The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4777: 1st Corps Commander

"Ha ha!!!"

"Star King, I haven't seen you for years."

"You haven't changed at all, you're still so crazy !!!"

"But you haven't built up your strength in this life, do you dare to be so arrogant on my site?"

The Lord of the Dead Domain looked at Lei Zhi's clone and sneered.

At this time the eyes of the strong of the undead were surprised.

They did not expect that their new owner turned out to be the legendary star emperor.

"What about arrogance on your site?"

Lei Zhi's disdain.


The master of the dead domain stepped out, his eyes flashed with cold cold killing intentions, and he drank directly.

Then the beast **** and the ten fierce beasts blocked the Lord of the Dead.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, a horrific tide of death erupted on the Lord of the Dead.

All the ten beasts and beast gods on the spot were backed up by the shock.

They looked pale and looked very ugly.

Today, the master of this dead domain has at least reached the level of high-level emperor.

"I didn't expect to see each other for so long."

"Your strength is improving fast enough !!!"

Lei Zhi's gazing at the Lord of the Dead Domain, his frown slightly.

"Star Emperor, today I will send you to be buried here with the undead family !!!"

The Lord of the Dead domain flashed with cold cold killing intention, and chuckled coldly.

"To kill the master, first ask me if I don't agree !!!"

Suddenly, a cold, ruthless voice sounded behind the Lord of the Dead.

Then the Lord of the Dead Domain turned back abruptly.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a battle armor and dragging a large sword appeared here.

He is of strong build, wrapped in armor.

The ground shuddered every step.

The giant sword in his hand dragged on the ground and rubbed a burst of electric sparks.

As soon as this man appeared.

A surging coercion swept through the cave like a flood, instantly covering the entire cave.

Immediately the air inside the cave was stagnant, full of depression! !! !!

This middle-aged man is just standing there,

It is like a pillar of Optimus, suppressing the world,

It makes people feel unattainable and hard to reach! !! !!

Stronger than the Emperor, facing this middle-aged man,

Will be deeply deterred by the breath of his body, directly lost the idea of ​​fighting! !! !!

This is enough for any strong man to look up,

Supreme man who dare not fight with him! !! !!

He is the first legion of the Star Corps. !! !!

In the Star Corps, except for the most powerful Commander Ge Henxi of the Star Corps.

The strongest is the first legion of the Star Corps. !! !!

"who are you?"

The Lord of the Dead Domain looked at the man.

His brows frowned, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

"The Chief of the First Legion of the Star Army Fighting Day !!!"

Zhan Tian looked at the Lord of the Dead domain and yelled directly.

His voice was loud and thunderous, and his ears were loud! !! !!

"Battle days, let me see how much your strength has improved !!!"

At this moment, Lei Zhi looked at the head of the First Legion of the Star Corps and said directly.

"Yes, master !!!"

Zhan Tian said immediately.

boom! !! !!

Instantly, Zhantian dragged the huge sword weighing thousands of pounds in his hand and blasted out towards the Lord of the Dead.

puff! !! !!

As the battle sky swept out.

The terrible power of the giant sword in his hands directly split the space into a space crack.

This crack is getting bigger and bigger, turning into a black hole in space, devouring everything.

A sword will tear the space apart, showing the power of the sword in battle.

The sword exploded, and all the people present felt a sense of suffocation and despair.

The sword of battle sky is so powerful that it is hard to imagine! !! !!

The gaze of the Lord of the Dead is also fixed.

He mobilized all the gas of death and blasted out.

The air of death gushes out, turning into the realm of death,

She and Zhan Tian were shrouded in it.

Rumble! !! !!

As a result, the explosion sound that shakes the world in the next second,

A dazzling rainbow-like light burst out from this death world.

The Tao realm cast by the Lord of the Instant Realm was destroyed by Zhan Tianyi Sword.

Huh! !! !!

The Lord of the Dead Domain receded again and again, his blood spurted, his face paled.

Seeing this scene, the strong men of the 10,000 undead family were shocked again.

The Lord of the Dead Domain is a super powerhouse that even their patriarch, the Undead Emperor, cannot fight.

Now the opponent is defeated by a sword of the Star Corps.

The realm of the Lord of the Dead is destroyed.

This shocked them deeply.


The Lord of the Dead Realm covered his chest.

His face was pale, with blood dripping from his mouth and staring at the battle sky.

He couldn't say a word.

"Just because you want to kill the master, it's not enough to qualify !!!"

The star of the First Army of the Star Corps battled coldly, watching the Lord of the Dead.

"You guys wait for me !!!"

The Lord of the Dead Domain yelled coldly.

Then the Lord of the Dead Realm turned into a black light and disappeared before his eyes.

At this time, the battle day dragged the giant sword directly to the front of Thunder's clone.

"See the master of the First Legion of the Star Corps in battle !!!"

Zhan Tian called directly on his knees.

"Come up, this is not my deity, it's just a clone !!!"

Lei Zhi said.

"We received news from All Living."

"It's just that the commander-in-chief hasn't left the customs yet, so I'll come by myself."

"I also brought 100,000 troops from the First Army."

"The remaining nine major legions are fully armed and awaiting orders from their masters."

Zhan Tian said.


"But your strength is improving fast enough in battle days !!!"

"Even the Lord of the Dead Domain can't stop you from hitting it !!!"

Lei Zhi smiled at Zhan Tian.

"Master, it's a great prize."

"However, the subject of this dead domain has internal injuries and cannot exert its full strength."

"Otherwise it wouldn't be so easy for me to beat him !!!"

Zhan Tian said.

"internal injury?"

"It seems that the injury he suffered a hundred years ago has not recovered."

"It doesn't look like his injuries are minor !!"

Lei Zhi said faintly.

"Well, let's not talk about this ~ ~ We first find the physical body of Xingtian !!!!!"

Immediately Lei Zhi's voice said in a deep voice.

They and their team left the cave and began searching for the body of Xing Tian in the death abyss.

It's just that the space in this abyss of death is huge.

And it's shrouded in death,

Even the idea of ​​the emperor cannot penetrate.

It is not so easy to want Xingtian's body to be sealed.

"Master, you follow me !!!"

"I have sensed the breath of my body !!!"

After looking for something, Xing Tian said suddenly.

Their team followed Xing Tian towards the depths of the abyss of death.

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