The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4607: 6 reincarnation

"This prison emperor is very capable, and even the Lord of Hell can win it."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

The Lord of Hell is the master of the three realms of hell.

Its strength is beyond doubt,

In ancient times, he was also a top emperor in the sky.

Unexpectedly, he has now become a prisoner of this prison emperor and is still being held here.

"He is being held there?"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

Then the Quartet God Beast took Xiao Yifeng and his party to the depths of Jiuyou Purgatory.

Through a long, cold channel,

Soon a powerful enchantment appeared.

boom! !! !!

Before Xiao Yifeng spoke, Xiao Fan swept out.

A thunder force blasted on this enchantment.

On the spot, the enchantment containing the power of the Emperor was smashed by such a few years old child.

Seeing this, the Quartet looked at Xiao Fan with a shocked look.

"He's my son, don't be surprised !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"See Young Master !!!"

Immediately, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu shouted respectfully to Xiao Fan.

In their hearts, they secretly sighed the terrible strength of this young master.

Only a few years old can break the enchantment of the Emperor's respect, which is simply horrible! !! !!

With this enchantment broken.

A wave of cold and bloodthirsty swept through, mixed with a thick breath of death.

Behind the enchantment is a huge cave,

The space in this cave is no less than the cave space where the Quartet's beast is located.

And in this cave there is a blood-red pool, in which a naked man sits.

The man's blood fluttered, his face was firm, his eyebrows were thick,

Her eyes are closed, her lips are pale,

His hands were locked by two chains that were bound to the Quartet.

The other end of the chain is inserted into the cave on both sides of the blood pool.

And this man is the master of the three realms of hell-the master of hell.

In ancient times, the Emperor Xingkong had seen the Lord of Hell.

At that time, the Lord of Hell ruled the **** world and suppressed one side.

He controls the whereabouts of all the warriors after death, which is extremely powerful! !! !!

I did not expect to see him again today, the other party became a prisoner.

"Lord of Hell !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Lord of Hell and called directly.

Huh! !! !!

Suddenly, the Lord of Hell opened his eyes, and there was a flash of death in his eyes.

Even though the strength of this Lord of Hell is sealed.

However, his eyes still had the power to let the eternal emperor retreat from his home.

"who are you?"

The Lord of Hell said indifferently.

"Star King, haven't seen you for a long time !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Lord of Hell with a smile.

"Star King?"

"It looks like you have succeeded in reincarnation."

The Lord of Hell's eyes flickered, staring at Xiao Yifeng fiercely.

"But why don't you have the breath of the Star King?"

Then the Lord of Hell coldly.

"This is just my avatar."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"It's worthy of being the Emperor of the Starry Sky, even the avatars have the complete three souls and seven souls !!!"

There was a look of astonishment in the eyes of the Lord of Hell, Shen said.

"Hell Lord, I didn't expect you to be trapped here by the prison emperor."

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

"Prison Emperor, is indeed a powerful late junior."

"But if it wasn't for the **** war, I would have been seriously injured and I would be exhausted."

"He didn't want to imprison me so easily."

Hell Lord said coldly.

"What the **** is going on in the **** world?"

"In your strength, you have suffered such a serious injury."

"And why the **** world was divided into the underworld, the ghost world and the underworld."

Xiao Yifeng said curiously.

"Hum, all the guys from the Qiankun mainland."

"They are trying to control **** in order to control the six reincarnation channels."

"By then the reincarnation of the Star Warriors will be all under their control."

The Lord of Hell shouted coldly.

"Again the continent?"

Xiao Yifeng was shocked when he heard the words of the Lord of Hell.

"People on the continent want to control the **** world and the six reincarnations of the warriors?"

Xiao Yifeng said solemnly at this time.

After the death of a warrior in the starry world, the three souls and seven souls will enter the **** world,

Depending on the situation, some have become a member of the **** community, and they have often become ghosts.

Some souls are intact, they will enter the six reincarnation, reincarnation and rebirth.

The six reincarnations are the most mysterious beings in the **** world and even in this universe.

Once the six reincarnations are controlled, then

The reincarnation of the Star Warrior is under his control.

Xiao Yifeng did not expect that the people of the Qiankun mainland were so ambitious that he even wanted to control the six reincarnations.

You have to know that even if his Star Emperor was powerful enough to suppress the starry sky, he never thought of controlling the six reincarnations.

After all, the six reincarnations are days controlled by the **** world.

Forcibly controlling is the number of days of violation.

At that time, it will definitely cause a big chaos in the entire universe.

But he did not expect that the people of this continent are so arrogant that they dare to move even six reincarnation.

"That's right, the people on this continent have rebelled against me to fight against the strong ~ ~ and let them attack me."

"So much so that war in hell."

"I don't want the people of Qiankun mainland to control the six reincarnations."

"I have no choice but to use the Supreme Secret to divide the **** world into three."

"It has become the ghost world, the underworld, and the underworld."

"As the **** world divided into three, the six reincarnations disappeared."

"So they don't have a chance to take control of the six reincarnations."

Hell Lord said coldly.

"So it is."

Only now Xiao Yifeng understood all this.

"If it weren't for this, I had consumed all my strength, and it would be impossible for the prison emperor to trap me."

The Lord of Hell went cold.

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Lord of Hell: "Do you know who has such great ambitions in Qiankun mainland?"

"I don't know, I only know that they come from Qiankun mainland."

"It's not clear who the organization is."

"But I have seen the strong men they lead."

"He is a high-ranking emperor, named Yaotian Emperor, and his strength is terrible !!!"

Hell Lord said indifferently.

"The continent, I will definitely take it down."

Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly.

With a series of things about Qiankun mainland.

Xiao Yifeng is full of curiosity and desire to conquer this continental world.

"You are here, presumably met the prison emperor?"

Said the Lord of Hell.

"Well, he imprisoned my Majesty the Quartet, and he was just beaten away."

"Listening to the Quartet said that you were also imprisoned here, and I came over."

"I'll save you out now."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Lord of Hell and said.

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