The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4929: Make 7 Stars, Kill!

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One of the seven star fields, Tianshu, the main realm of Tianshu.

A sound of taunts and taunts sounded.

"Damn slave, dare to soil Master Ben's clothes and see that I won't kill you !!!"

A young man in a fancy dress is waving a whip and twitching a disheveled, shabby man.

The man was pumped and rolled on the ground without resistance.

But he said nothing.

"Bitch, the bones are tough enough to say nothing."

"But that's all, these people in your Seven Stars are left with a backbone."

"Nothing else."

"You are a bunch of bitches, a bunch of slaves, a bunch of waste !!!"

The young man yelled while

He cursed and taunted, pointing at people around him.

Most of the people around are Aboriginal people in the Seven Stars,

Hearing the man's taunts and insults at this moment,

Their eyes were full of anger,

But they dared not get angry.

Because this man is the master of Tian Jianzong, who is now the master of Tianshu Starfield,

Offended him, they all had to die.

Each of the seven star fields is controlled by a top sect of other star fields.

Those in the Seven Star Fields will have no choice but to dare to offend the seven gates.

The Seven Sects can casually scold and humiliate people in the Seven Stars Domain.

"When the Star Emperor returns, you will all die unsightly."

At the moment the beaten man was lying on the ground and dying.

When it comes to Star Emperor, his eyes are full of endless reverence and faith.

"Yes, the Emperor of the Sky is about to return."

"I will look good on you then."

The other aboriginals of the Tianshu Starfield present were humming at the young man.

"Star King?"


"Where is he?"

"I think you are daydreaming?"

"You want to see the Star Emperor, and I'll send you to Hell to meet him."

"Come, kill all these **** !!!"

The master of Tian Jianzong yelled aggressively.


In the eyes of a group of strong men behind Tianjianzong behind the man, he shot a killing shot directly.

The power of terror overwhelms everyone present,

The aboriginal faces of those Tianshu star fields for four weeks were very ugly.

After seven million years of slavery in Qixingxing,

Aboriginal people have basically not produced any strong people.

After all, their cultivation resources are all occupied by the forces of other star domains.

Most of the strengths of the Aboriginal people in the Qixingxing area are not even in the state of spirit.

It is for this reason that other star domain forces have been able to enslave the people of the Seven Star Domain.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a roar rang out from the void in the sky.

The sky stars emerged directly, exuding the terrible star power.

At this moment, it ’s not just Tianshu Realm,

Sky stars appear all over the void in the other worlds of Tianshu Starfield.

Even the sky in all the other six major star domains appeared in the sky.

Endless stars hang over the seven stars.

"The stars are coming, and the Star Emperor is back !!!"

The group of aboriginal people in Tianshujie said this excitedly.

"Star King?"

The young master of the Tianjian Sect saw his starry sky, his look changed.

"Insult the Star Emperor, die !!!"

A cold and ruthless voice sounded through the sky.

boom! !! !!

The next second, a terrible star descended like a meteorite,

Instantly banged on the young man and the rest of the strong Tianjianzong.

With a roar,

This group of people turned into powder.

"Welcome the return of the Emperor !!!"

"The stars are coming and shining seven stars !!!"

Suddenly, the aborigines around them knelt directly on the ground and worshiped respectfully.

"Welcome the return of the Emperor !!!"

"The stars are coming and shining seven stars !!!"

At this moment, Qixingxingyu, all the aboriginal peoples of Qixingxingyu kneel on the ground to worship, shouting respectfully.

People, including the hidden Seven Stars, all appeared, shouting with excitement.

Their faith, their master, their emperor.

At this moment, finally returned! !! !!

At this moment, the stars in the void in the worlds of the Seven Stars directly condensed a great figure.

This figure is the star emperor Xiao Yifeng.

"U, Star Emperor, return today !!!"

boom! !! !!

A simple sentence, full of pretense,

It also directly detonated the Qixingxing domain, making the Qixingxingyuan boiling.

At the same time, all the seven gates in charge of the slavery of the Seven Stars were all panicked.

They guessed that the Star Emperor might return to the Seven Stars Realm,

I didn't expect this Star Emperor to come so fast! !! !!

"All those who have been insulted, insulted, and mocked the martial arts of those in the Seven Stars."

"There is only one end today, and that is death !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stood in the domain of seven stars, with the power of the Supreme Star on his body,

Its voice spread loudly across the seven star fields.

Behind it stands the million martial arts powerhouses of the Nine Star Corps plus the Dark Army.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, the Aboriginal people in the Seven Stars area were naturally extremely excited.

But those who invaded the Qixing Realm were extremely panic.

Soon, the masters of the seven sect gates, who control the seven star fields, led a group of powerful men who led them to appear directly in front of the starry sky emperor.

The people of the seven major gates have also reached millions.

But compared with these people of the Xiao Yifeng Star Corps,

Naturally, there is a big gap.

"Star Emperor !!!"

The masters of the seven major gates stared at Xiao Yifeng, with a dignified look in his eyes.

"Emperor, they are the masters of the seven gates who enslaved the seven star domains."

Liu Shui pointed at this group of people and said to the Star Emperor.

"Guilt to kill Seven Stars, kill !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.




Suddenly, the people of the Nine Star Corps and the Dark Army cried out in unison.

The horrific killing sound shook the Qixingxing domain ~ ~ The endless killing spirit swept away and directly deterred these martial arts powerhouses at the seven gates.

"Star Emperor, behind us are the power of more than twenty stars."

"No matter how strong you are, this is no longer the era of ancient times that belongs to you."

"Are you sure you want to be our enemy?"

At this time, the master of the sect gate looked at Xiao Yifeng with a somber expression.

"More than twenty star fields?"

"Rest assured that after today I will let them know what the price of blood is !!!"

"Dare to be the enemy with the Star Emperor, and the only way is to die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

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