The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4770: Hell Road

"The Emperor Shenwu !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's gaze was fixed, his eyes staring at the other with a flash of light.

In ancient times,

The Emperor Xingkong knows some of the strong men in the early days of ancient times.

He knew the Emperor Jiuxuan and also the Emperor Shenwu.

This great emperor was a supreme powerman earlier than Jiuxuan the Great.

Early ancient times have a history of nearly ten million years.

In these millions of years, countless powerful people have been born.

When the Emperor Shenwu became famous, the Emperor Jiuxuan was not born yet! !! !!

However, this great emperor, like Jiu Xuan, has ascended the emperor's platform and is on the emperor's list! !! !!

As a supreme power in the early days of ancient times,

It was on the emperor's platform again, and was listed on the emperor's list.

There is no doubt about the terribleness of this great Emperor! !! !!

According to Xiao Yifeng,

The Emperor Shenwu created his own magical martial arts with amazing power.

He killed the first emperor in the eternal emperor realm! !! !!

This is the terrible place of the Emperor Shenwu! !! !!

"Great Emperor Shenwu, fortunately !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Emperor Shenwu and smiled.

"Give me the Temple of God and Martial Art, kill it !!!"

Emperor Shenwu spit out a cold expression.

With a wave of his palm, Xiao Yifeng was to be suppressed directly.

With the palm of Emperor Shenwu,

The entire Wujie sky shuddered again.

Seems to be falling apart! !! !!

A breath of despair permeated,

It makes people feel like they are stepping into the **** of death.

Time God pupil! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng shouted.

He urged the time pupil of his right eye again.

The clock of time is suspended directly above Xiao Yifeng's head.

Time is still! !! !!

With Xiao Yi spit out four words.

The hour hand on the clock of time stopped.

Instantly the time in this area stopped directly.

Everything is still.

Including the body of the Emperor Shenwu, he stopped directly.

Blade of Space! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng once again urged the Blade of Space to kill toward the Emperor Shenwu.


Just at this critical moment,

The Shenwu Temple suddenly rose into the sky,

Turned into a streamer blocking the blade of space.

The Blade of Space is banging with this Divine Wudian.

There was a deafening roar.

An endless light blooms out of this divine martial arts hall, directly blocking the blade of space.

Obviously, this Shenwu Temple is not an ordinary palace,

It is a supreme treasure! !! !!

Otherwise, an ordinary palace cannot block the blade of space! !! !!

Even a top-class congenital treasure can't stop the blade of space.

This sacred temple can block the blow of the blade of space,

It is enough to prove that the rank of this divine temple has surpassed the rank of top grade congenital treasure.

However, although the Shenwu Palace blocked the blade of space, it was bombed out.

At this time, the effect of time still fades.

The Emperor Shenwu recovered,

As soon as his pupils were frozen, Xiao Yifeng stared with shocked eyes in his eyes.

"Did you realize the power of time and the power of space at the same time?"

Emperor Shenwu looked at Xiao Yifeng with a shocked expression.

"I didn't expect you to do a lot."

"You still have one of these treasures !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

At this point he was exhausted,

As he casts time and space again,

He was exhausted as a whole,

It is difficult to continue fighting! !! !!

"I didn't expect it so long."

"Someone really realized the power of space-time avenue !!!"

"It seems that the legend really exists !!!"

Emperor Shenwu looked at Xiao Yifeng and murmured to himself.


Then Xiao Yifeng drank again.

He immediately urged the six reincarnation again.

Although Xiao Yifeng controlled the six reincarnations,

But because of his strength limitations.

He can only urge six reincarnation twice a month.

And he had already done it once against the Star-cutting Emperor,

This is the second time this month.

After performing six reincarnations this time,

He must have passed this month to continue his six reincarnation.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng was exhausted, and the pupils of time and space were finished.

He only has this hole card to deal with this **** Wu Emperor.

Fortunately, this is not the arrival of the Supreme Emperor Shenwu,

Otherwise I'm afraid he hasn't had a chance to perform six reincarnations and he's finished.

boom! !! !!

With Xiao Yifeng exhibiting six reincarnation.

Six crimson rays burst out and turned into six reincarnations in the void.



Emperor Shenwu's eyes stared at this scene.

There was an incredible look in his eyes.

"I will try you in six reincarnations !!!"

"Into Hell !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted solemnly.

He waved his hands.

Hum! !! !!

There was a roar of **** in the six reincarnation.

Immediately, a blood-red light burst from Hell Road towards the Lord of the Wudang Temple,

Instantly shrouded each other, creating a terrible swallowing power.

Huh! !! !!

Suddenly, the master of the Shenwu Palace was beaten into the **** of six reincarnation

Enter the eighteenth level of hell, and never be born! !! !!

call! !! !!

As the Lord of the Shenwu Palace was beaten into hell,

Xiao Yifeng exhaled deeply.

He was relieved.

His gaze turned to the Temple of Shenwu.

The Divine Wudian directly rushed into Xiao Yifeng's body.

Then Xiao Yifeng swept towards the Emperor Sanqing.

With a wave of his hand, the Star Hall appeared.

He took the Sanqing Emperor into the Star Hall.

But before entering the Temple of Stars,

Xiao Yifeng left a sentence:

"Everyone who witnessed today's war, kills no pardon !!!"

Just a battle,

Xiao Yifeng casts the pupils of time and space and six reincarnations.

The remaining Great Emperors are already known.

Once you let them leave Wujie,

The secrets of his pupils and six reincarnations will soon be made public.

This is extremely detrimental to Xiao Yifeng today.

Now he has not recovered to his peak,

So these two secret places on him cannot be leaked yet.

Otherwise, the real Xeons hidden in this starry sky will probably be all sent to him! !! !!

With the death of the Lord of the Shenwu Palace,

This battle is completely over.

at the same time.

Somewhere in this starry sky.

A spurt of blood came out.

A man with a shawl and his arms and legs chained sat here.

His blood spit out ~ ~ and his face paled.

And this person is not someone else, it is the Emperor Shenwu.

At this moment, the Emperor Shenwu sat in a pan, his limbs were tortured.

Around him was a veil emblazoned with various patterns.

"The power of time and space?"


"Suddenly controlled by one person at the same time?"

The Great Emperor Wu Mu muttered to himself.

"Does that legend really exist?"

"This world is going to change a lot !!!"

Emperor Shenwu's eyes continued to blink.

Wonderful book house

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