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This is a drop of destiny blood of that mad war sage.

But just a drop of destiny blood,

Xiao Yifeng has already felt a choking and despair.

Even in the face of a drop of destiny, Xiao Yifeng had no resistance.

It can be seen that the strength of this crazy demon warrior is strong,

It is indeed one of the Nine Saints of Honghuang! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

As soon as the innate blood of the Berserker Demon appeared, he rushed directly into the body of the magic girl.

boom! !! !!

With this drop of destiny blood coming into the body, there was a harsh roar directly inside the magic girl.

A horrifying force erupted from the body of the magic girl, sending Xiao Yifeng directly to Zhenfei.

And this terrible force even burst out of the cave,

Rushing out of the abyss, towards the whole mountain, the whole world swept away.

Gohenxi and others in the mountains felt a coercion that choked them.

The coercion directly trembled them.

Many people were oppressed kneeling on the ground.

Each of them looked dignified, with a shocking expression in their eyes.

"Master he ..."

At this moment, a look of worry appeared in the eyes of Wushen and others.

"Rest assured, with the master's strength, nothing will happen."

Ge Henxi said solemnly.

Now in this cave,

The magic girl circled on the ground.

There was a gleam of blood around his body.

And after the innate blood of that crazy demon battle sage merged into his body, he began to transform and transform the body of the magic girl directly.

Eventually merged into its blood, the pure blood power of the true demon blood that truly inherited the magical warlord's body from the magical spirit was inspired.

"Ji'er, the future of the madmen is entrusted to you."

Mo Ling looked at Mo Ji and said something.

His body disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Xiao Yifeng is here waiting quietly for the magic blood of the magic demon to finish refining.

However, he soon noticed that there was a box next to the body of this magic ling.

With a curious expression in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, he went directly to it, picked up the box and opened it.

In the box lies a jade bamboo slip.

Yujian is carved with various mysterious patterns.

Above the jade sculpted a powerful magic character.

"This jade Jane ..."

Looking at this jade Jane, Xiao Yifeng inexplicably developed a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it there.

Xiao Yifeng then fixed his eyes.

He waved his hand, and another jade sculpted with magic characters appeared in his hand.

The two jade bamboo slips are exactly the same.

The other jade bamboo slip in Xiao Yifeng's hand was obtained when he stepped into a foreign land in the ancient world.

He didn't know what it was for, and put it in the storage ring.

I didn't expect to see another jade Jank here exactly the same today.

These two jade bamboo slips do not look simple.

Perhaps there is no secret in it.

In an instant, three days passed.

Xiao Yifeng was practicing, and suddenly a roar rang, and his eyes opened.

I saw Mo Ji's strength began to break through.

The bloodline power inherited from the mad monster war sage within him was completely aroused.

And she also got the sacrifice of the mad monster war sacrifice.

Awakening is the purest and most powerful blood of the mad monster, and has been inherited by the mad monster war sage.

Fortunately, this fortune is great for the magical girl.

Now with the complete refining of the magic demon, the demon essence of the mad monster war sacred blood, after his blood was completely awakened.

Her strength began to increase madly.

In Xiao Yifeng's shocking eyes,

The magic girl not only stepped into the emperor's realm, but broke the curse of the mad demons who could not enter the emperor's realm.

She was soaring all the way.

In the end, the magic girl broke through the obstacle of Emperor Zun's realm without any hindrance, stepped directly into the state of Emperor Zun, and began to permeate a strong avenue power.

Then the magic girl began to understand the realm of the Emperor.

And because of the legacy of the mad monster war sacred,

The magic master ’s power control of the realm of the emperor and the realization of the Tao world are progressing rapidly.

It can be described as divine help, coupled with the horrible blood power of its demon monster,

Forced her strength to continue to improve.

In this way, ten days have passed.

The strength of the magic girl gradually climbed from Yipin Emperor.

One realm a day.

For ten days, the realm of the magical priest directly broke into the position of Emperor Jiupin.

At this point, the progress of magic Ji's strength improvement finally stopped.

A dozen days,

The magic girl jumped to the point of Jiupin Emperor,

It has reached a level that other people may not achieve for millions of years.

The speed of this strength improvement can be described as unpleasant, and it is just like hanging up.

If this is passed, it will be enough to make countless strong people in the starry sky want to hit the wall.

It ’s great to have a strong bloodline and a strong heritage.

This improvement is as simple as eating and drinking.

No wonder those family forces with a strong blood heritage can inherit that long.

With this powerful blood power, they are able to improve their strength countless times faster than normal people.

Comparing the two is to upgrade the monster slowly,

One is to directly open the full level.

Not comparable at all! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

The magic eyes opened, and there was a bright light in her eyes.

"Maggie, congratulations !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled at the magic girl.

"the host!!!"

Mo Ji shouted at Xiao Yifeng.

"How do you feel now?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"The bloodlines of the Berserker Warlords are strong."

"I haven't completely controlled it yet, otherwise I can be stronger."

"And the inheritance of the ancestors of the mad monster war sage has greatly improved my understanding of martial arts and my understanding and understanding of the state.

"It won't be long before I can step into a half-way state or even a pseudo-state."

"If the rules of that day and place change, the strong will be allowed to be born."

"I can just step into the realm !!!"

The magic girl said.

"The blood and heritage of the Berserker Warlords are really amazing !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"The holy warrior is listed as one of the nine holy sages."

"Its strength can be among the top five in the Nine Saints."

"It can be said that it is a real flood power !!!"

The magic girl said.

"Now that you have awakened his bloodline and inherited it, you will surely surpass him in the future."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"I will. Www.ltnovel.com ~ I want to reproduce the splendor of the crazy monsters !!!"

The magical girl said powerfully, her eyes shot out.

Mo Ji then knelt down at the body of her father Mo Ling.

"Father, I will not disappoint your expectations !!!"

Shen Ji said in a deep voice.

"Does your father's body need to be buried?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"No need, that's it."

"I will take my father's body away when the mad demons return."

The magic girl said directly.

PS: There are two more, don't worry

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