The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4609: Public enemy of the continent

A roaring explosion sounded with a trembling ear.

This dazzling starburst of stars directly banged on the face of this huge man on the sky of Jiuyoujie.

Dirty energy swept out.

This face has been illusory much.

Then a figure came up,

It is Xiao Yifeng's deity.

Behind him are other powerful men.

After learning that there are stars in the Nine Secrets,

Xiao Yifeng's deity came to Jiuyouyu in person.

After all, this starry sky stone is of great importance, and there must be no accidents.

And the Battle of the Beasts hasn't started so soon,

So Xiao Yifeng's deity came to Jiuyu Realm in person.

Looking at another star emperor in the void,

I do n’t know the queen of Jiuyou, the princess of Jiuyou and Yintian Yinyue, who were shocked.

They looked dull.

"You are the Emperor of the Starry Emperor !!!"

This face looked indifferent to Xiao Yifeng's deity.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, and Lei Zhi's clone returned to his body.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng was wearing a star battle armor and holding a star sword.

The light of a star shines.

Before stepping into the Nine You Realm.

Xiao Yifeng urged the nine star spirits, summoning 3,000 stars and stars into their bodies.

Today, his combat effectiveness is so horrible! !! !!

"Tell me about your identity."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the man and drank coldly.

Being able to rely on a single mind has such a powerful power.

The strength of Zhang Ren's face is definitely not low.

At least the existence of the eternal great emperor.

"The Lord of Heaven and Earth Pavilion !!!"

This face was cold.

"You are the Lord of Heaven and Earth Pavilion?"

"No wonder."

"The deputy and elders who killed you ~ ~ before."

"I didn't expect you, the patron, to do it yourself."

"Looks like you must have this ambition on the starry sky !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the host of the heaven and earth Pavilion coldly.

"Give up the Star God Stone, or don't blame me if you don't !!!!"

The Lord of Heaven and Earth Pavilion said coldly.

A force of transcendent coercion mixed with the horror of the avenue of depression once again suppressed towards Xiao Yifeng.

"Well, if you come here, I'm still a little bit shy."

"But you're just an idea incarnation and you dare to be so arrogant."

"When I am the Great Emperor of the Sky, I can't do it."

Xiao Yifeng dismissed the cold road.

He wields a star sword to mobilize a majestic star energy, and displays the star cut.

He blasted his sword at the face.

This sword blasted out,

The energy of 3,000 stars in Xiao Yifeng's body and the power of 200,000 stars in his body, as well as the power of the astral force of the nine astral circles, all erupted at this moment.

The power of the Star Sword is even more inspired,

A sword was cut out, and a horrific star Jianmang that was hundreds of thousands of feet long was born.

Crossing the Nine You Realm seems to divide the entire Nine You Realm into two.

Boom boom! !! !!

The horrible sword blasted directly into the face of the owner of this heaven and earth Pavilion.

Various forces on both sides began to interweave and collide,

A deafening roar exploded.

Endless rays of energy swept away, covering the entire Nine Umbrellas.


Xiao Yifeng burst into a drink.

Star power erupted throughout his body, prompting the star sword to shine.

This face completely transformed by the idea of ​​the Heaven and Earth Pavilion was completely destroyed.

Huh! !! !!

Qiankun mainland, Tiandi Pavilion.

In a palace, a middle-aged man in black and white robes suddenly opened his eyes.

He spit out blood,

Its color turned white, and Emperor Infant suffered.

This man is the owner of the Heaven and Earth Pavilion.

"Star Emperor, you wait, I will definitely return this sword to you."

"It's not so easy to own the Star God Stone alone."

"Don't even think I can't get it !!!"

The Lord of the Heavens and Earths Pavilion said with a cold look, his eyes were full of cold coldness.

Soon a news spread across the continent.

The starry sky stone appeared, and now it is in the hands of the reincarnation starry sky emperor! !! !!

As soon as this news came out, countless powerful people hidden in the Qiankun continent were excited.

Starry God Stone, this is the treasure that countless martial arts might want.

In the ancient times of the past, an emperor was promoted from a lower emperor to a high-ranking emperor by relying on the starry **** stone, and stood directly at the peak of the starry martial arts.

This deed has always enticed countless strong people to want a starry sky **** stone.

They all want to try the ultimate peak of martial arts.

Therefore, all the news of the Star God Stone, will lead to the crazy battle of countless strong.

But since the end of ancient times, it is now.

For nearly a million years, there is no news of the starry stone in the entire starry sky.

Now the news of the star stone suddenly appearing, naturally attracting countless strong men from the continent.

Even if the owner of this starry sky stone is the starry sky emperor, they will not give up.

After all, this Star Emperor has just returned from the reincarnation, and now it is certainly not very strong.

This is why they dared to stare at the starry sky.

If they were placed in ancient times, they would never dare to think of the Emperor of the Sky.

Now the Star Emperor is regarded as a tiger and Pingyang is being bullied by dogs.

With the news of the Star God Stone,

The strongest in the continent Kyushu are eager to move.

They began to secretly try to capture the starry stone.

Xiao Yifeng naturally did not know that the Lord of Heaven and Earth Pavilion made him a public enemy of the Qiankun continent.

The starry stone in his hand directly made it a target targeted by countless strong men in the continent of Kyushu! !! !!

Of course, even if I know ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng will not care! !! !!

He was about to conquer the continent,

Naturally do not mind the enemy of the entire Qiankun continent.

In Jiuyou Realm, Xiao Yifeng killed this face of the owner of the Heaven and Earth Pavilion.

He took a deep breath, his face pale.

"The Great Emperor is still the Great Emperor."

"Even after reincarnation, it is still very powerful !!!"

Then the Lord of Hell came to Xiao Yifeng and smiled.

"thank you!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

Then he returned to the royal palace of Jiuyou, summoned the Star Hall, entered it, and stepped into the ancient seal of the starry sky to begin the recovery and restoration.

In an instant, three days had passed outside.

In the ancient seal of the starry sky, nine thousand days have passed.

Now the ancient seal of the starry sky has inspired the seventh power,

The time flow ratio with the outside has reached one to three thousand.

After 3,000 days of cultivation in it, only one day has passed.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng opened his eyes.

He was fully recovered.

"the host!!!"

Xiao Xing cried sweetly in front of Xiao Yifeng.

"Little star, you still have two powers, you can completely restore the power of ancient times."

Xiao Yifeng said at this time looking at the little star.

"Yes Master."

Little Star nodded.

"it is good."

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Chen.

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