The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4829: Alchemy 4

Mu Zhi waved his hand.

Dijiang returned to freedom.

He and the Red Flame Godbird stood up directly.

"go away!!!"

The wooden clone is cold.

Dijiang glanced deeply at Mu Zhi's avatar and said:

"I am waiting for you in the heaven world !!!"

Immediately afterwards, Dijiang stepped on the Red Flame Godbird.

"Master, this guy is too arrogant."

Zhan Tian got up and said.

"Prince of Heaven, has arrogant capital."

Mu Zhi said faintly.

"He can go, you can't."

At this time, the Twelve Wars will also want to take the opportunity to leave,

As a result, Mu Zhi's stubborn cold path, he directly urged the origin of the Dead Realm.

Suddenly they will be oppressed kneeling on the ground to vomit blood in the twelfth war.

"Day of punishment, they will leave it to you."

Mu Zhi looked at Xing Tian and said.

Although he was recovering strength before,

But he also heard the dialogue between Xing Tian and Xing Tian clearly.

So naturally I can't let go of this group of guys.

At this time, Xingtian got up, holding the Xingtian tomahawk and went towards them.

Watching Xing Tian come,

The twelve wars cultivated by the tortured demons revealed a look of fear.

"If you dare to move us."

"The patriarch must not miss you !!!"

The twelfth war will watch Xing Tian angry and yelled.

"You are a far cry from the real World War Twelve."

"You don't deserve to wear this warrior armor, and even less to hold the warrior's halberd !!!"

Xing Tian watched the twelve people drink coldly.

Huh! !! !!

On the spot, Xingtian waved the Xingtian Tomahawk and beheaded all 12 of them.

As for their emperor babies, they were all annihilated under the power of the Tomahawk.

Immediately, Xing Tian collected all the twelve armors and the twelve war halberds.

"I know that, despite countless tortures, millions of years."

"You will never die !!!"

"Wait for me and I will rescue you all."

"Let you be heavily armored and carry your war halberd."

"At that time, I will let everyone in the heavenly world know about your might in the 12th World War II !!!"

Xing Tian looked at the armor and halberd in his hand and muttered to himself.

"The place of purgatory should not be simple."

"After so long, can they still live?"

Mu Zhi looked at Xing Tian and said helplessly.

"My gut tells me they are alive."

"They are the war generals I have selected and cultivated."

"They will not die so easily."

"They are still waiting for me to return from purgatory !!!"

Xing Tianmao said forcefully, with a firm light in his eyes.

"Well, it won't take long."

"I will lead the army of millions of stars and follow you into the heavenly world!"

Mu Zhi looked at Xing Tian and said.

"Thank you, master !!!"

Xing Tian bowed in front of Mu Zhi.

On the other side, Dijiang just stepped on the Red Flame Godbird and left the dead zone.

He intends to open the passage to the heavenly realm and return to the heavenly realm.

boom! !! !!

It was just that he had just opened the passage of heaven.

As a result, a powerful force came, and the channel was destroyed in an instant.

Dijiang's body was backed up by the earthquake.

"Who? Come out !!!"

Di Jiang's look changed and he drank directly.

Huh! !! !!

Four masked figures appeared here.

There was a terrible evil in them,

A terrible evil surrounds them, forming a separate space,

Trapped in Dijiang and Chiyan.

"The four evil spirits !!"

"Aren't you sealed in the prison?"

"How would it appear here?"

Dijiang looked at the four.

The look changed, and a shocked look appeared in his eyes.

These four people are the four fierce and supreme demons in heaven.

They are addictive, kill countless in the heavenly realm,

Massacred the Zongmen family in the heavenly realm.

Even the strong men in heaven have been slaughtered a lot by them,

The Lord of Heaven finally angered,

The four kings of heaven and one of the top powers in heaven were sent to win the four evil spirits.

Finally, they were sealed and imprisoned in the heavenly prison where the prisoners were held.

Unexpectedly, the four of them actually appeared here today.

"Someone in the heaven court lifted the seal and released you from the prison?"

"who's that person?"

"Heavenly recidivism, he dared to let it out in private, so brave !!!"

Dijiang's eyes flickered, and he chuckled coldly.

"It is worthy of being Prince of Heaven, and she is really smart."

"Want to know who that person is."

"I'll know when you go to hell."

Lianmo Sisha looked at Dijiang humming coldly.

Terrible killer flashes in their eyes,

The monstrous spirit of evil spirits swept wildly out, and suppressed towards Dijiang.

Under the pressure of this terrible breath.

Only half a step of the Emperor's strength, the Red Flame Godbird was destroyed on the spot.

Even Dijiang had a solemn look.

Although his strength is strong, these four are the top powerful men in the heavenly world.

At first, the four kings sent by Tianting and countless top court strongmen joined forces to subdue the four.

This shows the strength of the four evil spirits.

Even Dijiang did not have a 100% certainty to deal with them.

In particular, he has already been wounded in the Dead, and he cannot play his peak strength.

It is even more difficult to confront the four of them.

And this is in the middle world,

Even if he wanted to notify Heaven to come to the rescue.

The high and middle worlds are isolated,

Any means of asking for help is useless here.

If he is in the higher world, he only needs to do it.

The heavenly strong will immediately find it, but not here.

Dijiang didn't expect that he had just escaped from the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den.

And this wolf den looks even more dangerous.

The heavenly man did not hesitate to release the four evil spirits in violation of the heavenly court rules, obviously to deal with him.

The four evil spirits must be determined to kill him.

It is basically impossible for him to escape, only one battle! !! !!

"In heaven, you four can be released. Also

"I'm afraid the person who wants me to die is only my wild brother Di Tian."

Dijiang's eyes stared at Lianmo Sisha with a cold look.


These four people have no nonsense.

They shot directly at Dijiang ~ ~ to completely destroy it.

"Who dares to touch my child?"

Suddenly, a cold, ruthless female voice suddenly sounded.

Then the void twisted, and a space channel suddenly appeared,

Dazzling rays of light burst out.

A man wearing a phoenix crown and a colorful dress,

The lady with a noble and divine temperament came out of this space passage,

Like a supreme queen.

"Queen !!!"

Lianmo Sisha looked at the lady, and a look of surprise appeared in their eyes.

This woman is the wife of the lord of heaven, the empress.

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