The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4866: coincidence?

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"Wu Fei, fourth in the standings and fourth in the sky and sky !!!!"

"Crazy beast, third in the standings and third in the sky and sky !!!!"

"Residual sword, ranked second in the standings, second in the starry sky !!!"

At this moment the host said one by one.

The names of Tianjiao, who are listed in the starry sky list, appear directly on the big voids of the starry sky.

"And Xiao Yifeng is the number one in this starry sky list."

"Won the title of the first day of starry sky !!!"

The host finally said.

"The first day of the starry sky, Xiao Yifeng"

These nine large characters spread throughout the starry sky like the twilight morning bell.

Even the nine higher worlds, the Qiankun continent, have spread directly.

The strong of the worlds are shocked! !! !!

The Emperor of the Starry Sky, following the capture of the first day of the starry sky in ancient times,

Now he has won the title of the first day of starry sky in this life, which can be described as extremely terrifying! !! !!

And this year's starry sky arrogance list was basically all wrapped up by the starry sky emperor and his apprentices.

This is even more incredible.

Next, Xiao Yifeng was brought back to the starry city by mysterious power.

As for the other major Tianjiao on the star battlefield, all returned to their respective worlds.

However, the starry sky and the battlefield of the starry sky have still become the focus of discussion among the warriors and warriors in all major worlds.

The wind is quiet, Yan Ruyu, Chu Yu and his party also returned to the flower world.

"You are back !!"

Hua Shen looked at the girls and said.

"Master, I'm sorry, I let you down."

"I didn't enter the starry sky ranking list !!!"

Yan Ruyu said apologetically, looking at Huashen.

"It has nothing to do with you, this time it's all his people on the starry sky list."

"Don't you want to fight with them?"

Hua Shen said lightly.

"That's right, anyway, the person who is the eldest brother of Xiaoxing is removed from the starry sky list."

"It doesn't matter if we didn't get in."

Chu Yu said with disapproval.

"After three major epochs, he has become the first star of the sky again, and it is time for the emperor of the sky to return !!!"

Hua Shen said in a deep voice.

"It's just the name of the first day of the starry sky. Is it worth your excitement?"

"In the flood era, this so-called starry sky's first arrogant name was not worth mentioning at all !!!"

"He is far worse than the top Tianjiao in the flood era."

"In the era of floods, there are some who step into the Emperor's Tianjiao before long live."

"Even supreme evildoers who stepped into Emperor Chitose even existed in Chitose, he is far worse !!!"

At this time, the empress of Yaochi stepped out and said indifferently.

Today, the consciousness of the Yaochi Empress is increasingly dominated by the consciousness of the Virgin of the Yaoshan in the previous life.

Becoming more powerful and arrogant, despising everyone in modern times.


When hearing the words of the Empress Yaochi, the eyes of all the girls were full of expression.

Zhan Tian, ​​Xing Tian, ​​Beast God, and others all looked at the dissatisfied expression in the eyes of the emperor Yaochi, and the body exuded a cold breath.

"Well, you guys just finished the war."

"Let's take a good rest and rest."

"Ru Yu, take them all to rest !!!"

Hua Shen looked at Yan Ruyu and said directly.

"Yes, Master !!!"

Yan Ruyu nodded.

The flower **** came to the emperor Yaochi, and Shen said:

"Whether you are the Empress of Yaochi or the Virgin of Yaoshan, please do not discredit him."

"Don't compare him to other people, because others are not worthy of comparison with him !!!"

"Flower God?"

"Do you really like him?"

Yaochi Goddess looked at Hua Shen indifferently.


Flower God said directly.

"Looks like I will help you wake up your memories of the past life as soon as possible."

"After you awaken the memories of your previous life, you will find that the so-called Star Emperor is nothing at all."

"He is far worse than the top powerhouses of the flood era."

"Although he can control the stars, he is not the one who can control the stars in the flood days."

"The Star Emperor is not worthy of you after all."

"He is destined and we are not a world, not a generation of people !!!"

The emperor Yaochi said coldly.

And when it comes to the man who controls the stars,

The emperor Yaochi's eyes showed a strong reverence.

It is even more special.

The whole person became solemn.

Of course, the flower **** did not know who the Yaochi empress said he was.

She just looked coldly at the Empress Yaochi:

"Whether or not I awaken past memory."

"But in this life, everything will be dominated by my consciousness."

"The Great Emperor Xiao Yifeng is still the man I love the most."

"My feelings for him will not change because of my identity !!!"

"Yaochi, I hope you're awake."

"Are you really going to be dominated by the consciousness of Our Lady of Yaoshan?"

The Flower God said to Shen Yaochi in front of her.

The look of the empress of Yaochi changed immediately, her face was a little distorted.

"Okay, stop talking."

"I am now the Holy Mother of Yaoshan, not any Yaochi Emperor !!!"

Then the empress of Yaochi chuckled coldly, and she turned away and left.

At this moment, in the city of stars.

Eleven Xiao Yifeng returned here.

"Congratulations on your starry sky ranking !!"

"This is a reward for you !!!"

The host's voice sounded.

The eleven rays fell on Xiao Yifeng's hands.

And they each received different rewards,

There are elixir, supreme medicine, super weapons, and supreme exercises.

As for Xiao Yifeng, it is a star-blue palace.

"Star Hall !!!"

Looking at the palace, Xiao Yifeng's pupils condensed, and a shocked expression appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the reward given by the people behind this starry sky list turned out to be his Star Hall.

At the beginning, the Star Hall was divided into nine and scattered all over the sky.

Now Xiao Yifeng has collected three stars halls.

I didn't expect that the reward he received from the starry sky rankings turned out to be a hall of stars.

How could this be so coincidental?

Or is it all arranged by someone behind?

"who are you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked directly at the Starry City and yelled ~ ~ The person he asked was naturally the one behind the starry sky.

"It's time for you to enter the Temple of the Stars !!!"

But that person did not answer Xiao Yifeng's question, but said it directly.

The next second, Xiao Yifeng and eleven of them disappeared into eleven rays.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again.

I saw him in a white space.

Wu Fei's figure has disappeared.

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