The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4832: East Emperor

Although the queen cast taboo secrets, the four of them fled far away.

But they still underestimated the power of this terrible blow.

The four of them were hit hard even if they showed all their powers.

If their strength is almost, I am afraid that they have become nothing like the Empress.

And Emperor Jiang disappeared with the Empress.

He had just been swallowed up by that terrible explosive force.

No audio now.

It seems to have vanished with his mother.

The devil urged powerful thoughts to sweep towards the surrounding stars,

As a result, no breath of Dijiang was found.

"It seems to be really dead."

The punishment demon said simply.

The power of that blow was just terrible.

Dijiang is right in the center of combat energy.

With his strength, basically nine lives, it is impossible to survive! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

At this time, the evil spirit's eyes turned to the four evil spirits.

"The task assigned to us by His Highness has been completed."

"We should go now."

Immediately afterwards, the refining magic four evils looked directly at the evil spirit and said.

Immediately they were going to leave here.

"You should go."

"But where you should go is hell."

Devil looked at the four men indifferently.

He swept out with a punch, and the power surpassing the Emperor was bombarded and killed, directly covering the four men.

If the peak strength of the refining four evil spirits may be able to compete with the criminal evil one or two.

But now they have been hit hard and have little power left.

Facing the horrible blow of the devil, they couldn't resist it.

Suddenly, the four evil spirits of the refining demon turned directly into powder, which was blown away by the fist of the demon.

"You are dead so that this matter can be kept completely secret."

Xing Mo said coldly.

Following this, the criminal demon opened a space channel and disappeared before his eyes.

At the same time, one of the nine worlds in the world of heaven.

As the queen fell, the entire heavenly court changed.

The flowers withered, the beasts mourned, and the throne belonging to the emperor was shattered.

All these things herald the most noble woman in heaven,

The emperor's wife, the emperor of the heavenly emperor, fell unexpectedly.

The news of the fall of the queen spread,

The whole heaven,

Even the entire heavenly world was a sensation.

Countless heavenly strong people are shocked.

They never expected that

The supreme queen would suddenly fall.

This is something they never thought of.

The emperor fell, and the emperor, the emperor of heaven, was bound to be angry.

This will even anger the entire heavenly strongman.

For a time, the whole heaven was filled with sorrow, and it seemed extremely depressed and heavy.

All the heavenly strongmen shivered awaiting the wrath of the Eastern Emperor.

And in a palace in heaven.

A young man in a black gown was drinking, with a smile on his face.

He is the Highness of Heaven, the Second Highness of Heaven.

However, although Emperor Tian is the second son of His Royal Highness, the second son of Emperor Dong Emperor,

But he was completely free from the East Emperor and even the whole heaven.

Everyone is only emperor Dong Emperor and has only one son, that is His Royal Highness Emperor Jiang.

As for Emperor Tian, ​​he is completely transparent in the court of heaven.

All this is naturally because Di Tian's mother is just a little niece in heaven.

At that time, Emperor Dong Emperor unexpectedly spoiled and gave birth to Emperor Tian.

Had it not been for the Eastern Emperor,

I am afraid that this wild seed of Emperor Tian has been strangled by her queen in her mother's belly.

Because of her low status as a mother,

Therefore, he was looked down upon everywhere in the heavenly courts, and almost became a transparent person.

But today is his happiest day.

The empress who killed his mother and ridiculed him everywhere since he was born is finally dead! !! !!

Di Tian's heart is extremely happy! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

At this time the figure of the criminal demon appeared directly here.

"His Royal Highness, things are done."

"Emperor and Emperor Jiang are transformed into nothingness, and there is no possibility of resurrection !!!

The evil devil bowed to Di Tian and said.


"Prince Xing, you are doing a good job !!!"

Di Tian said with a smile on his face.

"Our Emperor Tian has been guilty and has been living for so many years."

"Finally waiting for this day !!!"

"From today, I will be the new Prince of Heaven."

"In the future, the master of heaven and even heaven can only be my emperor !!!"

Emperor Tianyi was powerful and shouted word by word.

In his eyes, he shot a dazzling cold mang.

"See His Royal Highness !!!"

The criminal demon directly kneels to the ground and screams.

"Take me to the position of Lord of Heaven."

"I will give you the title of the first **** of war in the heavenly realm, and let your family of warlords lead the hundred families in the heavenly realm."

"At that time, the Chief Patriarch will be on top of his rights and share this heaven with me."

"Even we can send troops to take over the remaining eight higher worlds and become the rulers of the true nine higher worlds !!!"

Di Tian looked at Xing Mo and said that his eyes were full of ambition and desire.

"Thank Your Royal Highness, I will assist His Royal Highness ascend to the throne of the Lord of Heaven."

Shen Mo said in a deep voice.


Just at this moment,

The sky in the heavenly world trembled fiercely,

There was a roar that broke the eardrums of everyone's mind.

At this moment, the supreme coercion shrouded the entire heavenly realm.

All martial arts power in heaven, no matter how strong you are,

Even if you are the Emperor, you are all kneeling on the ground at this moment,

As if we are welcoming someone who is coming! !! !!

With a single coercion, all the powerful men in this heavenly world of heaven suppressed and kneeled on the ground.

It can be seen how terrible the strength of this coercive master is! !! !!

In the void of the heavenly realm, a dazzling array of golden light burst out.

A middle-aged man in a golden robe stepped out of the air.

It has an imperial crown on its head, surrounded by golden light,

Like a supreme emperor.

The coercion to suppress the realm came from him.

"Meet the Eastern Emperor !!!"

At this moment, all martial arts people in the heavenly world kneel on the ground and yell at this middle-aged man.

He is the Lord of Heaven, the strongest in Heaven,

The Emperor Emperor who controls all life and death in the entire heavenly world! !! !!

The Eastern Emperor ~ ~ is a legendary figure.

He alone can sweep the heavens, as strong as the **** of war, punishment can be suppressed by him.

And he has existed even longer than ancient times! !! !!

The queen fell, and the East Emperor, who had disappeared for many years, finally appeared!

Emperor Dong Emperor was expressionless, his eyes glowed with a deep black hole.

He stepped out and came directly to heaven.

Suddenly all the strong men in the heavenly court, the one million heavenly soldiers will all kneel down to worship the Emperor East.

Even Xingmen and Emperor Tian appeared one after another, kneeling down and worshiping the East Emperor! !! !!

The best master of beauty CEO

The best master of beauty CEO

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