With the wind quietly turned into the body.

A breath of magical medicine filled the air, attracting countless starry sky and pride.

The power of the wind in the sky flooded into Fengyou's body, which is obviously evolving.

In an instant, hundreds of martial arts Tianjiao gathered here,

There are exalted realms, there are half step emperors, and there are also imperial realms.

Rumble! !! !!

Soon, there was a roar from Fengyou's body.

A beam of auspicious light shot out.

Followed by a strong medicinal fragrance! !! !!

At this moment, Feng Youyou has evolved again and has become a more advanced magic drug.

And she has become a resource to enhance strength in the eyes of all Tianjiao present.

If they get this magic potion, refine it.

Then their strength must be improved rapidly.

At that time, maybe it can be ranked in the starry sky.

Because of this, greed was revealed in the eyes of the hundreds of Tianjiao present.

"This potion is mine !!!"

"Who dares to grab the magic potion with me, then I will kill anyone !!!"

Suddenly, these groups of Tianjiao couldn't bear the desire in their hearts.

All of his brain rushed towards the wind in the void.

At this moment the wind is still awake and there is no chance of resistance at all.

Boom boom! !! !!

This group of Tianjiao is in order to seize the magical medicine of Fengyou.

They fight directly into a group, the battle is extremely fierce! !! !!

Some Emperor Tianjiao broke through the siege and rushed to Fengyouyou.

Just when they are going to seize this magic potion.

A terrible thunder suddenly struck them in the void.

The arrogance of these imperial realms changed instantly.

Feeling a strong breath of death, they hurried back.

The terrible thunder exploded in front of them.

Several Tianjiao who escaped slowly were directly hit by the Thunder to the ground, spitting blood and being injured.

A figure came out of the air, it was Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng was holding a thunderous thunder for nine days, exuding a terrifying thunderous breath.

He glanced at the gloomy wind, then looked at Tianjiao with cold eyes.

"If you don't want to die, disappear immediately."

"Otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at these hundreds of Tianjiao with a strong and domineering look.

"Arrogant !!!"

And Xiao Yifeng's words directly angered the hundreds of Tianjiao present.

They all thought that Xiao Yifeng wanted to seize this magic medicine, so they drove them to the body.

But this little boy dare to say such arrogant words,

Let these arrogant Tianjiao very dissatisfied.

"kill him!!!"

Tianjiao, an Emperor who was just injured, pointed at Xiao Yifeng and roared.

Instantly, this sentence resonated with hundreds of Tianjiao present.

They gave up fighting with the others, all aimed at Xiao Yifeng.

Then each exhibited a terrible force and blasted towards Xiao Yifeng.

"Is it so consistent?"

Watching these hundreds of people all attacked towards themselves.

Xiao Yifeng had to sigh, but he was not afraid.

Xiao Yifeng descended directly from the sky and stood on the ground.

The potential of the earth.

Xiao Yifeng immediately urged the power of the earth to be controlled by the avatar of the earth.

boom! !! !!

In an instant, the whole ground shuddered.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng lingered on the earthy brown light.

He resonates with the earth,

The earthy brown light of his body blended with the light of the earth.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng is the earth, and the earth is Xiao Yifeng!

He directly urged him to realize the potential of the earth.

With the power of this earth unfolded.

The land within thousands of miles was shocked.

An invisible terror of the earth swept out.

Suddenly, the hundreds of Tianjiao who were present felt a huge power over them.

Let them have a feeling of suffocation and despair.

The power of the earth is naturally not conceivable by these people.

Even the Emperor Realm is extremely weak in front of the endless ground.

The terribleness of heaven and earth cannot be compared.

"Kneel down !!!"

Xiao Yifeng burst into a drink.

The power of the earth in his body erupted completely, and the power of the earth that connected this land was completely erupted.

The tendency to turn into a terrible earth was suppressed by these hundreds of Tianjiao.

Bang bang ...

Suddenly, the sound of countless knees sounded.

This group has a state of supremacy, the stars of the Emperor Realm are all suppressed and directly kneel to the ground.

They all looked pale and looked very ugly.

And their eyes were even more incredible.

They had no idea that this kid would suppress the hundreds of starry sky in a word.

Such extraordinary strength is terrible.

At this moment, they understand what makes the real martial arts Tianjiao! !! !!

"Get off or die?"

Xiao Yifeng watched these hundreds of stars stare coldly.

His eyes flashed with icy coldness, and the horrific killings permeated.

As for the ground that suppressed them, it disappeared.

All the British people fled.

They have seen the horror of Xiao Yifeng.

Naturally, it is impossible to find a dead end and confront it.

That's just deadly.

In a blink of an eye, these hundreds of star sky Tianjiao left here.

At this time, the wind was quiet and turned into a human body, his eyes opened, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

At this moment Feng Youyou's strength has stepped into the eternal emperor's realm.

She became emperor with medicine,

Nowadays, the avenue of wind has entered the eternal emperor's realm and has become the top magic medicine.

In the future, it is very likely to impact the state of Emperor Zun and become a generation of divine medicine! !! !!

"the host!!!"

Feng Youyou directly shouted respectfully to Xiao Yifeng.

"Every time you make a breakthrough, you can cause a group of people to remember!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile at Fengyou.

"Master, don't you want to refine me?"

Feng Youyou looked at Xiao Yifeng and said suddenly.

"Refining you, although it can improve my strength."

"But I haven't been so conscience."

"You have been with me for so long."

"I always treat you as a normal person ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ rather than as a medicinal plant."

"Even if you are the top treasure."

"In my eyes, you are also a person, not a medicine."

"I won't make your idea, and others can't make your idea !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

Feng Youyou's eyes were touched with a strong touch.

"By the way, your strength has improved so fast all of a sudden, did you get any great opportunities?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Feng Youyou.

"Well, I found an underground cave in this starry battlefield."

"It was inside that I felt the avenue of the wind, so it suddenly changed."

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