The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4536: Deeply shocked

boom! !! !!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's top ten martial arts secrets have been won by Xiao Yifeng.

At this point, the ten books of heaven converged in the temple and merged directly.

A new volume of heavenly books has been formed.

The book opened that day, and eight words appeared directly on it.

These eight words contain a unique Tao rhyme, formed by the power of the avenue.

And these eight characters are: Sun and Moon Tonghui, Tianshu opens! !! !!

"What the **** is this?"

Seeing these eight words, Xiao Yifeng froze directly, with a grimace.

He thought that when he gathered the ten volumes of the heavenly scriptures, he could know the secrets behind them.

It turned out so chaotic.

It is also necessary for the sun and the moon to be able to open the mystery of this book.

Isn't this playing with him?

"Sun and moon together, how is that possible?"

Xiao Yifeng swaggered, his face speechless.

Sun and moon represent the day and night of this cosmic starry sky.

How could they appear at the same time, that would cause a great chaos in the entire universe.

The inability of the sun and the moon to be equal means that night and day cannot appear at the same time.

If there is one day, it is definitely a major event in the universe.

But Xiao Yifeng has never seen the scenes of the sun and the moon.

Even in the era of the Star Emperor, such a strange vision never appeared.

Xiao Yifeng had to suspect that all of this was a prank created by the creator of the God of Heaven.

In fact, this Divine Book of Heavens simply records ten martial arts secrets.

There are no other mysteries hidden.

All of these are people who deliberately teased the heavenly scriptures of God.

Xiao Yifeng directly closed the book.

He was going to stop thinking about the mystery of the book, and it wouldn't help him anyway.

Tonghui is ridiculous today, it is impossible! !! !!

Leaving the temple, at this time the sound of the Yuan Ling from the floating slaughter tower sounded.

"Master, there is something about this demon."

Yuanling Lingyuan said.

Xiao Yifeng stepped directly into the floating slaughter tower.

He saw the mysterious and terrible Demon King who could not be killed by the Emperor Xutian.

At this moment this crazy man released a breath of horror.

There was a blast of magic in him.

At this moment, the strength of this man is even more terrible than when he was in the Temple of the First Heaven.

"What's going on? How can this guy's strength continue to improve here?"

Xiao Yifeng saw this scene and said in shock.

"Master, I don't know this either."

"It stands to reason, step into the floating slaughter tower, except the master."

"No one's strength can continue to improve, only to be constantly suppressed by the power of the floating slaughter tower."

"But this person has ignored the rules of the floating slaughter tower."

At this moment, Yuanling Ling, a floating slaughter tower, was also in a confused look.

As the magic released from this man became more and more terrifying.

Even Xiao Yifeng felt a touch of oppression.

"Suppression !!!"

At this time, Xiao Yifeng and Yuanling together urged the power of the floating slaughter tower to suppress the man.

boom! !! !!

A harsh roar rang directly.

The strength of the entire floating slaughter tower was suppressed towards the man.

As a result, it was blocked by the burst of power on him.

The whole floating slaughter tower was shaking violently.

"How could this guy be so scary?"

"Where did he come from?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the man with a solemn expression.

Huh! !! !!

Just then, the man's eyes opened, and a terrifying light flashed in his eyes.

"who are you?"

The man made a deep, cold voice.

There is a strong and domineering tone and momentum in the words,

As if the other party is the master of heaven and earth, talking to a lower class.

His cold, arrogant gaze stared at Xiao Yifeng with the eyes overlooking sentient beings,

A gesture of contempt for sentient beings! !! !!

At this moment the man's expression and the tone of speech are completely different from before.

A pair of consciousness returned to normal and became a normal person.

It also makes people have an inexplicable palpitation and fear.

"Star Emperor !!!"

"who are you?"

Xiao Yifeng stood upright and looked at the man with a cold drink.

"Star Emperor, you are the master of this world?"

The man looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly.

"Dominate ~"

"You ... who are you exactly?"

Hear the man say the last two words.

Xiao Yifeng's look changed, his pupils shrunk, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes.

"It seems you are not."

"That being the case, you are not qualified to speak with Ben Jun !!!"

The man's contempt glance glanced at Xiao Yifeng and spit coldly.


Hearing each other's words, Xiao Yifeng was almost vomiting blood.

The first person in his starry sky, known as the Emperor of the Starry Sky, has the supreme existence of the Emperor.

Now a lunatic is so despised and despised.

This is simply a shame on him.

"I tell you, I am the first person in this universe starry sky !!!!"

"Just because you are a prisoner, you are not qualified to despise me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the man and hummed coldly.

"First person in the sky?"

"But you don't even have a bit of mastery, and dare to call yourself the first person?"

The man disdain.

"As for the prisoner?"

"Da Qian Qian, who can imprison Ben?"

"It's ridiculous to have a low-level weapon and want to imprison Ben !!!!"

The man shouted coldly.

"I'm just reincarnation, if not for that."

"Do you think you can survive to this day? You have long been a ghost under my sword !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the man coldly.

"Interesting reincarnation is interesting?"

"Looks like you want to break through this heaven !!!"

"Ha ha!!!"

This man, who claims to be the devil, sneered, watching Xiao Yifeng with a striking light in his eyes.

"who are you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the man coldly.

"Wait for you to restore your previous strength before asking this sentence !!!"

The man was cold.


Then the man said coldly.

His figure suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

"how is this possible?"

Watching this man suddenly disappeared from the floating slaughter tower ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng's look changed.

The floating slaughter tower Yuanling said with an incredible look.

"He actually left the floating slaughter tower?"

Xiao Yifeng looked somber, his eyes glowed with light.

When the man said that the floating slaughter tower could not hold him back, Xiao Yifeng thought the other party was pretending to be forcing.

But now the other party leaves the floating slaughter tower instantly, and directly looks at the top five imperial floating slaughter towers as nothing.

Only then did Xiao Yifeng really believe what the other party said,

The floating slaughter tower did not trap him at all.

However, this deeply shocked Xiao Yifeng and Yuanling, the floating slaughter tower! !! !!

(End of this chapter)

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