The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4878: Space 3 Road

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"Heavenly, you know, this is the sky, the master of the universe order."

"As for the avenue, it is the Tao practiced by warriors today."

"As for humanity, it means people."

"It's just that humanity is long gone, and everyone only knows the avenue and heaven."

"They cultivate the avenue, and they hope to be in heaven."

"Humanity is gone, which is one of the reasons for the fading of heaven."

Yang Xueqing explained.

After listening to Yang Xueqing's words.

Xiao Yifeng felt that there were still a lot of things in the universe that he didn't know.

"Heaven, Avenue, Humane ..."

Xiao Yifeng muttered to himself.

"Heavenly man is a human incarnation."

"Who are the Avenue and Heaven incarnations?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"The heavenly incarnation is this sky."

"As for who the avatar is, he ..."

When Madam Honghuang was talking about the incarnation of the avenue.

His eyes flickered constantly.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"It involves a lot of things."

"I'm inconvenienced now."

"Wait for you to find out later."

Yang Xueqing said solemnly.

"it is good."

Xiao Yifeng knew that Yang Xueqing was hiding something.

But Xiao Yifeng didn't ask too much.

Now he knows nothing,

When his strength gradually improves, he naturally knows everything.

But he had a hunch.

This avatar may have something to do with him, so Yang Xueqing didn't say it.

"Okay, Yaochen, you take this Qian Kun Tao !!!"

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng took out the Qiandao Tao seed to Xiao Yaochen.

Obviously he intends to let Xiao Yaochen take Qian Kun Tao.

Among his children, Xiao Yaochen's strength is lower.

Just take Qiankun Tao.

With Qiankun Tao, plus Xiao Yaochen's own talent and potential,

His strength will be even more terrifying.

"Qian Kun Tao kind?"

"I didn't expect your kid to have this treasure."

"But if Yaochen is taking Qiankun Taoism ..."

At this time Yang Xueqing was a little hesitant.


"is there a problem?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yang Xueqing puzzled.

"Oh it's all right."

"If he takes Qiankun Tao."

"It really helps to improve its strength."

Yang Xueqing said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

Next, Xiao Yaochen took Qiankun Taoism directly with the help of Xiao Yifeng and began to control Qiankun Taoism.

Soon Xiao Yaochen lingered around a mysterious Tao Yun.

Qiankun Tao species began to merge with its body,

Changing his body, letting his body transform into Qiankun Tao.

"By the way, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Fan and your aunt Su Yan?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xiao Xiao and said.

"Big Brother and Aunt Su Yan went to the Dark World Nether."

"Then I went to find the dumb brother, and found the royal world."

Xiao Xiao said.

"Dark world."

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

He knew that the dark world was one of the three top worlds in the flood and wasteland.

In the dark world are all the ruthless and ruthless forces that belong to the dark side.

The strongest among them is the five devil kings.

It seems that the ghost family is in the dark world.

"Xiaofeng, I am going to take Yaochen back to the primitive world."

"Help him refine the Qiandao Tao species."

Then Yang Xueqing said.

"it is good."

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Yes, I have two grandchildren."

"You should go find it for me too."

"If you don't go, I'll have to do it myself."

Then Yang Xueqing looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Two grandchildren?"

"Isn't it one?"

Xiao Yifeng looked for a moment when he heard Yang Xueqing's words.

He only remembered that he had another son born of Situ Qian.

Now in the Devil Realm, why would there be a son outside?

"You kid, you don't even know how many children you have.

"You have a child in Shura World. Hurry up and find it."

Yang Xueqing said angrily.

"The Shura World?"

"how is this possible?"

When Xiao Yifeng heard it, his eyes were filled with an incredible look.

How could he have children in Shura World?

He didn't have any intersection with the women of Shura Realm?


Phantom! !! !!

Suddenly Xiao Yifeng thought of someone.

That is the charm of the Shurajie woman he encountered when he was in the ancient world.

When he strayed into the valley of phantom cultivation,

Then, because of some kind of **** poison, she had a relationship with Phantom.

Later, Youmei followed her clan to leave the ancient realm and return to Shura realm.

To say that he had the only relationship with other women,

Still the only thing that has something to do with the Shura world.

But he and Youmei only met once, how could he be hit?

"Mother, didn't you lie to me?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yang Xueqing and said helplessly.

"You kid, what did I lie to you like this?"

"If you don't believe me, just go to Shurajie and see for yourself."

"In short, my two grandchildren."

"You have to bring me back safely."

"Of course the mother of the child."

"My two daughters-in-law, you have to bring them back too."

Yang Xueqing looked at Xiao Yifeng and called.

"I know."

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Xiao Xiao, are you going back with grandma?"

"Your mother keeps thinking about you."

Then Yang Xueqing looked at Xiao Xiao and said.

"All right, then I'll go back and see Ma Ma."


Xiao Xiao lay on Xiao Yifeng and stunned directly on his face.

Yang Xueqing left Xiao Yaochen and Xiao Xiao directly.

"War God, Sword Emperor, how many of them?"

Then Xiao Yifeng could not find any of the martial arts, and could not help saying.

"Master, they came to realize this battle."

"Both are closing in retreat, and they should step into the realm of emperor."

Ge Henxi came to Xiao Yifeng and said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded and said, "Yes, how about the casualties of the Star Corps this time?"

"Seven major legions killed 100,000 people and injured 50,000."

Ge Henxi groaned.

"I did not expect such a loss."

Xiao Yifeng frowned slightly.

"Although our casualties are not small."

"But we have killed more than half a million people in the nine royal martial arts million martial arts powers. It is all worth it."

"And after this battle, the strength of the seven major legions has greatly improved."

"Although the number is small, the overall combat effectiveness of the seven major legions has increased."

Ge Henxi said in a deep voice.

"Well, after all, your opponent this time is the nine hegemons of the flood era ~ ~ It is very good to do this step."

"But the loss of the Star Corps must be filled up as soon as possible."

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice.


Ge Henxi nodded.

Next, Xiao Yifeng left the Temple of Stars, and he glanced at the Imperial Realm.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered at those people who were sealed by the nine royal families.

Then he glanced at the nine royal ancestor statues.

"Wait, one day, I will completely destroy the nine royal families !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said, he left the imperial realm and went to the dark realm.

In the dark world, too, a big event happened.

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