The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4612: Control 9 You

"The potential of the earth !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted with a solemn expression.

At this moment, he was completely integrated with the earth.

The power of the earth is contained in the potential of the earth.

Rumble! !! !!

On the spot, the sky-thunder that fell on the sky was destroyed by Xiao Yifeng's invisible earth.

The power of the earth, with the power of the earth generated by the fusion with the earth, produces a very terrifying power.

Without hands, you can form a terrible attack with the help of the earth! !! !!

This is the power of the earth.

Every world in the earth has,

And took control of this earth,

You can use the earth's potential to carry out oppressive attacks on the enemy anytime, anywhere.

Can also infinitely improve their strength.

The most important thing is to use the power of the earth without consuming any of its own power. It is the power of the earth that is consumed.

Of course, the deeper you understand the power of the earth, the more terrifying it is.

According to the introduction of the Secret Law of the Earth, you can realize its cultivation to the extreme, and you can even use the earth's potential to counter the sky.

The power of this earthly power is terrifying.

It can play a powerful auxiliary role in combating itself, and can suppress the strength and attack of the opponent.

"The destruction of the earth !!!!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yifeng burst into a shout.

The brown light was shining in his eyes, and the light of the earth was shining.

He seemed to be integrated into this vast land.

Boom boom! !! !!

The next second, the entire land exploded.

The power to destroy everything,

The terrible earth broke out,

This space world instantly turned into dust.

Xiao Yifeng's consciousness returned directly to his mind.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment Xiao Yifeng's eyes opened, his eyes glowed brilliantly.

Princess Nine You on the side is still asleep.

She hasn't eased back from the previous battle.

As for Xiao Yifeng's body as emperor, naturally he will not be empty.

He got up and left the room.

Outside the room, Valkyrie, Sword Emperor, Soul Eater, Lord of Hell, Queen Nine You and others all stood here.


When I opened the door, I saw so many people standing at the door.

Xiao Yifeng looked a little embarrassed.

"You and Jiuyou ..."

At this time, Queen Nine You looked at Xiao Yifeng with an unnatural expression.

"She's my woman now."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"It's her pleasure to be the woman of the Great Emperor!"

The Queen of Nine Youshen said in a deep voice, and there was a complex and strange look in her eyes.

"Master, the purple beam of light last night, I'm not mistaken, the Supreme Body was born."

"Isn't Princess Nine You ..."

Soul Eater looked at Xiao Yifeng and said helplessly.

"Your strength has improved. It seems she is supremely charming."

Hell Lord said lightly.

"That's right, Princess Nine You is indeed supreme."

"Because she was in the same room with me, she was awakened by her supreme body."

Queen Nine You sighed.

"Really supreme body !!!!"

Soul Eater was surprised, and the look of Wushen and others aside changed.

Obviously they all know the power of Supreme Body.

"Supreme seductive body? Jiuyou turned out to be supreme seductive body?"

At this moment, Queen Nine You looked surprised when she heard Xiao Yifeng's words.

His eyes flickered and he thought of something.

"Master, this time the Supreme Body Awakens."

"I'm afraid the whole star powerhouse has been alarmed."

"I'm afraid they will flock by then !!!"

Wu Shen said in a deep voice.

"Who dares to move, my great star?"

"Whoever moves, who died !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted with a strong cold look.

"It's worthy of being the star emperor, domineering !!!"

Hell Lord said lightly.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yifeng stayed in this nine realm for three days.

In these three days, he let the earth's avatar find a piece of earth to understand the potential of the earth.

Suddenly the strength of the avatar began to break through.

As for Princess Jiuyou, she recovered.

However, the princess of Jiuyou now has a charming face, and she has a charming body.

He seduce the mind and soul of men all the time.

Even the great emperor's heart of martial arts became unsteady in front of Princess Jiuyou, and various thoughts were generated in his heart, which was difficult to extricate himself.

In the end, Xiao Yifeng had to let Princess Jiuyou wear a special mask.

She also wore a robe that blocked the release of flattery.

This can reduce its influence on outsiders and hide its identity.

Then Xiao Yifeng summoned several ancestors of Queen Nine You, Princess Nine You, Yin Tian, ​​Yin Yue and Nine You Dynasty into the hall of Nine You Dynasty.

"The purpose of convening everyone today is to talk about the management of the Jiuyou Dynasty and Jiuyou Realm."

Xiao Yifeng said solemnly.

Hearing this, many people in the Nine You Dynasty looked slightly changed, but no one dared to say anything.

"I decided to continue to make Queen Nine You the king of Nine You Dynasty !!!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"Let me be the king of the Nine You Dynasty?"

After hearing the news, Queen Nine You looked at Xiao Yifeng with surprise, ~ Yes, but you must accept my control. "

"In the future, the Nine You dynasties will always obey my orders."

"At the same time, let Yin Tian be in charge of the martial arts army that controls all the worlds of Jiuyu Realm."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

Since he came to Jiuyu Realm, he naturally wanted Jiuyu realm to be under his control.

Queen Nine You is responsible for the management of Nine Nine Realms.

Yintian is in charge of the martial arts army in Jiuyu Realm.

One main zheng, one main army.

When Xiao Yifeng took control of the two men, he was in control of the entire Nine You Dynasty.

"Thank you, Emperor !!!"

Yin Tian said half-kneeling at Xiao Yifeng.


Queen Nine You nodded.

"Do you have any other objections?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the others in the Nine You Dynasty and said.

Faced with the supreme star emperor, these people naturally have no objection.

"Well, Yinyue and Princess Nine You both follow me."

Xiao Yifeng then looked at the two women and said.


Yinyue and Princess Jiuyou nodded.

Next, Xiao Yifeng arranged the Thunder's clone and the Fire's clone to lead the 7th, 8th and 9th Star Corps.

There is also the sword emperor and the spirit emperor plus the warrior to follow the Lord of Hell to the **** world.

Among them, Tiantu, the barren mountains, and the cold front followed.

This time with the Lord of Hell,

It was to help him regain control of the Three Realms of Hell, resurrect Yuan Yuanmo and a lot of money.

It's a big deal, so Xiao Yifeng dare not take it seriously.

If it weren't for his deity, he would go to the primitive world to rescue Su Yan.

He's going to **** in person.

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