The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4903: Mysterious green lotus

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest master of beauty president!

In the end, all the remaining warriors of Jianzong and other major gates chose to surrender.

The Sovereign of the Sword Sect was dead, and several other Zongmen also fled.

They continue to resist simply to die! !! !!

At last,

The huge plan of killing the starry sky emperor composed of the seven sectarian gates and the great powers of the world in the flood and wasteland area was completely defeated.

And the martial arts team of this millions of martial arts strongmen,

In the end, they were either killed by Xiao Yifeng or they were surrendered to Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng is not only a force that overwhelmed the entire flood and wasteland.

He even became the master of the entire flood and wasteland.

Nowadays, the wasteland, the three top worlds,

The nine royal families of the imperial kingdom were sealed,

The dark powers were all recaptured by Xiao Yifeng.

Zong Jie is almost on the way,

The other powerful forces in the major worlds in the flood and wasteland surrendered to Xiao Yifeng.

There are only a few other small forces in the flood and wasteland, and basically no waves can be found.

At this moment, it can be said that Xiao Yifeng's strength is the most powerful existence in the flood and wasteland.

As long as the sects of Wu Zong are solved,

In the whole flood and wasteland, Xiao Yifeng is the real boss! !! !!

"Master, that's a bit light !!!"

Ge Henxi pointed at the ruins of Jianzong suddenly.


Xiao Yifeng looked away.

I saw a faint light shining in the ruins of Jianzong.

He walked over and checked

It was found that a small box imprinted with various textures was shining.

The light is diffused from this box.

As soon as Xiao Yifeng approached the box, he felt a palpitation.

He frowned slightly, staring at the box with a somber look.

"Master, this box is not easy !!!"

Ge Henxi and others came over and stared at the small box.

"A box, I want to see what's special."

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

He stepped forward and took out the box.

At the same time, his strength was mobilized and prepared.

Next, Xiao Yifeng took the box and wanted to open it.

As a result, there is a seal power on it.

"There is still a seal power, it seems this box is not simple !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with brilliance.

He directly urged the power in his body, and wanted to forcefully break the seal on the box.

But unexpectedly, Xiao Yifeng's power burst out,

It was swallowed directly by the seal power in this box.

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng's eyes showed a shocked look.

I did not expect this seal power to be so simple.

"I don't believe it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng snorted coldly.

He directly urged all the major source forces in his body and rushed towards the box.

He didn't believe that the seal power of this box could swallow up his original power.


boom! !! !!

With Xiao Yifeng's release of several basic forces.

Suddenly there was a roar in the box.

A horrible sword rushed out of it, and turned the box directly into powder.

Xiao Yifeng and his party were all flew out by Zhen Fei.

The dazzling light shone out,

The eyes of everyone who stabbed blinked uncontrollably.

A horrible power permeated,

The millions of people who were oppressed on the field directly fell to the ground.

Wait until they look away.

I saw a large slap of green lotus suspended in the void.

Release the horrible sword and dowry from it,

It is permeated with a strong sword pattern.

"What a horrible sword of sword pattern power."

"It's more terrifying than the power of the sword pattern in the sword of the ancestors !!!

Ge Henxi stared at this Qinglian Shen.

Xiao Yifeng also had a solemn expression.

The power contained in this Qinglian is indeed terrifying,

Let Xiao Yifeng have a feeling of death.

It was as if a supreme power was standing in front of him, filled with a terrifying oppression.

A horrible sword spirit was continuously released from this Qinglian.

Each of these sword qis directly tore the space, giving birth to space cracks.

Xiao Yifeng and his party were backed by the sword.

At this moment, Li Bai stared at the Qinglian.

As his body trembled, his pupils began to dilate.

At this moment, Li Bai seems to have been manipulated.

He went straight towards the Qinglian.

"Li Bai, be careful !!!"

Wu Shen and others watched Li Bai walking towards Qing Lian, who was constantly releasing terrifying sword spirit

They looked suddenly and yelled.

Instantly, Li Bai stepped into the range of this Qinglian sword qi attack.

But the sword spirit that tore the space fell on Li Bai,

Without causing any harm to his body,

But poured directly into its body.

"What's going on?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"I'm afraid this Qinglian has something to do with Li Bai !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said suddenly.

He remembered that Li Bai's practice was called Qinglian Jianjue.

Perhaps there is a great relationship between the other party and this Qinglian.

Soon, Li Bai came to this Qinglian.

He stood in front of the Qinglian, his eyes fixed on the Qinglian.

Immediately, the Qinglian grew bigger.

This green lotus bloomed a bright cyan light that enveloped Li Bai.

The next second, Li Bai sat on top of this Qinglian.

A green lotus mark appeared faintly at the center of his brow.

With her eyes closed, Li Bai was receiving the energy released by this Qinglian.

And he looked like he was undergoing some kind of transformation.

"It looks like this Qinglian does have a lot to do with Li Bai."

Xiao Yifeng said softly.

I did not expect that this trip to Jianzong will have such gains! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

This trip to Jianzong directly gave Jiandi and Li Bai two kendo masters a chance.

This luck is really good.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

Ge Henxi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Exterminate the tyrants, several of your army chiefs are here to protect the sword emperor and Li Bai."

"The rest and I went to Wuzong first and settled one by one !!!"

Xiao Yi said coldly.

Then they went to Wuzong ~ ~ Wuzong, one of the eight ancestral gates of the Zongjie, inheritance and flood era.

Wu Zong's ancestors were a supreme power in the ninth era of the flood season.

At this moment, Emperor Wuzong fled back to Wuzong,

Wu Zong's defensive formation was launched, and it was also an ancient flood.

Soon, Xiao Yifeng and his party came to Wu Zong.

"Master of Zongzong, if you don't want Wuzong to shed blood."

"It is best to immediately remove the formation and surrender !!!"

"You know, you can't stop me because of this formation !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stood over Wuzong and watched the Zongzu master in the battle array coldly.

PS: I have to catch the train later, I can only have two more chapters today. I have been out for a few days, and the update is unstable. I hope forgive me

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