The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4579: 1 punch burst!

"Master, has this dragon tribe erupted?"

"It turned out that two such terrible dragons were born !!!"

At this time Wushen and Beast God stood beside Xiao Yifeng.

Looking at the earth-shattering battle in the starry sky, they are all shocked expressions.

"Perhaps, the ancestors of the Dragons will know that they will be very happy."

"Unfortunately there can only be one of these two dragons !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

Then his gaze fixed, a icy cold mang flashed in his eyes.

Cang Hao dare to hurt his woman,

And arrogantly killed him,

Must die! !! !!

Star Emperor, don't be humiliated! !! !!

Shame it, kill it! !! !!

Rumble ...

In an instant, a sound of bombardment sounded.

Above the starry sky, the dragon body with a length of millions of feet directly broke out and its fusion gave birth to the strongest blood power

Strongly banged on Cang Hao,

He crashed Cang Hao on the spot,

This Cang Hao smashed the body as if to penetrate the stars.

Huh! !! !!

Cang Hao spurted blood,

A large amount of blood and cracks appeared on his dragon body,

There is no more powerful look before.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Canglong's eyes showed an incredible look.

He also previously said that his son Cang Hao would become the most powerful existence of the Dragon and even the entire starry sky.

In the blink of an eye, his son was beaten so badly.

The change came so fast that he couldn't accept it.

"Although you are strong, no one in the entire Dragon Race is your opponent."

"But in front of me, your fortitude is nothing !!!!"

Long Ganju looked down at Cang Hao and yelled.

"No, I'm the strongest !!!"

Cang Hao roared, and her huge dragon body rose into the sky again, blasting towards Longgan.


Longgan million feet of dragon body smashed.

Cang Hao's body was smashed directly towards the ground again.

Roar! !! !!

boom! !! !!

Cang Hao sent a dragon yelling to the sky again, but was severely hit by the dragon again.

For a dozen or so times, Cang Hao's dragon body was dripping with blood and bruised by the dragon.

Most dragon scales are crushed and shed.

This Cang Hao has no fighting ability.

Cang Hao originally relied on the strength of the 9th weight of Canglong Jue plus the power of Canglong Real Body.

Enough to become the most dazzling and powerful existence in the history of the Dragon family for millions of years,

Even the invincible starry sky has become one of the most powerful stars.

But unfortunately he was not born at the right time,

He was about to shine brightly,

As a result, I encountered the invincible existence of Longgan, a fusion of Shenlong blood and Canglong blood, combining the strongest blood of the two dragons.

Compared with Cang Hao, Long Gan is even more terrible! !! !!

This leads to Sheng Shengyu and He Shengliang,

The glory of Cang Hao was completely covered by Long Gan,

He was even seriously injured and became a very sad existence.

"Do you want to continue?"

Longgan looked at Cang Hao coldly.

At this time Cang Hao continued to vomit blood, but did not fight again.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, Longgan's whole body flashed,

He transformed directly into a human figure.

At this moment, the human body of the dragon is more stable than before, and there is a sense of oppression in his body.

"Xiaofeng, Longqing !!!"

Longgan called directly to Xiao Yifeng and Long Qing.

"Father, you are amazing !!!"

Long Qing looked at Long Gan excitedly.

"When you have finished refining your ancestors, you will be as strong as me."

Long Gan looked at Long Qing and said lightly.

"Congratulations to the predecessors, who created a new blood power of the Dragons."

"Your contribution and achievements to the Dragons are comparable to the Dragons' ancestors !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Long Gan and said with a smile.

"You don't have to be so exaggerated."

"I was also lucky this time. In the dragon cave, I got the help of countless dragon souls."

"Only these two forces can be fused together, and a whole new blood power is born."

"But thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to get the body of the dragon."

"Otherwise I'm just a dragon soul without a trust."

Long Gan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"How do seniors name your bloodline power today?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"Since it is a blood power that combines the power of Shenlong and Canglong, it is called the blood of Shencang !!!

Long Gan said lightly,

Then he looked at Xiao Yifeng and pointed to Cang Hao, "How does this person handle it?"

"He almost killed Long Qing and provoked me. He must die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a cold killing intention directly.

"That being the case, then I ..."

"No, I'm here !!!"

Long Gan just spoke,

Xiao Yifeng said, he walked towards Cang Hao.

"Please, please spare my life, I am willing to pay back with my life !!!"

At this time, the Lord of the Canglong turned into a human form and kneeled in front of Xiao Yifeng, asking for mercy.

"You and he will die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently,

He punched directly at the Lord of Canglong.

"Don't touch my father !!!"

Cang Hao roared immediately,

He reversed the blood power, and the dragon broke out again with a horrible power, rushing towards Xiao Yifeng.

"Be careful!!!"

Seeing this, Long Gan's expression changed suddenly, and he rushed forward.

Nine Steps! !! !!

Ninth step! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng shouted.

He forcibly urged the final one of the nine steps of Batian.


His body clicked,

A roar sounded in his flesh,

Its domineering power has soared to an unimaginable level again.

At this moment, even Xiao Yifeng felt that his body was about to be exploded, and his face was ugly.

But his eyes showed a firm look.

He blasted out directly with a punch, on the spot on Cang Hao's dragon head.

Rumble ...

Xiao Yifeng's fist collided with Cang Hao's huge incomparable dragon head.

The strength of both sides burst out.

"Break it for me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng roared immediately.

He stepped out of the ninth step of Batian's ninth step.

With a bang, Cang Hao's faucet burst on the spot.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Next, Cang Hao ’s dragon body, which was 500,000 feet long, broke open inch by inch.

Destroyed directly by the power of the overlord.

In a blink of an eye ~ ~ dozens of seconds passed.

Cang Hao's entire dragon body exploded, turning into a **** sky.

His dragon meat was completely destroyed by the tyrannical domineering force.

This Cang Hao's half-million-foot-long dragon body except for a pile of dragon blood was left behind.

Nothing else remained.

One blow punched a half-million-foot-long Canglong real body,

The power of this bully is terrifying! !! !!

All the dragons present were stunned.

"Haoer !!!"

Then the Lord of the Canglong watched his son die alive before him.

He had bloodshot eyes, and screamed in pain.

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