The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4885: Dao Bei

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"The patriarchal ambition is to discover the talents and strengths of the younger generations of the ancestral monarchs."

"This year's patriarchal conquest is as usual, carrying out 擂台 PK."

"However, the rules of the Yantai PK are not the same this time."

"There is no such thing as group elimination. It is wheel battle."

"That Tianjiao can stand to the end on this platform."

"He is the winner of this big game."

"We will receive the rewards given by our eight major gates, and at the same time be able to enlighten the Taoist monument."

The old man said directly.

"What? Wheel fight?"

Hear what the old man said.

All the people present in the major realms were talking.

Their eyes were full of shock.

The disciples of the younger generation in the zongjie are all changing their looks, and many people's faces are very ugly.

Wheel battles, that is not just the strength to be able to win the big first,

You also have to have the crown to press the audience and be able to face countless arrogant turns in the same time.

Is it possible to stand to the end and win the big number one! !! !!

"Old man, what do you mean?"

"Why did this patriarchal match become a wheel fight?"

"Yes, the rules have changed. Why don't we know?

At this time, the looks of the other seven leaders were all changed, and they questioned one after another.

Obviously this rule has changed, and the other seven major gates did not know in advance.

"This rule was provisionally determined by our sovereign."

"He feels that this will be a better test of the strength of the younger generation in the major gates."


"Are you afraid?"

"Do you feel that your disciples are not at the end?"

The solemn saint of the sacrament said directly to the others who looked at the other seven gates.

Hear the last word of this saint suzerain.

The leaders of the remaining seven gates changed their looks and stopped speaking.

Naturally, they wouldn't say that they were afraid that Tianjiao of their ancestors would not be able to stand on this martial arts platform.

Wouldn't it be the face of their ancestral door?

"We don't mean that, it's just ..."

At this moment the elder Lingzong spoke.

"Zong Jie, since you want to be first."

"Then it must have the strength to suppress all opponents, otherwise why it is called first?"

The sacred prince said directly.

"That makes sense."

"That being the case, let's decide so."

Immediately afterwards, Jian Zong, the leader of Jian Zong, said directly.

In this way, the rules of this patriarchal big game turned into wheel wars.

The last person standing on this platform was the Zongjie Dabie first.

The reason why the Sects do this is naturally because they have the Hungarian Eucharist asking heaven.

In terms of the strength of the sky, the younger generation of the entire clan is not his opponent.

Such a test is not stressful for them.

"What is a monument?"

At this moment Xiao Yifeng asked a person beside him.

"Do not know the monument?"

"That's the priceless treasure of the realm of religion !!!!"

"Daobei is a stele in which a powerful man in the flood era integrated his strength of dow pattern and all his insights into the avenue before he became a man.

"Countless people in the realm want to see the monument."

"In this way, they will have a chance to learn the true essence of martial arts of the strong state, and understand the mystery of the state.

"Then it will enhance its strength or impact the situation."

"It's just that the stele is not for everyone to understand, only the eight talents are qualified."

"Of course, every realm is better qualified than the first."

"But basically the ancestral realm is bigger than the eight ancestors."

"So with the exception of these eight gates, everyone else is not qualified to enlighten the Taoist monument !!!"

The man explained.

Xiao Yifeng heard this, his eyes flashed with light.

The sentiment and power of the Dao strong left by the strong state.

That monument is indeed priceless.

If others go to enlightenment, maybe they can realize the true meaning of the Tao.

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng struck up the idea of ​​this monument.

How can such a good thing be monopolized by these eight gates?

To be exclusive, it must be his Xiao Yifeng exclusive! !! !!

However, the power inherited in this flood and drought era is strong, even the existence of something like Daobei.

"Well, this year's big game is officially started."

"Who will be the first to board this martial art ring?"

Immediately afterwards, the Deputy Sect of the Holy Sect spoke.

For a time, the young disciples at each of the major gates were all staring at each other.

But no one dared to take the lead on this martial arts ring.

The first one to play is naturally no good,

After all, there are so many top-level Tianjiao challenges facing all the major gates in the world.

It is almost impossible to stay to the end.

"Since everyone is unwilling to come first."

"Then my saints set an example."

At this time, the Deputy Sovereign of the Sect said with a smile.

"Ask God !!!"

The Sacred Patriarch called out directly.

Wentian stepped out and landed directly on the platform.

For a moment, the eyes of all the people present turned to ask the sky.

Regarding the questioning of heaven, the Sect is very confidential,

So that other people do not know the existence of this person.

"Who is he? You young men have never seen this person."

"Supposed to be used by Cannon for cannon fodder."

The rest of the big gates looked at Wentian and said in succession.

Obviously, they don't feel that asking Tiantian's strength is strong.

Of course, this is because asking the heavenly body is special.

They can't see through the strength of their third-class emperor.

If you let them know the true strength of asking God,

They will definitely be startled.

Asked to stand on the martial arts platform, Wen Tian looked indifferent.

His eyes glanced at everyone present.

"Who comes up?"

Ask God to spit out three words.

"How does it feel different?"

Xiao Yifeng stared at Wentian, his frown frowned.

He felt that the question at the moment was a little different.

"I come!!!"

Immediately afterwards, Zongmen Tianjiao, who had an immortal realm, rushed directly to the martial arts ring.

His gaze stared at Wentian, holding a sword.


The Tianjiao snapped a drink.

When his body moved, he waved his sword and attacked Wentian directly.

boom! !! !!

Asked with a single palm and waved ~ ~ a lightning boom on this immortal Emperor Tianjiao.

He was blown out of the martial arts ring on the spot.

Huh! !! !!

The immortal emperor Zongmen Tianjiao landed on the ground with blood on his mouth, his face pale.

Seeing an immortal emperor Tianjiao was defeated in this way.

The eyes of the strong men and younger generation disciples who looked at Wentian at the scene changed.

They did not expect that this disciple of Shengzong who had never seen him had such a powerful strength! !! !!

"It seems that your saints have deliberately hidden a genius !!!"

At this moment, the eyes of the seven sectarian gates turned towards the Vice Sovereign of the Sect.

The deputy lord was smiling.

PS: Three more today

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