The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4915: Transform morphology

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Then, a dazzling light shone in the tower,

Immediately shocking, an incredible scene happened.

This nine-story tower turned into a huge golden bell,

This golden bell is like a golden bell jar, full of indestructible power,

Directly slammed the attack of this device, and did not move! !! !!


Seeing that this weapon can also change from a tower to a golden bell,

Everyone around was stunned,

Including battle days, flower gods, beast gods,

Each one was wide-eyed, showing an incredible look.

One weapon changes into another,

This is definitely something they have never seen, and never thought of.

This weapon is not water, how can it change form?

And this golden bell is not an illusory phantom but a real one.

The nine-story tower that the God of God spent millions of years to refine has really turned into a golden bell.

This scene shocked everyone's attention.

"What the hell?"

Said involuntarily.

"The weapon that this **** of God has spent so much effort on is really not easy !!!"

The beast **** said sombly.

"Master !!!!"

At this moment Purgatory's figure appeared here, looking at Qi Shen's expression of excitement.

The flower **** on the side watching this scene also blinked his eyes.

As for the other Tianwu stars in the field, all of them were stunned by the weapon made by the **** of instrument.

But then they were shocked, and a more shocking picture appeared.

"Nine Turns Excalibur !!!"

Qi Shen drank again, his hands waved.

The golden bell suddenly shone again,

A sharp sword sword power was released.

As the light faded, the golden bell turned into a magic sword, releasing endless sword power.


The instrument **** screamed angrily, this magic sword broke out directly,

Boomed in the thundercloud of robbers in the void.

Rumble! !! !!

A thunderous roar sounded.

This gangster thundercloud was directly blasted into a fan powder by the excalibur converted by the weapon of the device god.

The Supreme Weapon, which has been spent millions of years of hard work, has finally succeeded.

But it also stunned all the strong onlookers around.

They had been shocked by the looting of this tower before.

But the tower behind it suddenly turned into a golden bell, shocked them directly,

Make them feel 100,000 incredible.

But what surprised them was that they had not yet reacted to the shock,

As a result, the weapon turned from a golden bell into a magic sword.

Thunder and cloud were even destroyed.

Can this weapon be transformed into another weapon form?

This was absolutely not expected by all the Tianwu Star Fields present at the scene.

Throughout history, from ancient times to this time,

There has never been a weapon that can be transformed into a different weapon form,

This is simply something that does not exist.

Even the most advanced refiners can't make such a weapon.

But now that this non-existent thing has never happened.

This weapon, which no refiner can craft, has appeared today.

This scene is unimaginable! !! !!

At this moment, Zhan Tian, ​​Mu Zhucha, Luo Yuntian, Beast God, Magic Girl, Wu Fei, Broken Bone, etc. are all staring wide.

They showed their shocking gazes at the weapon made by Qi Shen.

They did not expect that this weapon made by Qi Shen was so strange.

"How did this guy make such a freak weapon?"

Said involuntarily.

"He's a different refiner !!!!"

The beast **** said in a deep voice.

"It's finally here !!!"

At this moment, the God of God looked at the weapon in front of him, which he spent countless efforts and time to craft,

His eyes were full of excitement.

Poppy! !! !!

There was a sudden applause.

However, this applause was not taken by them.

But from the void in the distance.

Huh! !! !!

With this applause,

In the distant starry sky, suddenly a figure appeared here.

In a blink of an eye, tens or even tens of thousands of people were wearing silver battle armors, and armed figures appeared here.

They are the heavenly soldiers from the heaven world, one of the nine higher worlds.

It is headed by Emperor Tiantian,

Next to him, there are four kings, five armies and six generals waiting for a group of top heavenly powerhouses.

They have a huge lineup and are awesome! !! !!

And of course, they were ordered by the Emperor of the East to come and take hold against the murderer Xingkong Emperor, the former emperor of the Imperial Court of Heaven.

As for the applause, it was Emperor Tian.

Emperor Tian applauded, and noblely came to Qi Shen and the weapon that he refined.

With a look of admiration, he said, "I didn't expect that in this nether world, there are still such transcendent masters like you."

"It is possible to make this different form of weapon out."

"It really opened my eyes to His Royal Highness."

"who are you?"

Qi Shen glanced at Di Tian indifferently.

"Bold, how dare you talk to His Royal Highness like this?"

A dark-faced strong man around Di Tian exuded a terrible look, and looked at Qi Shen coldly.

He is one of the six generals in heaven.

"His Royal Highness?"

"His Royal Highness, then?"

Qi Shen coldly.

"Let me introduce myself first."

"His Highness is the son of the Emperor, the emperor of heaven, one of the nine higher worlds."

"Prince of Heaven, the first force in heaven, honored Emperor Tian."

Di Tian looked at Qi Shen with a smile on his face.

"Prince of Heaven?"

Battle days, punishment days, the beast **** several of them heard this man's words,

Every look was startled.

Before they and Xiao Yifeng's avatars traveled to the Dead Zone, they all knew the existence of Dijiang.

I also know that the other party is the Prince of Heaven,

Only later, this Emperor Jiang was hit hard, but fortunately he was rescued by Xiao Yifeng.

Unexpectedly, this heaven has changed a prince so quickly.

"People in heaven? I'm afraid the visitor is not good !!!"

"Notify the people of the three major legions and be ready for battle !!!"

Zhan Tian's eyes fixed, and he said to the two army chiefs Luo Yuntian and Mu Fork.


The two men nodded ~ ~ Are they related to us? "

Flower God could not help saying.

"Yes, the former Prince of Heaven has shot against Xingtian."

"Xian Tian's previous life was captured and killed by the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor."

"This time they brought so many people, I'm afraid they came to deal with the punishment day."

The beast **** said in a deep voice.

"They came right, I didn't kill enough last time."

"I'll kill you this time !!!"

Xing Tian's eyes flashed with cold cold killing intention, and the blood in his body was boiling.

"Everything will wait until the owner comes back."

Zhan Tian said.

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