The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4856: Imperial imperialism

At this moment, all Tianjiao present was shocked.

Including Mo Shi, Split Dome, Gu Haotian, Dragon Sword, Wuwei, etc., each one widened his eyes, revealing an incredible look.

Although there are many eternal imperial powers in the competition for the starry sky rankings.

But at most they reached the power of the Emperor.

The true emperor has not appeared between them.

As a result, someone broke through the realm of the Emperor in this starry battlefield today.

It's almost unbelievable! !! !!

Entering the realm of Emperor before long live?

If this is spread out, it will be enough to stir the entire starry sky.

This talent is too evil, too perverted! !! !!

Although many people present were only one step away from the state of Emperor Zun.

But it's extremely difficult to take this step,

Maybe hundreds of thousands of years are difficult to cross.

So under the age of long lived into the state of the Emperor,

It's something that is very incredible.

At this moment, all Tianjiao in the starry battlefield are all stagnant.

Their hearts stopped beating.

There was an incredible look in their eyes.

boom! !! !!

Just when this terrible emperor Thunder thunder came.

An extreme avenue force erupted and destroyed this Dao Emperor Thunder Thunder.

The endless power of the avenue came and completely broke the thunderstorm that scared the Emperor and the strong.

This is a terrible thunderstorm for other powerful people who step into the realm of the Emperor.

It is so easy for the demon who enters the realm of the Emperor now.

boom! !! !!

The next second, a dazzling beam of light rose into the sky.

The endless power of the avenue comes,

The dreaded Emperor's majesty shrouded the entire starry battlefield.

A figure bathed in the air under the light of the avenue.

The other person seems to be thousands of miles away,

But directly came to the star battle platform.

He stood down and looked down on the battlefield and everyone on the battlefield, like the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

This person is no one else, and it is perfect.

The person who just broke through the realm of Emperor is just the first in this standings.

"who are you?"

Mo Shi looked directly and asked directly.

"No shortage of!!!"

No lack of indifference.

"Is he the first in the standings?"

"He broke through the realm of Emperor?"

"This talent is so perverted !!!"

"It seems that this time the leaderboard is the first, and the starry sky is the first candidate to come out."

Tianjiao, who was present at the moment, looked at each other and talked.

They were all shocked by the imperial strength of the Emperor.

And they have basically determined who the first day of the starry sky is.

Needless to say, it is natural that this man has stepped into the realm of emperor.

The opponent was the first in the standings, and now the strength has broken into the realm of emperor.

No one in the field was his opponent, and naturally he could not steal his first place in the standings.

At this time, the picture of the star battle platform was also presented in the various voids of the starry sky.

People from all walks of life in the starry sky have seen the picture of the starry battle platform.

At the same time they also heard those arrogant comments.

"Suddenly Emperor Tianjiao was born?"

When the powerful forces of the stars and realms learned that the first place in the standings was perfect, they had stepped into the emperor's state.

They were all deeply shocked.

In this age, the Emperor and the Emperor are all rare in existence for hundreds of thousands of years.

Not to mention entering the state of emperor under the age of ten thousand years, this is absolutely impossible.

Even in ancient times,

Not many will be able to step into the realm of emperor under long live.

I did not expect that today there was a demon who entered the state of Emperor Under the age of ten thousand! !! !!

The name is intact, and it resounded through the stars and circles for a while.

"Sister, you are in the state of imperialism."

"He may really replace the Star King."

"You fight for your sister."

Inviting the Moon Palace.

Inviting to speak in front of Tianyue hurriedly.

"It's normal for him to enter the state of the Emperor."

"He has that incomparable constitution."

"It's strange if you can't step into the realm of Emperor."

"But if he wants to replace the Emperor of the Sky, he must defeat him."

Invited to the cold road.

"Unfortunately, the Emperor of the Starry Sky did not participate in the competition of the Starry Sky.

"Otherwise he must not be a perfect opponent."

Invited said in the sky.

"No, he did."

"And ranked second in the standings !!!"

Inviting the moon indifferently.

"Second? Feng Yixiao? Xiao Yifeng?"

"He even changed his name and appearance to participate in the starry sky?"

"This guy is really cunning enough."

Invited to say coldly.

As for inviting Yueyue's eyes flashing, I don't know what I was thinking.

"Is he perfect?"

In the starry battlefield, Xiao Yifeng's eyes stared at the flaw, his eyes glowed with light.

This is the first time he has seen everything right.

Since entering the star battlefield, this person has consistently ranked first in the standings, killing nearly 20,000 people.

Now, with the talent of less than ten thousand years old, he has stepped into the realm of emperor.

These talents and abilities are really shocking,

Even Xiao Yifeng was very impressed.

And don't know why,

In the midst, Xiao Yifeng felt that this flawlessness would be his enemy!

He thought it was because of the starry sky,

But Xiao Yifeng did not know that it was all because of the invitation to the Moon Empress.

This imperfection is the person who invited the Empress Moon to cultivate him to replace him, naturally he is the enemy.

At this moment, Mo Shi on the battlefield, the split sky, and others looked silent and kept silent.

Although they are arrogant, they are not arrogant enough to defeat the Emperor.

Although their real fighting power broke out, they may be comparable to the Emperor.

But this is not the same thing as the true power of the Emperor.

The strong man who truly stepped into the realm of the emperor realized the realm of the Tao,

The control of the power of the avenue is more perfect and terrible.

These two points alone are not comparable to the strong in their eternal imperial realm.

"A group of ants !!!!"

He stared at the group of people on the star battle platform coldly, his eyes filled with contempt.

"Let's go down !!!"

"You don't deserve to be on the starry sky list with me !!!"

One step on the star battle platform without a step ~ ~ its look cold drinking.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, a horrific imperial power burst out from nothing.

A group of Tianjiao on the star battle platform was directly blown out by this terrible coercion.

They either fell down the battlefield or were directly destroyed by this coercion.

The top ten deities such as Chu Yu and Lian Yutian and others were hit by the terrible coercion.

They groaned and spit blood in their mouths.

For a time, only a dozen people were still standing on this platform.

They exerted their full strength to resist the intact coercion.

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