The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4790: Prince of Heaven

Although this life origin and death origin are more advanced than the previous four forces.

But for him Xiao Yifeng this is nothing! !! !!

His Xiao Yifeng is to create miracles! !! !!

Next, Mu Zhi's avatar fell into the refining control of the origin of life and the origin of death.

His body,

One side is full of vitality and green light! !! !!

One side was dead, the light of death was shining! !! !!

"If I control both the source of life and the source of death at the same time, it's against the sky !!!"

Xiao Yifeng, who is far away from the Tianwu Star Domain at this moment, murmured to himself.

His eyes were full of inspiration.

Take control of both life and death.

If this is spread, it will be enough to shake all martial arts strong.

Even in the flood era, it is enough to cause an era of shock! !! !!

At the same time, one of the nine higher worlds was in heaven.

Ares family, headquarters! !! !!

In a glorious palace at the moment.

A man in a black cloak, thick eyebrows, a cold face, and mixed-bronze skin stood here.

There was an unparalleled power on him, like an Optimus Pillar.

The bloodthirsty light glowed in his eyes, releasing the coercion to suppress the sky! !! !!

He is now the patriarch of the God of War tribe-the criminal demon! !! !!

At this moment in front of the criminal demon stood several high-level war gods.

"Chief, now the physical seal of Xing Tian is broken."

"The three people we sent have fallen, I'm afraid Xing Tian has escaped."

"What shall we do next?"

One of the seniors of the God of War tribe watched Xingmo respectfully.

"Xintian must die !!!"

"Notify the Twelve War Generals."

"Let them personally go down to find Xingtian and bring it back."

"I will execute him myself !!!"

The evil spirit yelled coldly.

"Xintian now has the body of God of War and Xingtian Tomahawk."

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to win him in the Twelfth World War !!!"

Another senior warlord said.

"Let them take the prison battle."

"Now that Tian Tian hasn't got his head back, he can't show too much strength."

"The prison battle is enough to win him !!!"

Tortured evilly.

"Yes, master !!!"

The leaders of the war gods nodded.

"Patriarch, what should we do over there?"

"I'm afraid they learned the news too."

Then a high-level spoke.

"Don't worry, they want to die !!!!"

"Go ahead and arrange it now."

Tormentor said indifferently.

The group then left the palace.

"My good brother."

"It took me a million years to completely replace you and become the first **** of war in the heavenly world."

"I will never allow you to appear in front of me again to shake my position !!!"

Morin's cold light shone in the eyes of the executioner, and he chuckled coldly.

A horrible black light erupted from the executioner, set off against him like a demon! !! !!

At the same time, at the center of heaven,

There are palaces standing in the clouds.

This is where the heavenly hegemon of the heavenly world lies.

The entire heavenly world is named after heaven.

It can be seen how terrifying the strength and influence of this heaven! !! !!

At this moment in a palace in heaven.

A roar came out.

A sacred light burst out from it, rushing into the clouds, emitting unparalleled power! !! !!

The gate of the palace opened immediately,

A terrible coercion permeated from it.

A young man wearing a brocade robe with clear features and wise eyes, exuding noble and divine temperament came out.

"Congratulations to your Highness !!!!"

A row of strong men stood outside the palace, and they knelt directly at the young man.

This young man is the only son of the Lord of Heaven, Prince Tianjiang of Heaven! !! !!

"Let's all get up !!!"

Dijiang looked indifferent, and said with a dignity.

Immediately all the strong men in the heavenly courts stood up.

"Hasn't my father come out yet?"

Dijiang said directly.

"Your Majesty has not returned."

"Everything in the court today is the responsibility of the emperor !!!"

A heavenly strongman said.

"Okay, I know, let's step back !!!"

Dijiang Cold Road.

"Your Highness, there is one more thing !!!"

At this moment another Tianting strongman said to Dijiang.

"What else?"

Dijiang Cold Road.

"It is reported that Xingtian has appeared in the Nether."

"And the God of War tribe also lost three Emperors to this, which should have been killed by Xingtian.

The heavenly strongman looked at Dijiang Shensheng and said.

"What happened?"

"Xing Tian turned up again?"

Dijiang frowned, coldly.

"Yes, this matter matters."

"His Majesty is not returning now, and the Empress is busy with heaven affairs again."

"So how should this matter be handled."

"You still need to make a decision !!"

The heavenly strongman spoke.

"When Xing Tian was originally a **** of war in the court of heaven."

"I haven't been born yet, but unfortunately I have not seen it."

"This has always been a regret in my mind."

"Now I can take this opportunity to truly see the glory of a generation of God of War!"

There was a smile on the corner of Dijiang's mouth, softly.

"Your Highness is it?"

What did the heavenly powerhouses think of at this time?

They looked at Dijiang in shock.

"I personally went down to take him !!!"

Dijiang said directly.


"Your Highness, this is absolutely necessary !!!"

Immediately this group of heavenly strongmen stopped one after another.


"Do you think my prince of heaven can't deal with a beheaded war god?"

Dijiang's expression sank, and he looked at the crowd coldly.

"Don't dare !!!"

"His Royal Highness is a heavenly wizard who is rare in heaven for thousands of years."

"You don't need to worry about your strength."

"But you are the Prince of Heaven, after all, you are the body of Jin Gui."

"This day of punishment is not ordinary."

"He still has a Tomahawk, which shouldn't be underestimated."

"If there is anything wrong with His Highness."

"When His Majesty returns, he will surely be angry !!!"

"Have Your Highness Think Again !!!"

This group of heavenly strong men kneeled in front of Dijiang and said ~ ~ Well, don't say it. "

"No one can change my decision !!!"

"Even if Xingtian has the Xingtian Tomahawk, what about it?"

"It's not his time now."

"In this era, I'm in charge !!!"

"I will take Xing Tian personally back."

"Also let people see the real strength of Prince Tianting !!!"

"By the way, let my brothers know how big the gap is between them and me !!!"

Dijiang said with a strong look.

His eyes are full of self-confidence, and even more conceited! !! !!


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