The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4530: Blast Dragon

Xiao Yifeng's fist fiercely banged with the dragon tail of this ancient Canglong.

For a time, centered on Longquan Holy Land.

All the space within the tens of thousands of miles around it burst out.

The horrible energy directly destroyed everything in Miles.

People, mountains, rivers, buildings, all swept into nothingness.

And the thousands of disciples and powerful men in this Longquan Holy Land have all suffered.

Their strength was too late to escape, and they were directly turned into dust by this shocking energy shock wave.

Among them, the Longquan Lord and that Longquanzi shot one by one to resist this terrible aftermath of energy.

But unfortunately, with their strength, they could not withstand the terrible energy caused by this attack.

As a result, the group of strong disciples in Longquan Holy Land suffered from the pond of Yuchi and was destroyed.

As for those people brought by Xiao Yifeng.

They have a group of powerful men such as the Emperor of Void, Sword Emperor, Han Qianluo, and Valkyrie to resist.

It was just some internal injuries, but there were no major casualties.

Among them, the Emperor of the Void played a great role as an emperor.

The power of this blow destroyed more than half of the sky of the virtual **** world.

It can be seen how terrible the power of the tyrant and the dragon body collided together.

Even the remaining nine ancient dragons were shocked.

A full minute passed.

The terrible energy caused by this blow was dissipated.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng and the ancient Canglong figure appeared.

Then the rest of the ancient Canglong, Longquanzi and others directly showed an incredible look.

I saw Xiao Yifeng still standing there.

But the dragon tail of the ancient Canglong that attacked him was blasted directly by his punch.

The half body of this ancient Canglong faced Xiao Yifeng's terrible domineering body, completely crushed and burst.

The most powerful dragon body among the dragons.

After all, it was crushed by Xiao Yifeng's domineering body.

Roar! !! !!

"Damn **** !!!"

At that time, the ancient Canglong made a painful sound of dragon groan.

It roared, and the terrifying dragon power swept out again.

Even though the dragon tail was blasted, this ancient Canglong still exploded with horror.

It blasted towards Xiao Yifeng again,

And this time the attack was even more fierce and brutal.

Xiao Yifeng destroyed the dragon tail of this Canglong, completely inspiring its bloodiness and anger.

Make this ancient Canglong's strength burst out.

"Come here !!!"

In this regard, Xiao Yifeng has no fear, but his eyes are filled with a look of great excitement.

He relented and rushed towards the blue dragon.

Boom boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng wielded a pair of fists, and the surging power of his body broke out.

A series of boxing punches came out.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's physical strength was completely released.

Take out the power of the domineering body inspired by the six steps of domineering.

Let Xiao Yifeng possess the physical power that sweeps the heavens and crushes the heavens of all realms.

Even in the face of the powerful and terrible ancient Canglong.

Xiao Yifeng is still bravely moving forward, pounding wildly.

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng fought with this huge and ancient Canglong.

The battle between the two sides was shocking and shook the world! !! !!

"The power of being an emperor is terrifying !!!"

At this time, Wu Shen and others looked at Xiao Yifeng in the void and sighed.

"This guy is even more awesome than his ancient times !!!"

"The Starry Emperor is already suppressing the universe of the stars."

"In this life, I don't know what level he will reach."

"Maybe it really allows him to break through that barrier and reach a heavenly existence !!!"

Emperor Xutian stared at Xiao Yifeng and said solemnly.

His eyes glanced at the sky!

With a fierce battle, Xiao Yifeng directly took the upper hand and began to suppress this ancient Canglong.

The dragon scales of this ancient Canglong were shed by the fists of Xiao Yifeng, covered with blood.

Fight! !! !!

Dominate the universe and suppress the sky! !! !!

"Explode me !!!"

Under a fierce fierce battle, Xiao Yifeng roared.

He completely broke out the power of the domineering body and turned it into a domineering fist.

The strongest punch broke out toward this **** dragon.

boom! !! !!

The punch blasted, and the virtual world shook.

The air of the whole world seems to be emptied.

All warriors in the virtual world have a deep sense of suffocation and despair.

And this ancient Canglong felt an unprecedented breath of death.

"Do not!!!"

The ancient dragon was roaring.

The blood of the dragon in its body was excited.

The dragon's body shone with a desolate breath of constant ancient times, and his power rose again.

Feel the fright of Xiao Yifeng's blow.

This Canglong exhibits a terrible secret law forbidden technique.

Makes its dragon's body soar.

This Canglong wants to take the opportunity to resist Xiao Yifeng's fist.

At this time, the remaining nine ancient dragons saw this scene, their eyes flickered constantly.

"The old ten seems to be unable to hold up. Do we want to shoot?"

Said an ancient Canglong.

"Old Ten has urged the Canglong Secret. Even if this guy is a Emperor, he doesn't want to hurt Old Ten, don't worry !!!

Another ancient Canglong said lightly.


Banging ~

Xiao Yifeng's unstoppable fist banged on this ancient Canglong.

The strongest force of the two broke out.

"Explode me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng roared.

The power of hegemony inside him erupted continuously.

Xiao Yifeng shone brightly all over his body, and Jiuxing Bajujue reached its extreme.

The terrible domineering power seems to completely crush the sky.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Suddenly, a roar rang out one after another.

Xiao Yifeng's hegemonic power completely crushed the strength of this ancient dragon.

The power of his domineering body penetrated directly into the body of the opponent's dragon.

A series of explosions sounded.

The extremely large ancient dragon's body exploded directly inch by inch.

In a blink of an eye, the ancient body of this 100,000-foot-long dragon completely burst out.

Turned into a pile of minced meat and splashed.

This scene was seen by the entire martial arts warrior.

All of them were stunned ~ ~ Easy expression, dull eyes! !! !!

It ’s hard to come back one by one for a long time! !! !!

As for the remaining nine ancient Canglongs, they were all stunned.

They had previously vowed that Xiao Yifeng could not hurt the body of their companion.

As a result, they were directly crackled.

An ancient Canglong was directly hit by Xiao Yifeng! !! !!

If this goes to the stars or to the Dragons, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

PS: As long as the broken bones have been said to be repaired, they will definitely be repaired. Of course, there were some less broken bones that had not been repaired before. That is because the broken bones were written in two books. The unhappy look is the fault of broken bones, but now writing two books at the same time can only do this, and I hope to understand!

(End of this chapter)

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