The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4597: Great play

Princess Jiuyou is not the daughter of the former King Jiuyou?

The Queen of Nine You was given a green hat by the Queen of Nine You?

With You Xue's shocking words came out.

Everyone in the whole city was shocked.

One by one they looked at the Queen Nine You and the Princess Nine You with an incredible look.

Among them, the people of the Jiuyou Dynasty appeared to be the most shocked and incredible.

Especially in the Nine You Dynasty, everyone with the blood of Nine You Royal Family looked ugly one by one, and felt a kind of strange shame.

The Queen of Nine You was given a green hat by the queen.

This is definitely a huge scandal for the Jiuyou royal family.

Enough to shame the entire Nine You Royal Family.

For a moment, the eyes of everyone in the royal family of Jiuyou looked at the Queen of Jiuyou with an angry look.

As for Princess Nine You, their eyes are full of disgust and anger.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were full of surprise.

He did not expect such a drama to be staged in these nine dynasties.

It's really exciting.

The magnificent Princess Jiuyou is not the blood of King Jiuyou.

The queen of the nine you queen is so brave that she dares to put on a green hat to the owner of the nine you dynasty.

And in the end it became the master of the Nine You Dynasty,

This wave of operation is almost 666! !! !!

"how is this possible?"

"This is not true. I am the blood of the Jiuyou royal family. I am the princess of the Jiuyou dynasty."

"How could I not be born to my father."

At this time Princess Jiuyou's expression changed continuously, her eyes were full of shocked look.

She yelled directly, disbelieving.

"Princess Nine You, who is your biological father, you can ask your mother."

You Xue smiled charmingly.

"Mother, what is going on?"

Princess Jiuyou looked at Queen Jiuyou and said quickly.

Queen Nine You stared at Youxue indifferently:

"You know enough."

"Queen Nine You, I know more than that."

"I know more about how King Jiuyou died."

You Xue sneered.

After hearing Youxue's words, everyone's look changed again.

Is there any other inside story about the death of King Jiuyou?

"How could the divine Jiuyou King suddenly die?"

"He died in the hands of your nine queen queens."

"My good sister, am I right?"

You Xue looked at Queen Nine You and smiled slightly.

Apparently, the nine queen queens are You Xue's sister.

But most importantly what she said,

Jiuyou Wang was killed by Queen Jiuyou?

This is another blockbuster, and everyone who directly bombed it was difficult to react for a while.

Today's good drama is simply one after another, heavy news one after another, people are overwhelmed.

Swipe! !! !!

Suddenly, the eyes of all the nine dynasty dynasties and the people of the nine dynasty royal family were watching the queen of nine you with a very angry look.

Queen Jiuyou put on a green hat to Jiuyou, which has made the Jiuyou dynasty and the royal family angry.

Now even Jiuyou Wang was killed by these Jiuyou queens.

Suddenly the anger of the entire high-ranking Jiuyou dynasty and the people of the Jiuyou royal family was ignited.

"Queen Nine You, your heart is so hard !!!"

"My elder brother treats you so sincerely, you even gave him a cuckold and killed him."

"You are simply a viper woman !!!"

A younger brother of King Jiuyou directly pointed at Queen Jiuyou angrily.

"You cruel woman, you deserve to die."

"Have you faced the master of the Nine You Dynasty."

A high-ranking powerhouse of the Nine-Yu Dynasty looked at the Nine-Your Queen with a cold drink.

"Shut up, what qualifications do you have to say me?"

Suddenly, Queen Nine You shouted with a strong expression on her face.

There was a terrifying look on her body to suppress the group.

Terrible coercion forced them to breathe out of breath and unable to speak.

"They are ineligible, do we have them?"

At this moment the sound of a twilight morning bell in the void suddenly sounded.

Then the three white-haired old men in grey robes came straight into the air.

"Meet the three veterans !!!"

With these three old men appear.

The entire Jiuyou dynasty kneeled in worship at the three old men respectfully.

Obviously, the identity of these three people is not simple.

They are the elders of the Jiuyou royal family, and they are the strong men of the older generation of Jiuyou royal family. They have been hiding in the Jiuyou royal family for cultivation.

Only when the Jiuyou dynasty encountered major events did they appear to maintain dynasty stability.

And their strength belongs to the top existence under the emperor.

"Queen Nine You, you killed the royal family and the people of the dynasty and took the position of Lord Nine You."

"We see that you are the queen, and no one in the Nine You dynasty is really qualified for this position, and I have not shot at you."

"Let you successfully become the master of the Nine You Dynasty."

"I didn't expect you to do so many dirty things in your back."

"You not only insulted the face of the nine you dynasty, but also killed me.

"You are so sinful that you cannot forgive it."

The three Jiuyou veterans looked at the Queen Jiuyou and yelled.

The terror-like coercion erupted on them, and they went directly to suppress the Queen Nine You ~ ~ The entire space of the King City was stagnant, and the oppression was solidified by the terrible oppression Already.

Pedal Pedal! !! !!

Under the terrible coercion of these three elders.

The body of Queen Nine You was shaken back and forth.

Huh! !! !!

Just then, two men in black robes suddenly appeared,

They stood before Jiuyou Wang.

The horrible breath released by the two men blocked the three elders of the Nine You Royal Family.

"Why are you here?"

Queen Nine You looked at the two men and said.

"Ma'am, the master learned that the Nine You dynasty has changed, so he specifically asked us to come."

One of the two men groaned.

"Both of you are the man who is bound by the nine dynasties."

"You guys really don't exist when my Nine You royal family exists !!!"

The three veterans looked at them coldly.

Suddenly, the terror of the three veterans rushed towards them.

The five of them fought into a mass directly in the void.

The monstrous energy constantly swept out, blasting the surrounding space.

"Shoot !!!"

You Xue drank sharply at this moment.

Suddenly another group of people rushed out.

All of them released the terrible Emperor Wei, the strongest has the great strength of the eternal emperor.

They rushed towards Queen Nine You directly.

"My good sister, it seems you are well prepared."

Queen Nine You saw this scene, and looked at Youxue coldly.

"That's right, my good sister, unless you open the Nine Secrets today."

"No, I promise to let you taste the pain!"

You Xue drank coldly as she watched Queen Nine You.

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