The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4766: 3 Qing Emperor

Xinghe transformation! !! !!

This is the magical power that Xiao Yifeng controlled after he merged with Xinghe.

The galaxy of the universe contains mysterious power.

Once you want to control Xinghe to attack,

You can shape the galaxy,

Fight into any heaven and earth! !! !!

Both the image of Xinghe and the arrow of Xinghe belong to a state of Xinghe transformation.

It is precisely because of the terrifying galaxy power in the galaxy image and the galaxy arrow.

So the attack just now was so terrible.

Even the incarnation of Emperor Jiuxuan and an emperor-level protection method of the Shenwu Hall can directly kill.

This is the horror of Xinghe! !! !!

The Xinghe transformation is only the most basic manifestation of Xinghe's power.

The universe galaxy also contains other mysterious and powerful mysteries,

It's just that Xiao Yifeng hasn't completely controlled it yet.

But now this galaxy has become one with Xiao Yifeng.

It's only a matter of time to fully control the use of this galaxy! !! !!

With a guardian of this Shenwu Temple was killed by an arrow.

The powerful men in the Shenwu Palace looked stunned,

They looked at Xiao Yifeng with a dignified and angry look in their eyes.

The atmosphere of the Shenwu Palace suddenly became extremely depressing and heavy.

There is a look of arrogance, ready to go to war! !! !!

The powerful parties from all sides looked at this scene intently.

As for the other forces in the military circles, they are gloating.

They were praying in their hearts that the Temple of God and the Emperor of the Starry were at war.

No matter what the outcome of this battle will be,

They can all take the opportunity to take down the Temple of Shenwu,

Use this to get more martial arts resources.

At this moment, the eyes of the main hall of the Shenwu Palace are blinking.

His eyes stared at the Star Emperor with a glow.

"Star Emperor, you have killed the Goddess Jiuxuan."

"It even killed a middle guardian of my temple of the gods !!!"

"Can this matter end here !!!"

The Lord of the Divine Wudian looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

He did not intend to go to war with Xiao Yifeng, but directly sought peace.

This also caused a lot of disappointment around many people! !! !!

At the same time, they all lamented that the deterrence of the Star Emperor is terrible! !! !!

Better than this hall of gods,

Even if he died, he would not dare to fight against the Emperor of the Sky! !! !!

"You're forbearable enough."

"This can bear it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered at the Lord of the Wudang Palace.

"But sorry !!!!"

"I've always liked cutting grass and rooting."

"Since you and I have become enemies."

"Then I don't like being merciless."

"When you secretly do something small to me then."

"Then I don't have a headache."

"So today, the Temple of Shenwu has only the way to perish."

"Of course you can choose to kill me."

"That way you won't be in trouble."

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words,

All the people in the Shenwu Palace looked intently.

There was a dignified look in their eyes,

Many people watched Xiao Yifeng full of anger and killing.

As for those who looked around, they all observed three minutes of silence for the Shenwu Palace.

This temple of martial arts is troublesome,

It looks like today either they were destroyed or the Star Emperor was killed.

Only one of them can survive! !! !!

"Dian Lord, no need to talk nonsense with him, directly fight with the Star Emperor."

"I don't believe that there are so many people in our temple."

"I can't deal with them !!!!"

At this time, another guardian of the Shenwu Palace looked directly at the owner of this temple.

"Yes, fight with them !!!"

The powerful men of the Shenwu Palace called out indignation.

They all had crazy looks in their eyes, ready to fight Xiao Yifeng to the end.

As for the master of the Divine Palace, his eyes kept flashing.

"Star Emperor, you are as strong and domineering as ever !!!"

"Everything is going to destroy the whole family !!!"

Suddenly, a cold, ruthless voice sounded directly.

Immediately in the sky, three horrific martial arts pressures came.

Three figures came out of the air, exuding the supreme power! !! !!

The three were three white-haired old men in white robes, each holding a duster.

It's like the god-man who cultivates immortality! !! !!

"San Qing Emperor !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the three indifferently.

The three of them are the three founders of Sanqing Hall,

Three Supremes, Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing! !! !!

"I'm going to find you."

"I didn't expect you to come by yourself."

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly at the three.

Xiao Yifeng and Taiqing Emperor of the Sanqing Emperor had previously played against each other.

At that time, the other party cast one gas and three Qings,

Let Xiao Yifeng understand that this secret method is from them.

The three Qing emperors knew more about Yiqi Sanqing than Xiao Yifeng.

At that time, the Emperor Taiqing exerted one gas to sanqing and divided the three.

Xiao Yifeng was very curious as each of the three had all the power of the other two at the same time.

He used one gasification Sanqing Cohesion to create eight avatars.

But these eight avatars can only have their own strength.

Only his body can possess the power of the eight avatars at the same time.

The remaining avatars cannot possess the power of the other avatars other than themselves.

So Xiao Yifeng wanted to go to the Sanqing Emperor to understand the mystery of Sanqing.

This will help improve the strength of his eight major avatars.

Before that, he knew that Sanqing Hall was in Tianwu Star Field.

This time he came to Tianwu Xingyu originally planned to find a time to visit Sanqingdian.

Unexpectedly, he didn't go to Sanqing Hall,

The three Qing emperors came to their door.

"Star Emperor, we already knew you would come."

"So the three of us closed up and improved our strength to this day."

"I didn't expect to find you there as soon as we got out."

"That being the case, we are naturally going to meet you."

Emperor Yuqing said indifferently when looking at Xiao Yifeng.

"Xingkong Emperor, you destroy our Taoism, even destroy me Taiqing Sect !!!"

"Today, I want you to be buried here !!!"

Emperor Taiqing blinked coldly intently killing Xiao Yifeng.

A horrific killer permeated from him.

"Want to kill me?"

"I'm afraid you three are not good enough !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered ~ ~ There was a look of disdain in his eyes.

"Star Emperor !!!"

"Today we will let you see and see the three of us's unparalleled skills in one breath !!!"

The Shang Qing Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"One gas, three Qings?"

"I want to see."

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glowed with brilliance.

Huh! !! !!

Instantly, the Emperor Sanqing directly transformed into three streamers and stood in three directions of Xiao Yifeng.

With the sudden appearance of Emperor Sanqing.

Everyone at the scene glanced at the Sanqing Emperor.

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