The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4516: Diyan ancestors

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"Di Shitian, I will send Xuan Yuanhong to accompany you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered with Leng Lei's murderous gazing at Xuanyuan Hong! !! !!

At this moment, a roar rang suddenly.

Emperor Shi Tian's eyes sparkled with a dazzling golden flame.

滔 He suddenly burst into a monstrous power.

A raging flame swept directly out of Emperor Shi Tian's body.

The whole sky suddenly shivered.

The temperature soared thousands of miles within a thousand miles.

There is a feeling of being cooked.

"Star Emperor, want to kill me?"

"You are not qualified yet !!!"

Suddenly, Emperor Shitian's mouth made a cold, low voice.

A pair of eyes burning golden flames stared at Xiao Yifeng.

The whole person seemed to become another person at once.

"You are not Di Shitian, who are you?"

Xiao Xiaoyi looked at the Emperor Shitian in front of him and sang coldly.

"The ancestor of Emperor Yan Emperor Emperor Yan !!"

Emperor Shitian made a cold sound in his mouth.

"Ancestral !!!"

I heard Emperor Shi Tian's words, and the looks of Emperor and other Emperor Yan people were all changed.

震惊 The shocked look in their eyes looked at Di Shitian.

"It turned out to be a mind attachment !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's cold eyes glanced at this Emperor Shitian,

Alas, it should be accurately said to be the ancestor of the Diyan tribe.

The consciousness of Emperor Shi Tian and Emperor Ying are now under the control of Emperor Yan.

"Star Emperor, I have heard of you, the strongest star in the ancient times."

"Known to control the entire starry sky, the world is invincible !!!"

Wu Diyan looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly.

"thank you!!!"

Xiao Xiaofeng chuckled.

"I didn't want to do anything with you, but why do you want to kill Di Shitian !!!"

"He is my heir, you kill him."

"It's the inheritance of my Emperor Yan, so I can only show up !!!"

Xi Diyan chuckled coldly.

"Even if Da Luo Shenxian is attached to Di Shitian, he will have to die !!!"

"The person I Xiao Xiaofeng is going to kill, no matter who it is, must die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's cold and domineering vomited, his cold gleaming intention flashed in his eyes.

"Then I can only take a good look at the power of the Star Emperor !!!"

Emperor Yan was cold.

"Di Yan Sword, be born !!!"

Then Di Yan waved one hand toward the broken mountain behind him.

A cold, majestic sound came from his mouth.

轰轰 轰轰! !! !!

Suddenly, there was a roar of noise in this broken mountain.

A breath of terror and destruction was released from it.

It seems that some very terrible ancient beast awakened from it.


The next second, a dazzling golden light rose directly into the sky.

金 This golden light is extremely dazzling, rushing directly into the clouds, covering most of the virtual **** realm.

The golden light dissipated, a whole body of gold in the void, and a long sword burning with a blazing golden flame suspended here.

一 As soon as this sword appeared, there was a breath of destruction.

的 The power released by this sword is very terrifying, and it is directly scary! !! !!

的 The breath released by this sword is no less than that of the soldiers on the soldier list! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

At this moment Di Yan waved his hand.

This mighty flame sword appeared in his hands.

"Old man, long time no see !!!"

Xi Diyan stroked the body of the sword with one hand and said gently.

Huh! !! !!

Immediately, the sword understood Di Yan's words, and made a sound of cymbals, as if responding to Di Yan.

Xun's sword trembled, and there was a feeling of joy when he saw the return of the owner.

"Di Yan Jian, let me fight with you today !!!"

Wu Diyan looked at the Di Yan sword that he had built himself.

"Battle !!!"

Emperor Yan Yan roared, and with a wave of Emperor Yan Yan in his hand, a mighty power broke out.

"I will do it myself!!!"

At this moment, Han Qianlu and others wanted to take a shot, but Xiao Yifeng stopped it.

也不 It's impossible for him to let everything go.

Then it seems that his master is too incompetent.

Xiao Yifeng directly urged the nine star souls to summon the stars.

Uh ...

Suddenly, bright stars appeared on the sky.

In a blink of an eye, five hundred stars appeared above the void.

Xiao Yifeng now breaks into the supreme realm.

After his consciousness swam through the nine astral realms, his power once again increased.

He can summon five hundred stars at once.

These five hundred stars are the stars of the real universe starry sky.

Every star contains terrible star energy.

"The stars are in the body, and the sky is back !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted solemnly.

The five hundred starry sky come down directly from the sky.

He instantly rushed towards Xiao Yifeng's body, all rushing into his body.

Boom! !! !!

As soon as Xiao Yifeng closed his eyes, a horrifying star power broke out directly on him.

Xing Xingchen's battle armor directly covered Xiao Yifeng's body.

He made the power emanating from him more terrible.

的 The star swords in his hands are all shining bright stars.

Huh! !! !!

Then Xiao Yifeng's eyes opened again.

There was a flash of starlight in his eyes.

I seem to have endless starry sky in his pupils.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's strength is crazy soaring.

Fusion the power of these 500 stars and the energy of 100,000 stars that Xiao Yifeng already has ~ ~ He has now reached a terrifying level of strength.

He also became emperor in physical form, and all his powers burst out.

He even made him have a mountain-like power.

"My starry emperor is fearless, fight if you want to fight !!!"

Xiao Xiaofeng looked at Di Yan with a cold face and shouted.

"come on!!!"

Yan Diyan's eyes flashed a strong desire for battle.

He stepped out of his body, and the Emperor Yan sword in his hand chopped out towards Xiao Yifeng.

A golden flame Jianman tearing space burst towards Xiao Yifeng.

I watched Di Yan attack, Xiao Yifeng naturally had no fear.

He waved the star sword and rushed up, destroying the opponent's flaming sword horn directly.

轰轰 轰轰! !! !!

Instantly, the two fought together.

A series of roaring explosions spread, and the entire void exploded.

The Emperor Yan Yan and Han Qianluo were madly retreating.

Xiao Xiao Yifeng and Di Yan rose directly into the sky, standing on the top of Jiu Xiao and fighting madly.

Xingchen Sword flickered with the light of stars and Di Yanjian flickered with the flame of flames.

Like a star blue light and red gold light constantly colliding in the void.

This battle also shocked the strong men in the virtual world.

They watched the Star Emperor fight with others fiercely.

Every gaze is watching the battle in the void.

Alas. vertex

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