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Just like in ancient times,

The Emperor of the Starry Sky has once again become a taboo existence in the hearts of the powerful forces in all major worlds.

The first strongest star, the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky has really returned! !! !!

He swept the stars again, suppressing all circles! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng did not stay long in the Qixingxing Realm, and led his subordinates to the Demon Realm.

This time traveling to the demon domain, Xiao Yifeng's biggest task was to find his father and Situ Qian and his mother, and at the same time slap a wave of magic to ask the sky.

At the beginning, in the ancient world, the demon chief of the Devil and the Devil appeared,

Saying that Xiao Yifeng was not qualified to be the father of Situ Qian and his son's father, mocked Xiao Yifeng.

This time, Xiao Yifeng had to let him know what to call a face.

Magic domain-

In the hundreds of star fields in the sky,

It can definitely be called one of the top star fields.

The strength of the demon domain is top in ancient times! !! !!

Especially the demons and demons,

In ancient times, it has always been the top race, suppressing the heavens.

At the beginning, the rise of the Great Emperor of the Sky, and the same battle between the demons and demons.

However, the demons did not carry on, but chose to show weakness.

Therefore, the starry sky emperor did not kill the demons of the demons.

I knew today that Xiao Yifeng would completely destroy the demons in ancient times.

The location of the demon domain in the starry sky and realm belongs to a very remote place.

That place is haunting with magical energy all year round, like a huge black hole.

It took Xiao Yifeng two full days before they came to the realm of magic.

As soon as you get closer to the demon realm, you can feel the magic of the sky,

Stunning, people dare not go any further.

"It's so strong, I like it !!!"

At this moment, the demon looked at the magical energy in front of him with excitement.

As for the magic devil looking at the demon domain in front of her.

His expression became complicated, with thoughts in his eyes,

With hatred, all emotions burst out.

"The Doomsday is here."

Wu Shen and others said indifferently.


Xiao Yifeng said directly.

Their group stepped into the demon realm.

As soon as they entered the demon realm, the endless magical energy madly swept towards Xiao Yifeng.

Rush into their bodies, devour their souls, and control their bodies.

Ge Henxi and others erupted one after another, and directly dispelled these magical qi.

The demon is the one who does not refuse to come, directly letting all these magical energies enter his body.

He was still intent on it.

Boom boom! !! !!

There was a roar of noise in a world of the Demon Realm.

Endless energy swept from this world.

"A big war?"

"Go and see !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stared directly at the world of the demon domain.

Their party entered that world.

As soon as he entered this world of magical domain, the endless energy swept away.

In the void of this world, hundreds of thousands of people are wearing magic armors, and the powerful ones exuding magic are fighting fiercely.

There are hundreds of thousands of people on both sides of this battle,

They unified the black armor and held the black blade.

The whole body exudes a terrible magic spirit, one by one, the combat effectiveness is amazing.

The other side is wearing various exotic costumes,

It is like an army of powerful men gathered from various forces.

Their strength is not low, but their momentum is not as good as their immediate opponent.

The two of them fought together, and a terrifying force broke out.

Destroy this world directly.

"is her!!!"

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng noticed a beautiful and beautiful woman in the sky wearing armor and holding a black long whip.

She was the same sister and queen who had been one with Tianjie Tianhou.

The two of them were born in the same person.

Later in heaven, with the help of Xiao Yifeng,

The sisters became independent and returned to normal.

The queen left heaven and returned to the realm.

I didn't expect to meet here again today.

Now the strength of the queen has also entered the realm of Emperor Respect, and this strength has made rapid progress.

But the situation is not very good at this moment.

She teamed up with several other Emperor Powers and a dozen Emperor Powers to besiege one person.

They were suppressed, and many wounds appeared on them.

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the siege of the queen and others.

The man was wearing a blood robe covering his whole body and could not see his face clearly.

But there was a terrifying Shura spirit on him.

This Shura Shaqi condensed into materialization,

Surrounded by this person, people dare not approach.

He was holding a blood-colored sword, and he could kill the Quartet.

The direct suppression of the devil's continent's failure to retreat is unparalleled.

The Shura spirit on his body became more and more fierce.

Xiao Yifeng looked at this person but had a familiar feeling.

As if this person was someone he knew.

But the other side turned his back, making Xiao Yifeng unable to see his face clearly.

boom! !! !!

Just then a harsh roar sounded.

The queen was hit by a sword in the hand of the man in the cloak of blood.

A blood flower bloomed on his shoulder,

She was blown off directly,

Smashed towards the ground like a broken kite.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng jumped out at this moment.

He caught the Queen's body.

"It's you?"

At this moment the queen's eyes were watching Xiao Yifeng.

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

"Of course it's me, or who else?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"How did you come?"

The Queen looked at Xiao Yifeng and said helplessly.

"You better take care of your body first."

Xiao Yifeng said.

He directly urged some of the source of life into the body of the demon to help him recover the injury.

Boom boom! !! !!

Then a roar sounded.

Those Emperor Emperors who joined forces with the queen were all killed or severely wounded by the man in blood.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Yifeng said helplessly.

"The demon tribe wolf ambition."

"He wants all the demons in the realm except the demons to join the demons and become part of the demons."

"How can other forces in the Magic Realm agree?"

"So ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I have united some demonic forces to prepare to compete with the demons."

"I didn't expect the Demons to send an army directly to clear us."

The Queen said in a deep voice.

"The Demon Clan's ambitions are big enough, and they want to make Demon Clan only exist."

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

Huh! !! !!

At this time, the blood-covered man's eyes turned towards Xiao Yifeng.

He showed a pair of bloodthirsty eyes like Shura Hell.

"It's you!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the man in blood.

The pupil narrowed in his eyes, but there was a look of shock.

This man in blood is not someone else, it is the king of Shura who is the king of the purgatory of Shura in the ancient world.

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