"Yes, the junior is now the dead domain master."

"Coincidentally, a small part of death was passed on by chance."

"The junior is fortunate to be the master of the dead domain."

"I didn't expect to see the Lord of Death today."

"It's really an honor for younger generations !!!"

The Lord of the Dead Domain knelt in front of the black tower, shouting respectfully.

"Lord of Death !!!"

At this moment Xiao Yifeng's eyes stared at the tower, muttering to himself.

He did not expect that the master of death, the master of death, was hidden in the tower.

This vein of death has perished in the early days of ancient times.

Now the Lord of Death is here.

It really feels incredible.

According to his guess,

It is very likely that the Lord of Death was sealed in the Tower of Death by suppression.

As for suppressing the seal, it was the numerous vines that grew out of this towering tree.

The Lord of Death must be in control of the power of death.

It was exactly the vitality released by this towering tree that restrained him.

"Your talent is pretty good."

"With a little bit of inheritance of my death, I can grow to this step !!!"

The cold voice of the Lord of Death came from the Tower of Death.

"Thank you for the praise of the Lord of Death !!!"

"But the junior was extremely ashamed, because the junior fled here because they were hunted down."

"The junior is ashamed of death !!!"

The Lord of the Dead Domain knelt in front of the Tower of Death and said in a deep voice.


"You are the Lord of the Dead."

"This is the domain of the dead domain. Who dares to hunt you down?"

The ruthless voice of the Lord of Death came from the Tower of Death.

"This person is the one behind me."

The lord of the dead domain quickly pointed at the avatar of Mu.

"Who is he?"

Then the Lord of Cold died.

At this time, the avatar of the wood only felt a pair of Mori cold and ruthless eyes watching at himself.

He frowned, feeling a thick breath of death.

Mu Zhi's avatar was sternly in his heart, his whole body was tight, and he made a precautionary posture! !! !!

"His name is Star Emperor, but he was a powerful man who dominated the sky in the middle of ancient times."

"But now he is reborn and reborn, this time he broke into the dead."

"To kill me, to conquer the entire dead domain."

"The junior was inferior and fled here after being hunted down."

The master of the dead domain stared at the clone of Mu Zhi coldly.

"His strength has not even reached the emperor's realm."

"How is your opponent?"

The Lord of Death is cold.

"He is not strong, but there are a group of past men around him, which is very scary."

"The most important thing is that there is a powerful life force in him, which can restrain the power of death."

"It is for this reason that the younger generation cannot resist their offensive."

Said the Lord of the Dead.

"Life Force?"

Hear these four words,

The Lord of Death in the Tower of Death suddenly produced strong emotional fluctuations.

The entire tower of death was roaring,

The endless power of death gushes frantically from the tower.

boom! !! !!

At this moment, the towering tree above the tower of death released a terrifying life.

The vines that entangled the tower of death shine brightly,

Unleashing the power of endless life.

Directly suppressed the power of death that pervaded the tower of death.

Suppressed this tower of death again! !! !!

"Are you a protoss of life?"

The cold and ruthless voice of the Lord of Death came directly from the Tower of Death.

Obviously this sentence is addressed to Mu Zhi's avatar.

"Life Protoss?"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to Mu Zhi's avatar.

"No !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

And in his heart, he speculated that the person who suppressed the Lord of Seals might be from this life deity.

The protoss of life, as the name suggests, the strong man of this race can control the power of life,

Just to restrain the death force of this dying Lord.

That's why the other person is so excited when they hear that they control the power of life.

Obviously, he is using this avatar as the person of the life protoss.

"You are not a protoss of life, but you can control the power of life?"

"how can that be?"

"And you haven't even reached the realm of the emperor."

"How could it be possible to manipulate life forces?"

At this moment, the Lord of Death looked inconceivable, and questioned Mu Zhi's avatar one after another.

"Maybe I'm more genius."

"Moreover, who can't control the power of life without the imperial realm?"

"It's just that no one can do it before, it doesn't mean impossible !!!"

Xiao Yifeng skimmed his lips.

"Lord of the dead domain, kill him !!!"

Immediately, the Lord of Death watched the Lord of Death and yelled directly.

"Death Lord, this ..."

The Lord of the Dead Realm changed slightly.

"You have been imprisoned in the tower."

"Want to direct someone to kill me? It's ridiculous !!!"

Xiao Yifeng dismissed the cold road.

"Boy, do you know who I am?"

"No one has ever dared to speak to me like this !!!"

"If it weren't for this seat, the source is sealed."

"You don't even have a chance to speak at this moment."

The Lord of Death shouted with a strong and domineering look.

"No matter what you are."

"You are just a prisoner now !!!"

Xiao Yifeng dismissed.

"Okay, boy, even if the source of the fight today is injured, you will be buried in the place of death !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's remarks completely angered the master of death, the master of death.

Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly, there was an endless roar from this tower of death.

The endless force of death poured out, as if to break through the vine's blockade.

The power of death and the force of this life are competing against each other.

This space is directly in a state of extreme depression.

call out! !! !!

After some competition,

Suddenly a dead grey light burst out of this death tower,

Directly poured into the body of the Lord of the Dead.

boom! !! !!

At this moment, there was a roar in the body of the Lord of the Dead.

The dazzling light of death erupted from him.

His eyes suddenly became dull.

Next second,

In the eyes of the Lord of the Dead Domain, a terrible and horrifying look shot out at www.ltnovel.com ~ It looks like the eye of death. When you glance away, there is an urge to step into death.

"Boy, whether you are a protoss of life or not."

"You are going to die today !!!"

The Lord of the Dead Domain looked at Mu Zhi's avatar and spoke directly.

His voice now becomes Lord of Death.

Obviously the master of the dead domain is the master of death.

The opponent forces the mysterious force, and then controls the body of the Lord of the Dead,

Ready to start with the wood clone.


Xiao Yifeng sneered at the Lord of the Dead in front of him.

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