The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4485: Operate with Longquan

Compared with Tianjiao of the Sword Spirit Palace, Tianjiao of these other forces naturally has a big gap.

They were either killed or left, or they crushed Yu Pei and left.

In a blink of an eye, Tianjiao and Beimingshuang were left here.

They surrounded the three women directly.

"The three ladies are so beautiful in heaven!"

A Tianjiao in this sword spirit palace looked at the three women softly.

He is a disciple of the Sword Spirit Palace.

This is also the strongest Tianjiao sent by the Sword Spirit Palace.

"Stop talking nonsense, go ahead !!!"

Bei Mingshuang said arrogantly.

Facing the masters of the sword spirit palace.

There was no fear in the eyes of the three women.

For them, the Tianjiao of these Sword Spirit Palaces did not pose much threat to them.

Of these three women, two were inherited by the ancestors of the Beiming and Oriental families.

One was inherited by the ancestors of the Shenshui tribe.

Although the strength of the three women has not yet entered the realm of the emperor, they are better than the emperor.

And the strongest of these sword spirit palaces is not the strength of Zhundi.

Naturally, the three women are not in the eyes.

"So many people in your sword spirit palace deal with a few little girls, are you sorry?"

Then a cold, proud voice came out.

In the distant void, three magnificent young men came out of the air.

All three were arrogant and exuberant.

They are the three top Tianjiao sent by Longquan Holy Land this time.

They are also the most powerful geniuses with hundreds of thousands of years of talent in Longquan Holy Land.

"What do we do with the Sword Spirit Palace? Will you take part in Longquan Holy Land?"

The strongest man in the sword spirit palace looked at the three geniuses in Longquan Holy Land coldly.

"What about intervening? Don't you agree?"

A genius in the Holy Land of Longquan hummed coldly and scornfully.

As if this world except them, they are not taken into account by them.

"It seems that your Longquan Holy Land is going to fight my sword spirit palace !!!"

The genius of the sword spirit palace said coldly.

There was a horrifying sword in his body.

A terrible quasi-imperial power burst out.

The strongest genius of the sword spirit palace has stepped into the realm of quasi-perfect emperor.

Compared with the same one of the third house, the master of the blood dragon palace Shao Gong is better.

Tianjiao of the other Sword Spirit Palaces also erupted into full force.

"Hmm, a bunch of ants are dare to prey with us !!!"

"Kill, don't stay one !!!"

The geniuses of the three Longquan holy places shouted coldly.

Two and a half step emperors, one quasi-empire.

The three shot directly, and the terrifying world energy broke out, blasting towards the geniuses of the Sword Spirit Palace.

Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly, the three geniuses of the Longquan Holy Land and the arrogant battles of the Sword Spirit Palace fought.

A series of roaring explosions sounded.

A wave of terrible energy.

Instant effort,

The Tianjiao of these Sword Spirit Palaces, except for the Tianjiao of the quasi-empire strength.

The rest were all blasted out by the geniuses of the two and a half step emperors of Longquan Holy Land.

And two quasi-emperors Tianjiao of these two ancient forces are fighting fiercely in the void.

You and I come and go, the battle is fierce.

The two men seemed evenly matched, and no one was allowed.

Huh! !! !!

At this time two figures appeared here, it was Xiao Yifeng and Xue Wuji.


"Brother Xiao !!!"

Looking at Xiao Yifeng and Bei Mingshuang, Liu Xuan'er cried.

"the host!!!"

Dongfang Yanran also shouted at Xiao Yifeng.

"What's going on here?"

"How did they fight?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two guys in the void, and could not help talking.

Rumble! !! !!

There was a roar of noise.

The other two half-step geniuses of Longquan Holy Land also rushed past.

The three of them joined forces to besiege the Tianjiao of the Sword Spirit Palace.

In the end, the sword spirit palace was outnumbered by the three, and the three of them were bombed out.

"You guys wait for me !!!"

The sword spirit palace Tianjiao roared and left directly.

"Hum, waste !!!"

The three men shouted coldly.

Then the three of them looked at the three daughters of Bei Mingshuang.

"Brother, these three girls are good, or should we each have one?"

"Yeah, I haven't tasted a woman for a long time !!!"

The two quasi-perfect emperors of Longquan Holy Land stared at the three daughters of Bei Mingshuang, with evil light in their eyes.

At this moment outside the divine realm, when the Lord of Longquan saw this scene in the divine realm.

His face changed, and his expression looked very ugly.

"Longquan Lord, it seems your ability to teach your disciples is not good."

"Dignified ancient holy places, the disciples have such a stupid idea."

At this moment, the Lord Xiao Xiao said with a smile.


Longquan Lord hummed coldly.

In this divine realm.

Tianjiao of the three Longquan holy places stared at the three daughters of Bei Mingshuang, with evil light shining in their eyes.

"I haven't played such a beautiful woman for a long time. Today, playing with these women first can be regarded as celebrating in advance that we are in the God of Heaven Rankings !!!"

The first genius of Longquan Holy Land, the Zhundi Tianjiao said directly.

"it is good!!!"

The other two nodded quickly and excitedly ~ ~ Do you guys pretend I don't exist? "

At this moment Xiao Yifeng poked his lips and watched the three men sneer.

"Who are you, kid? How dare you interject !!!"

"Don't you want to live?"

"Don't run away seeing the three of us, dare to talk nonsense here !!!"

The two half-step Emperor Longquan Holy Land Tianjiao looked at Xiao Yifeng with arrogant contempt.

In their eyes, Xiao Yifeng is an ant who can be pinched to death.

They don't even think of who they are before them.

"Are all of you in Longquan Holy Land so pretentious?"

"It seems that I also have to find a chance to let you people in Longquan Holy Land know the price of pretending to act !!!"

"Ancient forces, before I go out, I will take the sword of your Longquan Holy Land !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a stubble.

"Hahaha !!!"

The two half-step Emperor Longquan Tianjiao looked at Xiao Yifeng with a mockery.

"Boy, are you daydreaming?"

"I even wanted to fight against me, Longquan Sheng, it was beyond my control !!!"

The two looked at Xiao Yifeng with disdain.

And outside the realm of God, Lord Longquan heard Xiao Yifeng's words.

His face was very ugly.

The strong men in the other Longquan holy places were ugly and their hearts were flooded.

The three Longquan Tianjiao did not know Xiao Yifeng's identity.

But they knew that the young man was the legendary star emperor.

Now that the Emperor of the Starry Sky has spoken to them, how can they not panic.

Star Emperor, these four words are a powerful deterrent to any power.

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