The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4542: Break through Emperor

"These guys are terrible, and the attack methods are weird."

"I was forced to explode my body, if not by relying on the soul-stealing bead, to keep me a source of Emperor Infant."

"I'm afraid I'm dead now !!!"

"Damn guys, don't give me a chance to find them."

"Otherwise I must make them worse than life !!!"

Soul Eater looked sorrowful, and drank coldly in his eyes.

"Since you are a character in the early days of ancient times."

"Then do you know why those great emperors in the early days of ancient times disappeared?"

"Why I rarely see them again in the middle of ancient times."

"Including those who are on the Emperor List and those on the Emperor List who have used the Emperor List before, have they gone there?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Soul Eater and asked again.

"I don't know the specific situation."

"But a big event happened in the early part of ancient times, and their disappearance may have something to do with it !!!"

Soul Eater said.

"Big deal? What big deal?"

Xiao Yifeng spit out in a deep voice.

"At that time, it was rumored that the ancient starry sky appeared and caused a sensation throughout the sky."

"Countless emperors and powerful men dispatched one after another to find the ancient road to the sky !!!"

Soul Eater said.

"Xingkong Ancient Road !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's gaze fixed, his eyes flashed with surprise.

He did not expect that there was an ancient road in the sky in the early days of ancient times.

"Is the Xingkong Gulu really showing up?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"I'm not sure about this because I was retreating at the time."

"When I came out, I was chased and killed by those people from the Qiankun mainland.

"But I faintly felt that in the early days of ancient times, there was a huge conspiracy covering the top powerhouses in the sky and the universe. I don't know the specifics !!!"

Soul Eater said.

After hearing these words from Soul Eater.

Xiao Yifeng's expression changed continuously, his eyes flickered constantly.

"What do you want to do to me?"

Soul Eater looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"For the sake of saying so much, I will spare you my life !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the soul eater coldly.

"Thank you."

Soul Eater said lightly.

"But I have to control your soul."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"What do you want to do?"

Soul Eater changed his look, staring at Xiao Yifeng.

"Soul control !!!"

Xiao Yifeng directly performed the soul control technique given to him by his mother Honghuang Madam, and controlled the soul of this emperor infant.

At this moment in the Temple of Stars, all the power of Soul Eater was bound.

He couldn't resist at all, and was ultimately controlled by Soul Control.

"What is the secret method of controlling the soul?"

"It is so powerful that I have never even seen it !!!"

Soul Eater looked at Xiao Yifeng in shock.

"This is the secret method from the flood season, you have never seen it before."

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

"Secret from the flood era?"

"Ancient times, is there really a flood era?"

Soul Eater said in surprise.

"Of course, it seems that you know a little bit about the flood era."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"I did not expect that there was an era of floods before ancient times."

"No wonder this secret method is so strong that I can't even crack it !!!"

Soul Eater sighed.

As a Supreme Master who cultivates and controls the devouring of other people ’s souls,

But can't do anything about this soul control,

This shows the power of this soul control technique! !! !!

"Since I am yours now, shouldn't you find me a body?"

Soul Eater looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"I have a few saints in my body, but you certainly don't like it."

"I'll see if I can help you find a stronger body."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Thank you !!!"

Soul Eater said, his figure turned into a streamer and returned to Soul Eater.

Xiao Yifeng then put away the soul-stealing bead, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

A few words from Soul Eater just now made Xiao Yifeng realize that something really happened in the early days of ancient times.

Perhaps there is really a conspiracy in the back.

And did Xingkong Ancient Road really appear?

Where did those emperors go?

It seems that there are many mysteries that Xiao Yifeng needs to solve in Starry Sky Realm.

Boom boom! !! !!

There was a sudden roar outside the Star Hall.

Xiao Yifeng walked out, his eyes swept away.

I saw the sky of the virtual gods roar, and a thunderous sky came down, forming a very terrible power.

A terror overwhelming all beings directly swept away.

Spread toward the entire **** domain, and even the entire starry sky.

There was a roar of noise throughout the starry sky at this moment, and the endless aura of aura came.

"A new emperor is about to be born?"

At this moment, countless powerful people in the sky were shocked.

Such a formation will only emerge from the birth of a new emperor in the starry sky.

And in the virtual world.

The entire virtual **** world, including the other seven warriors, were all kneeled on the ground by this terrifying coercion.

In other words, Xiao Yifeng and the Emperor of the Void were not affected.

They went directly to the headquarters of Promise Daozong.

This terrible power came from here.

And on top of the void of the Promise Taoism, the terrible Emperor Thunder thunder penalty came.

Apparently, some people in this Promise doctrine broke through to the state of the Emperor.

That's why it has such a big power and even attracted thunder penalty.

This thunder penalty is a more terrible existence than thunder storm, second only to the nine days of **** punishment.

And thunder and punishment will only appear when someone breaks into the realm of the Emperor.

Only through thunder and punishment can we be regarded as the true Emperor, not the pseudo Emperor.

At this time, which of the imperial emperors of the Promise Daozong rushed out, today it is his breakthrough.

When dealing with the son of the Dark Lord Emperor.

The Puppet Emperor of the Promise Taoism showed great strength.

I even realized a trace of the mystery of the road,

Breaking through Emperor's respect is justified now.

"This old guy is about to break through !!!"

At this time, Qianxue, Dragon's Blood, and Taiyi's Puppet Emperor Zongzong also appeared.

Seeing this Promise of the Promise really broke through the emperor ’s realm,

Their eyes are full of shocking and envious look ~ ~ !! !!

Suddenly, the terrible imperial thunder force came directly,

Turned into an extremely sturdy thunder, the smashing void blasted towards the old man of the Promise.

This thunder penalty is so terrible.

Even the eternal emperor can be hacked to death,

This thunder punishment released a very terrifying coercion, making people feel suffocated and desperate.

Promise of India! !! !!

At this moment, the old man of Promise Daozong shouted suddenly.

With a wave of his hands, a yin and yang gossip pattern appeared directly on top of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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