is a special circumstance, so Mr. Jung Soon-won joined us.

We got to work together.”

The deputy head of the center introduced him directly.

Soon-won bowed his head towards the dozens of wizards who were watching him at the regional magic center.

“Hello, this is Jung Soon-won. He graduated from Seoul National University’s Department of Magic early, so he’s 26 years old, but he’s here with you. Take good care of me.”

Normally, applause would pour out for the newcomer, but everyone looked embarrassed.

Who is Jung Soon-won?

It’s like dominating TV news right now

He was the person he was talking about.

People met him for the first time today, but he felt like someone they had known for a long time.

Where he was born, where he grew up, what school he attended, how tall and how much he weighed and what kind of food he liked was featured on TV.

[The wizard who killed the 8th circle wizard.][He is the Dark Knight.][Why does the government summon him to investigate?

Can’t you?]

Provoking headlines poured in and the magicians of the Area Magic Center, who had been discussing it for a long time, suddenly looked at him as a newcomer and did not know how to react.

“A teacher. Were you in charge of combat and intern training?”

Han Sang-hyeok, 3rd year training wizard.

Because wizards follow the same system as doctors, interns were trained by third-year trained wizards, usually in the same position as residents.

“Yes? Yes, I am in charge of intern training.”

“what are you doing? Why don’t you take the intern with you?”


Han Sang-hyuk’s pupils shook.

A great ordeal approached him, who harshly scolded intern wizards to the point that he was called the Devil’s Instructor.

I couldn’t understand why the person who killed the 8th Circle Wizard yesterday suddenly appeared at the Area Magic Center and claimed to be an intern.

“So… .”

He looked out of the center.

Hundreds of reporters outside the center were watching through the windows to see where they heard the news, holding cameras.

Center officials had to park outside and walk because there were no seats in the parking lot because of reporters.

And while I was walking, I had to go through all sorts of hardships to resist reporters’ requests for an interview.

“Do you start your first intern education from the combat department?”

An intern wizard is a wizard who has not decided on a major. He spent one year at the Regional Magic Center

Experience over 20 courses.And after the internship period is over, if you put the documents in the desired department and pass the interview, you will go through a four-year training wizard course to become a major wizard.

“No, this Jung Soon-won intern wizard will be assigned to the Combat Department all year round.”

“Yes? why?”

“I do not know. That’s what the head of the center told me to do. why? Are you dissatisfied?”

Soon-won remembered a few days ago.

When waking up at the villa, team leader Kim Soo-young tells Soon-won to go to the regional magic center and

He talked about his thoughts on what it would be like to become an intern wizard.

“You need to collect ancient Noble Phantasms from around the world, but suddenly you are an intern?”

“Look here.”

Team leader Kim Soo-young raised a hologram. There were maps of countries around the world, and the appearance of the dungeon was seen in real time from the satellite’s gaze.

“uh? Why is the dungeon like this?”

“When the dungeons in China were broken, dungeons from all over the world were broken together.

It is.”

“What do you mean?”

“We are investigating, but the important thing is that the dungeon is being restored on its own right now.”


“Yes, we have sent robots to investigate, but it is said that they are slowly returning to their original form. Because of that, it seems that you will not be able to enter the dungeon right now.”

Team leader Kim Soo-young put down three papers in front of him.

“What is this?”

Soon-won looked at the paper.

“The whole world has seen the boss win the battle with the Shogus and defeat Zheng Yuan.”

“Yes, I did.”

“So I asked the supercomputer how it predicted the future, and I asked him to give me an answer on how to respond. That is the result.”

“flaw… ”

Recommendation number one.

Daily life is impossible due to excessive concentration of eyes. It is recommended to wash your identity and appearance.

“Do I really need to do this?”

“Let’s read all three first.”

Recommend 2 times.

Tell the public all the facts. He appears directly on TV shows and talks about everything people are curious about.

“This is a bit… .”

Recommended 3 times.

Enter the Area Magic Center as an intern wizard.


Follow what is written about the reason

read down He closed the paper when he had read it all.

“No. 2 doesn’t make sense, so I’ll have to go with No. 1 or 3.”

“I think so.”

“You either have to live your life as a different person, or you have to make a head-to-head breakthrough.”

Obviously the first is the easy way.

If you change your face to a different look only when you go out with a new ID card, your life is not much different from your life up to now.

But that means that he is Jung Soon-won

It was like denying it. I’ve lived a long life and I didn’t want to hide myself.

“I will go to number three.”

The Gyeonggi Province Magic Center, which was suffering from financial difficulties, was purchased by SW Company. Since the head of the center was from Soon-won, it was not difficult to get in here.

* * *

“This concludes the inquiry. The atmosphere is a bit chaotic because reporters flock to it, but if we just do what we have been doing,

It’s possible. That is all.”

When the deputy director gave an order to disband, the wizards were scattered to each department.

“Eh, well. Mr. Jung Soon-won?”

Han Sang-hyuk carefully called out Soon-won’s name.

