The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4781: ungrateful

After listening to the words of these three war gods,

Lei Zhi's acquaintance and their party finally understood the origin and identity of Xing Tian.

And they did not expect that this day of punishment came so large.

He turned out to be one of the nine higher worlds in the universe.

With the body of the **** of war that can not be destroyed by the **** thunder **** fire and the tortured tomahawk.

It ’s just a pity that Xingtian offended the Lord of Heaven,

He was decapitated and his body was sealed.

However, I didn't expect to have a post move for this punishment day.

The body of his God of War turned out of the seal, and he was reborn with the Tomahawk.

Finally, he was encountered by the Star Emperor, and brought back to the Temple of Stars to practice again.

I just did not expect that the new patriarch of the God of War tribe did not want Xingtian to return to take his place.

He even sent a strong man to plot to kill Xing Tian again.

And sealed the body of the God of War he had not yet awakened.

It ’s a pity that this **** is not destined to let a generation of war **** die out.

Now Xing Tian regained control of his body of war.

God of War is back! !! !!

Xing Tian's eyes continued to flash.

His expression seemed very complicated.

"The Lord of Heaven !!!!"

Xing Tian muttered to himself.

His fists clenched, and his eyes shot a killing.

"Xin Xing, you are mine now."

"Your hatred is my hatred."

"At that time, I will enter the heaven court with you and let the Lord of the court taste the beheading !!!"

Lei Zhi patted Xing Tian's shoulder and said.


Xingtian nodded.

"Slaying the Lord of Heaven, you are just wishful thinking !!!"

"The Lord of Heaven is the master of the entire heaven."

"He has countless warriors and even millions of soldiers."

"He gave a command, you whole world to be destroyed."

"Even if you are the great starry sky, you are nothing but a ruler of this medium starry world."

"It's a delusion to want to compete with the Lord of Heaven in the higher world."

"Xiangru was originally beheaded by the heavenly world's first **** of war, and was beheaded by the Lord of Heaven."

"With your strength, you can't even see the Lord of Heaven !!!"

"And now the patriarch of the God of War tribe will not let you go."

The strong men of the three gods of war cried coldly.

boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly, Xing Tian waved the Xing Tian tomahawk and killed all three of them.

With these three people destroyed.

Their emperor rushed out and disappeared instantly.

Lei Zhi's clone was too late for them.

The three infants disappeared.

"Count them running fast !!!"

Thunder's clone was cold.

"The devil !!!!"

"My good brother !!!"

At this moment, the cold cold mang flashed in the eyes of Xing Tian, ​​shouting word by word.

"The torturer is your brother?"

Lei Zhi couldn't help but say.

"Yes, he is my brother."

"And the reason why I was beheaded by the Lord of Heaven was because he caught the demon."

"I will be captured and beheaded by the Lord of Heaven to save the demon."

"Otherwise the Lord of Heaven would not be so easy to take me !!!"

Xingtian shouted coldly.

"Isn't this devil so human?"

"It's shameless !!!"

The beast **** skimmed.

"It is indeed an ingratitude villain !!!"

Lei Zhi said.

"I will kill him with my own hands !!!"

"But I now have the body of the **** of war and the tomahawk."

"But the body of my God of War is not fully awakened."

"I have to find my head that was beheaded in order to inspire the power of the God of War and restore my peak strength !!!

Xing Tian said.

"Your beheaded head is in heaven?"

Lei Zhi asked.

"Well, it was suppressed somewhere by the Lord of Heaven."

Xingtian nodded.

"I'll help you get your head back."

Lei Zhi said.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

"Go to Tianwu Starfield and meet with your deity?"

Then the beast **** said.

"Since I came to the Dead Zone, naturally I can't just leave like this."

"Take off the Lord of the Dead Domain, I want to control the entire Dead Domain !!!"

Lei Zhi shouted, his eyes flashed with brilliant brilliance.

"Do you want revenge?"

Immediately, Lei Zhi's gaze turned to the strong man of tens of thousands of undead behind him.

"miss you!!!"

All members of the undead cried in unison.

"Then follow me to kill the Lord of the Domain !!!"

Lei Zhi drank directly.

"Master, the beast of death ..."

Then the beast **** spoke.

"I believe it will be okay. Go first and take over the master of the dead domain, and then control the dead domain.

Thunder's clone was cold.

They and their group left the Dead Realm and went to the nest of the Lord of the Dead Realm.

Dead Hall! !! !!

This is the nest of the Lord of the Dead,

This is also the forbidden area of ​​the entire dead domain.

None of the strong men in the entire dead domain dare to approach the Temple of Death at will.

It's all due to the terrible deterrent power of the Lord of the Dead.

Lei Zhi's acquaintance and his party went directly to the Temple of Death.

Behind them were tens of thousands of undead people.

There is also the 100,000 army of the First Army of the Star Corps brought by Zhantian.

They directly surrounded the whole dead hall.

"Who are you?"

"Dare you dare to break into the Temple of Death?"

At this time, a group of dead domain masters rushed out of the dead hall.

The old nest of the Lord of the Dead,

Naturally there are a lot of masters of the Lord of the Dead.

In a blink of an eye, the men of the tens of thousands of dead domain masters appeared here.

They are all powerful men above the saint level.


Lei Zhi's avatar didn't have any nonsense, just yelled.

Immediately the strong of the undead rushed to the front.

There was a strong sense of killing in their eyes, and they waved their weapons to fight with the men of the Lord of the Dead.

The Lord of the Dead Domain suppressed them for so many years,

Now they are born again and face the men of this group of dead domain masters.

All the members of the undead tribe naturally turned the resentment and anger they still had in their hearts into horrible fighting forces, and fought fiercely against the masters of these dead domain masters.

Facing the crazy offensive of the undead,

Suddenly a large number of people died under the control of the Lord of the Dead Domain ~ ~, and many of the Lord of the Dead Domain came from all directions.

"Kill, don't stay one !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's subjective consciousness controlled Lei Zhi's avatar to drink directly.

Immediately after the battle, the army commanding the First Army rushed to the army of the Lord of the Dead.

They fought a terrible battle.

Xingtian, the beast god, the top ten beasts, they all joined the battle.

Suddenly, a war broke out in this dead zone.

Xiao Yifeng and his other three avatars are standing here, waiting for the Lord of the Dead to appear.

The best master of beauty CEO

The best master of beauty CEO

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