The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4927: Ancestor of flowers

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Huh! !! !!

At this time, Hua Shen's gaze swept directly towards Xiao Yifeng.

No contempt, no arrogance, as always gentle.

At this moment, Yaochi, Yan Ruyu and others are staring at the flower god.

They all want to see what has changed since the flower awakening memory of today.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?"

"Don't you know me?"

At this time, Hua Shen said, breaking the solemn atmosphere directly.

"Are you an awakening memory?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Huashen.

"Well, I awakened the memories and strength of previous lives."

"But only one-seventh awakened !!!"

Hua Shen said lightly.

"one seventh?"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

"Wait for seven petals to gather around my brows."

"It shows that all the memories and strength of my previous life have been awakened."

Flower God said directly.

At the center of his eyebrow, there are indeed six other petals looming, and they have not completely emerged.

This proves that it still takes many times for Hua Shen to fully awaken all the memories and powers of his previous life.

But this flower awakening is so complicated with memory and power,

It can be seen how different his previous life identity is.

The most important thing is that the flower **** has awakened one-seventh of the strength, and has reached the point of falsehood.

It is difficult to imagine that after she awakens all the memories and strengths of previous lives,

To what extent should its strength be achieved?

The strength of Hua Shen's previous life is at least the existence of a state level.

No wonder, even if the Virgin of Yaoshan in the past life saw the flower god, he would call his senior,

Its strength alone is enough to call it a senior.

"It turns out you haven't awakened all your memories."

"So your consciousness is not affected by your previous life consciousness like Yao Chi."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Huashen with a sigh of relief and said.

"Even if all of my past memories are awake."

"I am still a flower god, not the ancestor of all flowers !!!"

Hua Shen said confidently.

"The ancestor of all flowers?"

"Is this your identity during the Flood?"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

"Well, I was called the ancestor of all flowers in the flood season."

Hua Shen said lightly.

"This name is domineering."

"Are you from the Ninth Age of the Flood? Or are they from another era?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"I don't know, this memory I have now awakened has not been mentioned."

Hua Shen sank.

"Just what I remember in my memory knows that the ancestor of the million flowers has existed for more than one era."

"She is at least the strongest in the eighth era of the famine, maybe even earlier !!!"

At this moment, the empress of Yaochi said.

"Live more than 100 million years?"

"Long enough !!!"

"No wonder the power is so horrible !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"Next, if we want to awaken all our memories and strength, we need a certain opportunity."

The flower look said indifferently.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, above the nine heavens,

There was a sudden thunder and thunder.

Then a dazzling light beam tore the sky,

Coming towards the Flower Temple, it directly enveloped Jianyun in the crowd.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng's expression changed, and a look of nervousness appeared in his eyes.

"Master, it is Void Sword Emperor of Void Realm who is going to take me to Void Realm."

Jian Yun said.

"That's it, then you go."

"With your talents, you can reach a higher level."

"It won't be long before I will travel to Void."

"Bye bye bye bye!"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Jianyun.

"it is good."

Jian Yun nodded.

Huh! !! !!

In the next second, this dazzling beam of light took away Jian Yun and headed to the void of the Nine Higher Worlds.

"Nothingness, wait for me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng muttered to himself.

The Great Emperor of the Sky has not been involved in the nine higher worlds,

In this life, he naturally wanted to go to this higher world to see,

See how they differ from the starry sky.

And he has already clashed with the worlds of life and death, heaven, heaven and demons.

In this life, he is destined to have a war with these big worlds.

In this life, he will not only conquer the continent,

The nine higher worlds will all win.

"Yes, broken bones, Wu Fei, let me introduce you."

"This is your master's greetings !!!"

"Hello, these two are your teachers, broken bones and Wu Fei !!!"

Then Xiao Yifeng pointed at Han Zhi and Broken Bones and Wu Fei and introduced each other.

"We have masters !!!"

Wu Fei was surprised.


Chilling looked at the two men and said.

"I have another disciple. His name is Yun Tianxiao."

"He's in the ancient world now, and I'll show you later when it's time."

"At that time, your five brothers and sisters will have a good chat and give each other pointers."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the broken bone, Wu Fei, asked Tian Hehan.

what! !! !!

Just then, Wu Fei's smiling face suddenly changed.

He screamed directly.

Wu Fei's face was distorted, and a deep painful expression appeared in his eyes.

"Wu Fei, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Wu Fei and said helplessly.

The dark and light forces in Wu Fei suddenly rioted,

There was a hint of evil in his body.

"Master, I'm fine. I'll go to retreat first."

Wu Fei said,

He left here directly and found a room to retreat.

"Master, what's wrong with him?"

Greetings puzzled.

"It should be that his body appeared asking questions, it's okay, don't worry."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

At the moment, in this room.

Wu Feipan sat here, his face twisted.

The dark and light forces in his body moved.

"Master, wake up !!!"

"Master, come back !!!"

"Light League and Dark Shadow Guard are waiting for your return !!!"

"It's time to wake up !!!"

At this time, the twilight and morning bells echoed in Wufei's ears.

It ’s like a magic sound going round the beam ~ ~ straight into its soul and heart

Let Wu Fei feel like a demon.

"Supreme Lord, wake up !!!"

"Light and darkness are waiting for your return !!!"

"You have unfinished missions waiting for you !!!"

This magic sound that deeply penetrated the soul continued to impact Wu Fei's soul and soul, making his consciousness completely chaotic.

The dark power and light power in Wu Fei's body are under tremendous stimulation, and they are madly rioting.

Two marks appeared in two places on Wu Fei's cheek,

The light and dark marks, respectively, are not yet obvious.

At this moment, Wu Fei seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation.

It seemed to have a mysterious power in its body to wake up.

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