The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4875: Seal 9 family

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"Do you really want to kill them?"

The sage saint had a deep look, and looked at Xiao Yifeng calmly.


Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"If you really want to kill them, aren't you afraid I'll do it?"

The sage saint said lightly.

"Sage of Heaven, you dare to try my son !!!"

Suddenly, a deep, cold voice sounded directly.

A golden light bloomed in the void of the royal world.

Immediately the golden light dispersed and a figure came out of the air, which was the Madonna of the Flood.

Today's Virgin Mary is wearing a gold and silver rim, similar to a dress in a palace dress, with a golden hair crown on her head.

The whole person looks graceful and luxurious, exuding supreme majesty,

Like an empress in charge of the world! !! !!


Xiao Yifeng looked at Yang Xueqing and could not help shouting.

"Mother Honghuang !!!!!!"

"You even awakened."

The Celestial Saint looked at Yang Xueqing and said something.

His gaze stared at Xiao Yifeng and Yang Xueqing:

"I didn't expect you to become mothers and sons in this life."

"Mother Honghuang, your courage is big enough."

"Dare to be his mother."

The Celestial Saint looked at Yang Xueqing and said directly.

"Mother Honghuang !!!!!!"

At this moment, the heads of the nine royal families looked at Yang Xueqing.

Their looks changed, and their eyes were full of surprise.

Obviously they all knew the Virgin of the Famine, and knew more about the horror of the Virgin of the Famine.

In the flood days, the Virgin Mary and the Celestial Sage were a class character.

Even if they are as strong as the nine royal families, they dare not easily offend Our Lady of the Flood! !! !!

Unexpectedly today, even Our Lady of Honghuang has appeared! !! !!

"Tianxian Holy One, you have the courage."

"In the beginning, he helped the nine royal families seal his nine astral circles."

"Dare to show up now, do you really think you won't die?"

Yang Xueqing looked at the Heavenly Sage and hummed coldly.

"A man will die until you become a god."

"No one is undead."

"But I do it all for the heavens and the earth, for the living beings of the universe !!!"

The heavenly sage saints have the appearance of the sage in the world, and said one by one.


Yang Xueqing dismissed.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng heard the words of his mother and the Holy Saint, and his eyes flickered.

It seems that the two met each other during the flood season.

And the status of the sage saint on this day does not seem to be lower than that of the virgin mother! !! !!

"Mother, can you stop him?"

Xiao Yifeng said watching Yang Xueqing.

"With me, he doesn't dare treat you."

Yang Xueqing self-channeled.

"it is good."

Xiao Yifeng's gaze narrowed, and his sharp eyes glanced directly at the nine royal patriarchs.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng then mobilized the power of the eight major avatars.

He wielded the Star Sword to completely kill these nine people.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Just then, there was a roar from the nine statues among the nine royal families.

Nine terrifying breath permeated from these nine statues, suppressing directly towards Xiao Yifeng.

Instantly, Xiao Yifeng's face changed.

He felt like he was out of breath.

At this moment Yang Xueqing's expression was frozen.

She waved her hand violently and helped Xiao Yifeng resist these nine horrible breathes in an instant.

"Scenery of the state !!!"

These nine breaths are just the terrifying atmosphere.

"You nine courage are so brave !!!"

Hongxue Our Lady Yang Xueqing sighed angrily.

Immediately, these nine terrifying conditions disappeared.

"I said, the nine royal families are not as weak as you think."

"The heads of the nine royal families symbolize the authority of the nine royal families."

"If you want to kill him, not only the old monsters of the nine royal families will not agree."

"Even the ancestors of the nine royal families would not agree."

"With your current strength, you want to contend with the real nine royal families, and it is very bad !!!"

The Sage Saint said indifferently.

"Nine guys in a pseudo-state, kill and kill."

"I'd like to see what the guys in the nine royal families can do to me?"

Yang Xueqing said coldly.

She will personally kill the nine royal patriarchs.

"Forget it, mother !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Nine of them, it won't take long."

"I'll kill them myself !!!"

"At that time, including the nine royal families, I will not let one go !!!"

"To die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted word by word.

"Well, this group of people will let you execute them in person."

Yang Xueqing nodded.

"But you caught my son. This account must be accounted for."

"I will not kill you today, but you must pay the price !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

"One hundred thousand stars is here !!!"

Xiao Yifeng drank again.

He once again urged the starry sky chart and the starry sky secret book, forcibly inspiring the power of the nine star souls

Once again summoned 100,000 stars.

Star Seal! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng shouted with a solemn expression on his face.

He kept twitching Yin Ju with both hands.

The 100,000 stars in the sky suddenly fell like a meteor.

Then the nine statues reacted again.

"It's enough to give you face without killing them."

"It's just asking for a little bit of interest now, and you'd better not have to get in on it."

"No, don't blame me for killing !!!!"

Yang Xueqing looked cold and drank directly.

She warned those old monsters hidden among the nine royal families.

Immediately, the nine royal families restored peace.

Boom boom! !! !!

With a roar of noise.

Instantly, under the control of Xiao Yifeng, these 100,000 stars were transformed into the supreme star power to completely seal the nine royal patriarchs.

Even the nine royal families were directly sealed by Xiao Yifeng's 100,000 stars.

All the strong men of the nine royal families have shot to resist the star seal.

But the 100,000 stars, in conjunction with the Star Seal from the Star Seal,

Even the strongest can get one.

Today, the great powers of the nine royal families have not shot.

Others are naturally unable to resist the seal of these 100,000 stars.

In a blink of an eye ~ ~ All the nine royal families are covered by the light of the stars,

All the martial arts powerhouses, including the base camp of the nine royal families and those who are still fighting, are all sealed by the light of stars.

They have become sculptures directly.

"Today I Xiao Yifeng seals the nine royal families for ten years with 100,000 stars !!!"

"After ten years, I will come to the royal world again."

"Slay the nine royal patriarchs and destroy the Honghuang nine royals !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

The deadline he gave himself was ten years.

In ten years, he will awaken the memory of Honghuang I,

And restore the full strength of the flood era.

At that time he will personally destroy the nine royal families.

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