In the case of an intern who originally came for the first time, it was something that other intern wizards could not have imagined that he would show this kind of spirit as he sometimes gives the spirit of the first time suppression.

“Yes, teacher.”

“I am Han Sang-hyuk. I’m old, so can I tell you?”

“of course.”

Han Sang-hyuk looked around slowly. When it was confirmed that no one was there, he whispered softly.

“Are you acquainted with the head of the center by any chance?”

heard rumors

Since Soon-won is the nephew of the SW Company vice president, he was able to come at the same time as now.

“no. We do not know each other directly.”

“Then indirectly?”

Soon-won laughed silently, and he coughed in embarrassment.

“Sorry, I said everything. Then follow me. Let me introduce you to the people in the department.”

It was then.

Beep-! Beep one! Beep one!

– Code zero! Advanced monsters appear in Singal Reservoir! Combat is a breeze!

“this! Another Singal Reservoir!”

As if to follow Han Sang-hyeok, he ran towards the battlefield and the building. As I ran after him, the people in the department looked at Soon-won with surprised expressions.

“What one! Come on, get ready!”

At the command of wizard Kim Woo-yong, people began to move in unison again.

It was like a firefighter preparing to go out.

“You are the main character, Jung Soon-won. Nice to meet you.”

“Take good care of me. Prof.”

Eight magic warriors and four battle wizards were formed into a team, and three interns wizards were all ready to go on a field trip.

People headed up the stairs to the rooftop to board the prepared helicopter.

“Don’t do that, go to the portal I made.”

Soon-won opened a portal to Singal Reservoir. The wizards who saw it looked at each other in embarrassment.


“Oh yeah! There is no need to travel by helicopter.”

People walked towards the portal with bewildered expressions. There were three intern wizards with expressions on their faces of fear and shock.

There were two women and one man.

‘Aren’t you an intern like us?’

‘You’re from Seoul National University. He also graduated early.’

‘Hey! Is Seoul National University a problem? There was a saying that he was a Dark Knight who defeated the 8th circle and killed hundreds of nobles.’If he was a little better than him, he would be jealous or envious, but when his level reached a completely different level, the situation changed.

The interns glanced at Soon-won’s face and passed by. Soon-won made sure everyone was in and entered the portal last.

♦ ♦ *

This is the reason why the Iron Golem, an advanced monster, appeared in Singal Reservoir.

Usually, when there is a gate, the Magic Bureau detects it, sends a student wizard or an intern wizard to delay the gate opening as much as possible, and battle wizards enter and attack.

The problem is that when a gate appears from deep in the water, even if you notice that it appears, there is no way to deal with it.

The gate opens and a monster appears

Otherwise, he had no choice but to fight and kill him.

thud! thud! thud! thud!

The size of the Iron Golem I saw in person was larger than I expected. It was 5 meters tall and its whole body was made of steel, so it seemed that any magic attack would not work.

Artifacts of magic warriors also did not seem to be of much help.

“Magic warriors take charge of the rankings! Mr. Kim applies a buff to the warriors, and Mr. Oh applies a debuff to the golem. I will prepare a lightning strike.”

The team was established with a coordinated movement. Another intern for Soon-won

I stood with them and watched.

The interns looked curious as to why he didn’t take care of them himself, but they thought it was not polite to come forward as an intern without being asked by the professor.


The iron golem’s fist pounded the magic warrior’s shield.

A normal human would have his whole body crushed by a heavy steel fist, but he received the magician’s buff from the artifact armor that protected his body and received the attack without difficulty.

“… Slow!”

The magic of the debuff wizard that came out at the end of a long spell is slow magic that slows down movement.

The iron golem’s fist caught in it slowed by one stage. Thanks to that, the magic warriors who were hit by the tank had more time.

“… So will you bring death to your enemies? Electronic Shock!”

Gripping support!

A powerful lightning magic was poured into the iron golem’s body.

Maintaining the body of an inanimate golem

Since it was the inner core, electricity magic that had enough energy to break it was particularly effective.


The iron golem fell as the attack worked. The police, soldiers, and citizens who watched it from afar cheered.

“Whoa, I’m tired of using the 6th circle magic.”

Wizard Kim Woo-yong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said. He belonged to the weakest side among all penetrations of the Area Magic Center, but he is still the center leader.

It was the 6th circle wizard who was treated as a third-level civil servant with strong enough power to give orders directly to the chief of police if he went to a small town.

“It was great. Prof.”

At the words of the subordinate wizard, Kim Woo-ong looked at the citizens with a shrugged expression. thing

You must have defeated a ferocious and ferocious monster

It was fun to go out to the fun of watching people go crazy.

thud! thud! thud! thud!

“uh? Prof?”

3 more Iron Golems that look the same from Singal Reservoir came up. This

It was not at a level that could be dealt with by the troops that were dispatched now.

“No, that’s absurd!”

Wizard Kim Woo-yong was embarrassed and ran backwards and bumped into someone. Looking back, Soon-won was standing there.

(Continued on next page)

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