The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4525: Hongmeng Purple Thunder

boom! boom! boom!

Just after Xiao Yifeng regained these four false emperors.

Above the sky of the virtual **** world, there was a sudden thunder.

A horror of courage that despaired hundreds of millions of warriors in the virtual **** world came to suppress the entire virtual **** world.

For a time, no matter how strong the warriors in the realm of the virtual gods were, they were directly suppressed by this terrible coercion and kneeled on the ground.

They looked pale and had trouble breathing.

Above the sky at this moment, black clouds came together.

There were thunders and lightnings,

The coercion of terror continued to sweep.

In a blink of an eye, the dark black cloud directly turned into a face covering the sky.

This face is exactly the face of the Dark Lord Emperor.

"Star Emperor, come out and die !!!"

The face spoke with a thunderous sound.

Spread throughout the virtual **** world, shaking the hearts of all warriors.

Everyone in the virtual world looked at this terrible face, and their eyes were shocked.

Then Xiao Yifeng's figure stepped up into the air.

He gazed at the face in the void and hummed coldly:

"Who's here? What's wrong with your grandpa?"

"You are the Emperor of the Starry Sky? My son you killed?"

The Dark Lord Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and roared.

"Your son?"

"You mean the guy I killed just now is your son?"

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

"Yes, he is my son !!!"

"Dare to kill my Dark Lord Emperor's son, I want to make you better than death !!!"

The Dark Lord Emperor roared.

A huge black hand broke through the air and suppressed directly towards Xiao Yifeng.

"The Dark Lord Emperor?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glowed with brilliance.

Boom boom! !! !!

But at this time Xiao Yifeng couldn't think more.

The terrible black hand had been crushing towards him.

"Dare to hurt my dad, **** it !!!"

At this time Xiao Yifeng was about to make a shot.

As a result, Xiao Fan's figure suddenly appeared here, and he sang directly.


A terrible purple thunder erupted from Xiao Fan and rushed directly to the **** hand.

The two collided together, making a harsh roar.

The void exploded and a terror of energy swept across.

This purple thunder directly destroyed this big hand of the Dark Lord Emperor.

"What kind of thunder is this?"

Seeing this scene, the look of the Dark Lord Emperor changed, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

"Harm dad, let's die !!!"

Xiao Fan watched the black demon emperor make a childish drink.

Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly, above the void, thunder sounded.

The sky's thunder came and blasted down towards this big face of the Dark Lord Emperor.

The endless thunder has all split on this big face.

Among them is a terrible purple thunder.

In the blink of an eye, the Dark Lord Emperor did not respond.

His huge black face turned into nothingness.

All the dark black clouds have turned into nothingness.

The sky of the virtual **** world returned to normal again.

"Xiao Fanfan, the best !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xiao Fan and picked up the other person and kissed him.

His elder son is really as good as his daughter Xiao Xiao.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng felt that he could sweep the world by relying on a pair of children even without practicing.

The strength of his children is unfathomable.

Even Xiao Yifeng couldn't be sure how powerful they were.

"Your son is such a terrible freak that emerges, it is so terrible !!!"

The Emperor Xutian came over and said helplessly.

"Go to you, you're a freak, this is my son !!!"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at Emperor Xutian with a bad temper.

"But the thunder that your son just exhibited even made me have a deep feeling of heart. What kind of thunder is this?"

Emperor Xutian frowned and sank.

"Xiao Fan, what thunder you just urged?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xiao Fan and said helplessly.

"That's Hongmeng Zilei !!!"

Xiao Fan said.

"Hongmeng Zilei?"

Hear this somewhat tall name.

The eyes of Xiao Yifeng and Emperor Xutian were full of doubt.

They have never heard of Hongmeng Zilei.

"Is it the existence of the flood season?"

Xiao Yifeng muttered secretly.

If this Hongmeng Zilei is from ancient times.

Xiao Yifeng could not have known it, but he had never heard of it.

Obviously, this Hongmeng Purple Thunder did not exist in ancient times, it can only be in the flood era.

"What is the origin of this Hongmeng Zilei?"

The Emperor Xutian looked at Xiao Fan and said helplessly.

"I don't know, I just know it's a strong thunder."

"Even if the ultimate punishment is in front of him."

Xiao Fan shook his head and said.

"Forget it, maybe these will be known later."

"Xiao Fan, since you have such great power, you must practice well, you know?"

Xiao Yifeng said touching Xiao Fan's head.

"Well, Dad, I will work hard, I will be as strong as you, and then rescue my mother !!!"

Xiao Fan said in a deep voice.

"Rest assured, your mother and I will definitely be alive."

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice.

Now he has sent Lei Zhi's avatar to Jiuyou Realm to search for Nethergrass.

As soon as you find the nether grass, Su Yan is saved.

puff! !! !!

At this time, one of the nine higher worlds is in the demon world.

In that palace ~ ~ The black demon Emperor's eyes opened, and a blood spurted out.

His complexion was pale and gloomy.

"Asshole !!!"

The black demon emperor cursed with respect.

He did not expect the existence of one of the nine Emperors of the Demon Realm to take revenge for his son and deal with a middle-world guy.

He was killed by a child with a hairy hair and was injured.

This slaps him in the dark.

"But that thunder ..."

Then the Dark Lord Emperor frowned slightly, his eyes were frozen, and the purple thunder was recalled in his mind.

"This thunder must be extraordinary !!!"

The Dark Lord Emperor sank and said suddenly.

In his eyes flashed a thick desire for greed.

Apparently, the Dark Lord Emperor remembered the Hongmeng Purple Thunder exhibited by Xiao Fanshi.

"But this Thunder is so terrible, it seems he has to be asked for help."

The Black Demon Zun muttered to himself, his body suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes.

Ethereal World——

With the submission of the Four Emperors, he immediately recovered all the Four Avenue Sects.

There is no objection to the people of the Fourth Avenue Sect.

They had all seen the horror of the Star Emperor before.

Even if their ancestors had surrendered, how dare they oppose it.

"See the master !!!"

The lords and disciples of the Four Avenue Sect all gathered together to worship Xiao Yifeng.

"Get up."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Rumble ...

Just then, in the distance.

Suddenly, all the rays of light rose into the sky.

PS: After the plot is finished, the remaining plot needs to be conceived, so for the time being a chapter, the remaining chapter will be updated with tomorrow's chapter.

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