The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4526: Avenue martial arts

The virtual world, the sky roars.

Xiaguang burst into the sky.

An auspicious atmosphere was born.

As if something was born! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng and his party naturally saw this scene, and their eyes were shining with brilliance.

At this moment, the place where the Xiaguang was born is exactly the headquarters of Longquan Holy Land, one of the ancient Holy Lands in the Divine Land.

In Longquan Holy Land, all the disciples of Longquan Holy Land gathered at the training ground at this time.

They glanced towards a mountain behind the Holy Land.

This mountain is where the sunshine and auspiciousness are born.

"Are you finally going to be born?"

At this moment, the Lord of the Longquan Holy Land stepped out of the air and stared at the mountain in front of him.

His eyes flickered with a bright smile, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

Rumble ...

Endless roar came out.

There was a sudden horror of coercion in the mountain.

For a time, the people in the entire Longquan Holy Land were directly kneeled on the ground by this terrible coercion.

With a deafening roar.

The mountain peak was broken directly.

A shining sword broke out.

The sword's body is cold and dazzling, the blade is extremely sharp, and it exudes horrible sword air.

The air around the sword body extinguished directly, as if it was difficult to withstand this terrible sword power.

"Longquan Emperor Sword finally came out !!!"

The Lord of the Holy Land of Longquan looked at the sword and said excitedly.

"Is this sword the Lord's sword that was left by the ancestors?"

At this time, an elder of Longquan Holy Land looked at the Longquan Lord and said involuntarily.

"Yes, this sword is the Longquan Emperor sword left by the ancestors."

"But the sword was in a deep sleep, and it was not born until today."

"With this sword, my Longquan shrine can sweep the world."

"Even if it's those avenues, we don't have to be afraid !!!"

Longquan Lord said excitedly.

"Just a sword and want to sweep the world?"

"Who gives you this confidence?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Longquan Lord and others turned back sharply.

I saw a group of people appear here, headed by Xiao Yifeng.

Seeing Xiao Yifeng appear,

Longquan Lord and other Longquan holy places have seen Xiao Yifeng's face change.

They looked very ugly, with heavy expressions.

"Star King?"

"Why did you come to my place in Longquan?"

Lord Longquan said looking at Xiao Yifeng.

"The Tianjiao in your Longquan Holy Land was arrogant."

"So I plan to destroy your Longquan Holy Land."

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words.

The Tianjiao, who had previously participated in the Tianjiao Ranking of God's Land on behalf of Longquan Holy Land, changed his face and looked gloomy and ugly.

There was a look of fear directly in his eyes.

Longquan Lord heard his words, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Star Emperor, you might be too powerful and overbearing."

"My Longquan Holy Land has no major revenge with you, why do you want to destroy all my Longquan gods?"

Longquan Lord said Shen Sheng.

"My Xiao Yifeng's forces are going to be destroyed. People who want to kill never need any reason."

"This is a strong world, do you still need a reason to kill people?"

"Whoever has a hard fist is the reason."

"Are you a divine Lord, don't you even understand this?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the cold path of the Lord Longquan with disdain.


The Lord of Longquan was speechless by Xiao Yifeng's words, completely speechless.

"It's not so easy to destroy my Longquan Holy Land !!!"

A glimmer of cold flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Holy Land of Longquan.

He directly grasped the newly born Longquan Emperor Sword.

boom! !! !!

With Longquan Emperor sword in hand.

A horrifying power broke out from the Lord of Longquan.

The power of the Longquan Emperor Sword poured into the body of the Lord of Longquan madly, making his strength soar.

"Do you think a sword can keep your Longquan Holy Land?"

Xiao Yifeng dismissed a smile.

"Then try it !!!"

The Lord of Longquan gave a cold drink, and waved out the Longquan Emperor Sword in his hand.

"I'm here to fight you !!!"

At this time, the sword emperor, who had just broken through the eternal emperor's realm, gave a cold drink.

He directly waved the Emperor Yan sword toward Longquan Lord.

Boom boom! !! !!

For a while, the two men fought together.

Emperor Yanjian and Longquan Emperor Sword are super weapons comparable to Emperor soldiers.

At this moment these two peerless swords are bombarded together.

It was like the collision of two planets, and a series of roaring explosions came out.

Endless energy swept out.

The disciples of Longquan Holy Land were all shocked by this terrible energy.

The void exploded, and a black hole in space appeared.

Spaces are turbulent.

"Avenue of Swords, suppress !!!!"

After a fierce battle, the sword emperor shouted.

He broke out of the Kendo area, exhibited a horrific Dadao sword and blasted out.

"The sword emperor even realized the avenue martial arts, and it was amazing !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Emperor Jian and could not help but sigh.

The avenue martial arts is a martial arts attack specially formed by the power of the avenue.

The power is even more terrifying than the emperor-level martial arts.

However, Dadao martial arts can only be born through the power of Dadao.

Because everyone's perception of the power of the avenue is different.

So I ca n’t learn others ’martial arts.

However, not many people can understand the martial arts of the Avenue in the territory of the Eternal Emperor.

This requires a deep understanding of the power of the road before it can be done.

The sword emperor has just entered the eternal emperor realm.

He has already realized the martial arts skills of the road, and his talent is not weak.

The sword emperor's understanding of kendo has reached a very deep level.

boom! !! !!

With the sword emperor's martial arts show.

Suddenly a harsh explosion sounded.

On the spot, the Lord of Longquan was taken out by this sword.

The Longquan Emperor Sword in his hand flew out and directly inserted into the ground.

Huh! !! !!

The Lord Longquan was half-knelt on the ground.

A spit of blood squirted, his face pale.

This blow hurt his roots.

"It seems you are not doing well?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Longquan Lord with a sneer ~ ~ with a look of contempt in his eyes.

Lord Longquan stared at Xiao Yifeng with an unwilling look.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, the Longquan Emperor Sword inserted on the ground suddenly burst into a roar, rushing straight up and floating in the air.

A light shone from Longquan Emperor's sword.

Turned into a figure in the void.

Followed by a terror of Emperor Wei.

This figure is a middle-aged man with an elegant face.

Although it is just an incarnation, it radiates terrible Emperor Wei.

Among them is a special breath.

(End of this chapter)

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