The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4922: Yaochi breakthrough

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In the Prince's Palace in heaven.

Emperor Tian stood here with an ugly look.

His face was gloomy and his eyes glowed.

Standing in front of him is the patriarch of the God of War tribe.

"His Royal Highness, is that Star King and my reincarnation brother really so powerful?"

"Don't even win the Donghuang Bell?"

After learning the results of this battle,

The evil devil looked at Emperor Tian with a shocked expression.

"Yes, he is too strong."

"As for his men, they are as strong as clouds !!!"

"We look down on each other this time."

"I wouldn't have been back without the Eastern Bell."

Emperor Tian said gloomily.

"What's going on with the emperor?"

The tormentor said.

"I don't know. I want to meet my father."

"The result was rejected."

"I wonder if he is angry?"

Di Tian said his eyes flashing.

"The Order of the Emperor of the East."

"From now on, the Crown Prince is temporarily responsible for the heavenly court !!!"

"All heavenly strong men must fully cooperate with Emperor Tian to capture the Emperor of the Sky and God of War.

"If you don't, the power of Edom's emperor will be killed without amnesty !!!"

Just then, a cold announcement spread throughout the heavenly realm.

This announcement directly shocked all the forces in the heavenly circles and the heavenly strong.

They didn't expect Di Tian to commit such a big mistake this time,

The Emperor of the East not only did not punish him, he even let him temporarily control the court.

In addition, the strong forces of all parties in the entire heavenly circle must cooperate with the operation of the emperor.

This is simply to train it as the rhythm of the second master of heaven.

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness !!!"

"The Emperor now seems to be handing over power to you completely."

"You are no longer suspicious of being Lord of Heaven in the future."

At this time, the evil concubine looked at Di Tian with a smile on his face.

"Dijiang is dead, he will not give me power."

"Is it still given to an outsider?"

Emperor Tian sneered.

"I have worked hard for so many years and finally waited for this day !!!"

Emperor Tian's eyes are full of strong desire and ambition.

"Dijiang, you wouldn't think that everything belongs to me today."

"And you can only watch it all under Jiuquan !!!"

"I will not only replace you as the Prince of Heaven."

"I still want to be the master of this heavenly realm and become the supreme existence of this universe !!!"

Di Tian's eyes flashed brilliantly, and he shouted coldly.

"Yes, how long will that place be open?"

Emperor Tian said directly looking at Xing Mo.

"It should be coming soon, and in just a few years, it will open."

"Do you want to step into that place, His Royal Highness?"

Devil looked at Di Tian and could not help saying.

"Yes, I must break through as soon as possible."

"I must step into the state, even if I can't.

"At least you have to be the first person in the state."

"Today's shame, I don't want to have a second time."

Di Tian shouted coldly.

His eyes were filled with a strong sense of murder, a murderous look.

"Being able to come out of that place and become a strong stateman is a matter of course."

"But in the Nine Higher Worlds, few people can come out of that place."

"Even the top arrogance of the flood era."

"It's hard to come out of it alive."

"His Royal Highness, you have to think clearly."

"Even if you don't step into that place, there will be heaven and emperor training."

"In the future, your strength will become stronger, so there is no need to take this risk."

Tormentor said.

"No, it's getting stronger, I don't know how long to wait."

"Maybe it won't be a million years. I can't wait that long."

"I believe in my luck and I can come out of there."

Di Tian said indifferently.


Tormentor nodded.

"Pass me an order to call the Lord of all the powers above the realm of the Emperor in the court of heaven to come to heaven tomorrow."

"I want to communicate with them well.

Ditian's gleaming cold lane.


Tormentor nodded.


Tianwu Star Field, Flower Temple.

boom! !! !!

As a roar came out.

A terrifying coercion swept out of the Flower Temple, shaking everyone in the Flower Temple.

At this time Xiao Yifeng just came out of the Star Hall,

With his gaze fixed, he said, "Who is breaking this? It's so great?"

"Someone is realizing the strength of the Dao Wen in this coercion."

Ge Henxi appeared here, she cried.

"Yaochi !!!"

Hua Shen came out and said Shen Sheng.

With a bang, a palace in the Flower Temple exploded.

A dazzling ray of energy rose into the sky.

A woman stepped out of the air, exuding the light of supreme holiness.

This girl is the Holy Mother Yaochi of Yaoshan, the strongest in the flood era.

Prior to this, Yao Chiben planned to go to Honghuang with Xiao Yifeng to see how he could fight against the nine royal families.

However, because Yaochi had to break through midway, he did not go to the floodland for the convenience of returning to the flower temple first.

Now it seems that Yaochi's strength is clearly a breakthrough.

However, she hasn't stepped into the realm, but she has begun to realize the power of Daowen.

When Yaochi stepped into the realm, only an opportunity or an epiphany could be achieved! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

Yaochi came to Hua Shen and Xiao Yifeng,

She is still the proud and arrogant attitude.

"Congratulations, your strength is soaring !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yaochi congratulations.

"I didn't expect you to come back alive?"

"Don't you go to the flood plains?"

Yao Chi looked at Xiao Yifeng indifferently.

"Do you think I will never come back when I go to the floodland?"

Xiao Yifeng touched his nose and smiled slightly.

"Isn't it?"

"When you meet the nine royal families with your strength, there is only one way to die !!!"

Flower God coldly.

"You look down on us too much. Now the nine royal families have been sealed by our masters."

"They just do the same !!!"

Ge Henxi said indifferently.

"Nine royals sealed by you?"

"how can that be?"

Yaochi frowned, looking at Xiao Yifeng with an incredible look in his eyes.

"The nine royal families have indeed been sealed by us."

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the flood plains."

Xiao Yifeng swaggered his lips ~ ~ Yaochi's pupils condensed, his eyes flashed with a strange look at Xiao Yifeng.

"Although you are a strong man in the flood era, it is not only in the flood era that a strong man can be born."

"This era will not be worse than the flood era."

"While no one of us present will say anything, even now it will not be checked than you."

"What you call identity, pride, strength."

"Nothing in our eyes."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yao Chizhen and said forcefully.

There was a look of contempt in his eyes.

Yaochi looked down on himself and others a few times.

Xiao Yifeng is naturally not polite.

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