The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4925: Emperor Ranking

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At this moment, Starry Sky Realm was boiling.

The impact of this imperial list is about to be greater than that of the starry sky.

The starry sky arrogance list is nothing but a disciple of the younger generation.

The Emperor's Terrace and Emperor's List are star powerhouses that have spread over the entire emperor's realm.

The battle for the emperor and emperor list is bound to be cruel,

Who will be able to spend the final nine emperor places,

neither knows.

At this moment, the golden light of the starry sky realm turned directly into a golden list in the void.

This golden list is the emperor list that everyone aspires to.

There are a total of twenty-seven names on the entire emperor's list.

This shows that the birth from the emperor list and the emperor's platform,

Until now, only twenty-seven people finally boarded the emperor's platform, officially emperor, and ranked on the emperor's list! !! !!

You can imagine that you want to board the Emperor's Terrace,

How difficult it is to be on the emperor's list.

However, the names of the top three on the emperor's list are all shrouded in golden light and cannot be seen.

Emperor list-

Fourth: Emperor of the sky!

Fifth: Emperor Tiantian! (This emperor is not the Crown Prince of Heaven!)

Sixth: East Emperor!

Seventh: The Emperor of the Sky!

Eighth: The Great Tutu Emperor!

Ninth: Emperor Xuanyuan!

Tenth: Emperor Hao Yan!

Eleventh: Emperor Shenwu!

Twelfth: One Sword Emperor!

Thirteenth: Emperor Jiuxuan!

Fourteenth: Soul Emperor!

Fifteenth: Heavenly King!

Sixteenth: Longquan the Great!

Seventeenth: Emperor Chiyan! (Yanzun, appeared before and looked down on Xiao Yifeng!)

Eighteenth: Keel King!


Next up to twenty-seven.

On the emperor list, except for the first three,

The remaining twenty-four ascended the emperor's platform, officially emperor, all the names of the great emperors who appeared on the emperor list appeared.

At this moment, the big powers of the sky and the world are talking about it.

Xiao Yifeng looked at the names on the emperor list and saw a lot of familiar names.

For example, Emperor Xuanyuan, Emperor Shenwu, Emperor Longquan,

There is also the Emperor of the Sky, I did not expect that he turned out to be a strong emperor.

However, what Xiao Yifeng did not expect most was that the Emperor of the East was also on the emperor's list, ranking sixth.

Does the power of the higher world also participate in the emperor's list?

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

But in any case, since the Emperor of the East is on the emperor list, he is still sixth.

It is enough to prove that the strength of the East Emperor is absolutely terrifying! !! !!

If these twenty-seven places plus nine places this time,

There are 36 people in that emperor list.

However, many people have told Xiao Yifeng before.

This emperor list is not as simple as it looks.

What might be hidden behind this emperor list.

But until now, Xiao Yifeng didn't figure it out.

What's hidden behind this emperor list?

And who created this emperor list and Fengditai?

What is the purpose of creating this emperor list?

What does Feng Di mean?

All of this is a big question mark! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

A group of people appeared here,

It's the people who were in the top ten of the starry sky.

They previously entered the Temple of Starry with Xiao Yifeng to enhance their strength.

Later, Xiao Yifeng's avatar left early because of the calling of the deity,

And they are still in the temple of the starry sky.

Xiao Yifeng was still wondering if they would be okay,

Unexpectedly, they returned today.

"Master !!!!"

Wu Fei, broken bones yelled at Xiao Yifeng.

Today they are a pedestrian,

Every strength has been greatly improved.

All of their strengths broke through the Emperor.

Among them, Wu Fei's strength has stepped into the rank of Qipin Emperor.

Can be described as strong and strong! !! !!

The strength of the rest of the people is between the second emperor and the fifth emperor.

"the host!!!"

Then a man shouted in front of Xiao Yifeng.

He is the guardian of the Temple of the Starry Sky, but the subordinate of Xiao Yi Fenghonghuang I.

"I want to know if this emperor list has anything to do with Fengditai and my previous life?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

I learned before that the starry sky arrogance list was made by him during the great famine.

Xiao Yifeng could not help but suspect that the appearance of this emperor's platform and emperor's list also had something to do with his previous life.

"The master has misunderstood. This emperor list has nothing to do with Fengditai and his past life."

"But as far as I know, the people behind this emperor's platform and emperor's list are not simple."

"Should be controlled by the strong in the flood era behind the scenes."

"As for their purpose, I don't know yet !!!"

The man said.

"Behind the floods?"

"I'll see what they want to do."

Xiao Yifeng sneered, his eyes flashed with bright light.

At the same time that the strong in all circles of the sky are preparing for the emperor's list battle six months later,

Xiao Yifeng is also preparing to retreat.

Huh! !! !!

Stepping into the ancient seal of the starry sky, Xiao Yifeng heard a roar in his mind.

Immediately the yin and yang forbidden code rushed out, suspended in front of Xiao Yifeng and opened.

The first seven pages have been changed from black to white, and all have been opened.

At this moment, the eighth floor of the yin and yang ban was also opened.

boom! !! !!

A light flew from this eighth page,

Directly into Xiao Yifeng's mind.

For a while, a lot of information exploded in Xiao Yifeng's mind.

All are on the eighth page of the ban on yin and yang.

Honghuang's secret martial arts skills! !! !!

That ’s right, the contents of the eighth page of this yin and yang ban are all mysteries and martial arts in the flood season,

And it ’s not just the secret martial arts of an era,

Instead, it includes a variety of secret martial arts techniques for the entire Honghuangjiu.

Including the taboos of the flood,

All on page eight of the yin and yang ban.

If the contents of this eighth page go to the flood season,

I am afraid that it will sensationalize the strongest in the flood era.

They will chase Xiao Yifeng at all costs, and want to obtain these contents on the eighth page of the Yin and Yang Prohibition.

With these floods, skills, martial arts, taboos,

Xiao Yifeng can create a group of men comparable to those in the flood and shortage.

At that time, even if the flood shortage reappears, there is no need to worry.

"This ban on yin and yang is really stingy !!!"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself ~ ~ able to include all kinds of powerful skills and martial arts forbidden in the entire Honghuang era,

How strong can this be?

It's hard to imagine how terrible this man who created the yin and yang code! !! !!

Next, Xiao Yifeng was immersed in the practice of the forbidden technique of martial arts in these flood and waste times.

Not only him, he also called out the eight avatars together,

Let them separately select some powerful forbidden martial arts techniques to practice,

Taking control of these can also greatly improve their combat effectiveness.

In addition, he also sorted out a bunch of flood-fighting skills, martial arts and flood-fighting bans that can quickly improve his strength.

They were handed over to Ge Henxi, and he was responsible for letting the owner of the Star Corps, including his men, begin to cultivate.

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