The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4550: Guild Leader

"Want to kill me, I'm afraid you're not good enough !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Lord of the Extermination Alliance and hummed coldly.

"Then try it !!!"

A terrifying breath erupted from the Lord of Extermination.

In his eyes flashed the cold cold mang staring at Xiao Yifeng.

"Aren't you people from your tribe?"

Shouted the Lord of the Exterminators.

"The Emperor Starry is here!"

A cold drinking sounded in the void.

The void around Xiao Yifeng suddenly rippled.

Four Hanmangs suddenly appeared, carrying the force of terror and blasting towards Xiao Yifeng.

Four black figures emerged suddenly around him.

Like a shadow,

It is the four superpowers of the shadow clan.

boom! !! !!

In front of Xiao Yifeng, a monstrous killing gas burst out,

The formation of a terrible killing field shrouded Xiao Yifeng.

A terrible blood-red sword-mang burst out of the air with endless murderous power, blasting towards Xiao Yifeng.

An old man in a blood-red gown appeared,

He held a long knife in his hand, exuding the spirit of supreme killing.

And he is a peerless powerhouse to kill the clan.

At the same time, two punches suddenly appeared and became extremely huge.

The same went towards Xiao Yifeng.

This was the two men with empty eyes and lifeless bodies blasted out.

They are the two most powerful of the Dai people.

The Wa people are an evil and terrible race dedicated to hunting down strong people in ancient times and then using them to make strong people.

In ancient times, countless strong men died in the hands of the Dai people.

Their corpses were all made into powerful puppets, helping the puppet siege of the city, annexing all major forces, and growing up the puppet clan.

Later, the Dai people dared to hit their ideas on the Xingchen Temple.

They hunted down dozens of Great Emperors from the Star Hall, and made them into puppets.

As a result, the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky was furious.

He personally led the strong man in the Star Hall to kill the Dai people's nest.

Destroyed the Qiang army of 100,000 people and killed the strong and high-ranking people in the Qiang's nest.

However, at that time, the chief of the Dai clan, King Wang, was not present.

The Star Emperor searched and found no trace of King Wang.

Unexpectedly, this Qiang tribe has reappeared now, and like the Killing Shadow clan, they have all turned to the God of Destruction Alliance.

For a time, seven top emperors among these three ancient and powerful races joined forces to launch a slaying attack on Xiao Yifeng.

"the host!!!"

Seeing this, the look of the strong men brought by Xiao Yifeng changed, and they were about to shoot.

At this time, a horrific power broke out on the Lord of Extermination suppressing them, making them unable to shoot.

This time the Emperor Xutian didn't follow, and with the strength of the martial arts, they faced the slightest oppression of the outbreak of the power of the Lord of Extermination Alliance.

Although this pressure was not very strong, it also prevented them from helping Xiao Yifeng in the first place.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yifeng looked at the seven strong men who came from all directions, and his expression was very indifferent.

He directly put on the Star Warframe, holding the Star Sword, and a starry sky figure emerged from behind.

Incarnate as the Emperor of the Starry Sky! !! !!

boom! !! !!

The power of 100,000 stars in Xiao Yifeng's body all erupted and merged into the star armor.

A roar rang directly.

As the first armor of the Star Emperor in ancient times.

At this moment, the Star Warframe broke out for the first time.

The dazzling light of the stars burst out from the star armor, shining the world.

The terrifying star power burst out.

Suddenly, all the attacks of the seven strong fell on Xiao Yifeng's Star Warframe.

But was completely blocked by this Star Warframe.

Xiao Yifeng was not affected in any way.

There was another boom, and the seven people were directly backed by the shock.

Even the killing area urged by the killing clan was smashed by the power of the Star Warframe.

Can smash the avenue areas, showing the power of this Star Warframe.

Xiao Yifeng did not cultivate the physical body in the first life, and his physical body was not so powerful.

So he needs a strong armor to protect his body from harm.

The Star Warrior was born by the great Emperor Xingkong.

Its defense is invincible, when the Great Emperor of the Stars wore the Star Warrior.

Even the Jiupin Emperor can't break the defense of the Star Warframe.

In addition, this Star Warrior can increase the combat power of Star Emperor by half, which is extremely powerful! !! !!

Although Xiao Yifeng had the Star Warframe before, he could not motivate his power because of the limitation of strength.

This is the first time that this Star Warframe has erupted into such a powerful position.

"At the peak of your three races that year, I was destroyed."

"Now you dare to attack me just because you love cats and dogs?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the killer, shadow, and Dai tribe with contempt.

"The first star in the sky really is amazing. Today I finally saw it."

At this moment, the leader of the God of Destruction looked at Xiao Yifeng and said lightly.

"Don't stop talking nonsense, go straight."

"Let me see how powerful you as the leader of the extermination alliance !!!"

Xiao Yifeng held the star sword and looked at the Lord of the Extermination League coldly.


As soon as the Lord of the Extermination Alliance's body moved, a force of horror broke out.

Killed away towards Xiao Yifeng.

The entire void burst instantly.

Xiao Yifeng directly urged the sky map to merge into his body, making his strength soar.

Then Xiao Yifeng relied on the power provided by the star map to hold the Star Sword and fight with the Lord of the Extermination Alliance.

The star armor flashed with light, making Xiao Yifeng's combat power increase by half again.

He fought with the Lord of the Extermination Alliance.

Boom boom! !! !!

Endless roaring explosions continue to sound in this world.

None of them stayed.

Destructive forces shattered the world and shattered it.

Countless stars and swords shoot out.

Xiao Yifeng, holding a star sword, turned into a warrior and kept hacking towards the Lord of Extermination.

Under the crazy attack of Xiao Yifeng, plus the power of the Star Sword.

The Lord of Extermination was completely suppressed and it was difficult to resist.




Xiao Yifeng's murderous applause ~ ~ The star sword in his hand showed the power of the first sword in the sky.

With a bang, the Lord of Destruction God was blasted out by the Star Sword and smashed the ground.

The terrible power caused most of the world's ground to burst.

The other strong players in the Alliance of God of Destruction were killed by this terrible fighting energy.

"The Lord of Extermination is just that !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stood in the void, sulking with a strong look.

PS: Chapter 4 is offered, and it will be updated tomorrow morning and noon

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