The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4483: Star Corps

The middle-aged man in armor was staring at the two men, his eyes shining brightly.

"Did you bear it?"

The middle-aged man looked at the two and said.

"Commander, we have been waiting for this day for a long time !!!"

"The owner is in trouble now."

"It's time to let the world know the power of the Star Corps !!!"

The two men sank.

"Okay, that's it."

"Then the Eighth Army, the Ninth Army will be led by you to go to the God Realm and protect the master !!!"

The middle-aged man yelled directly.

"Yes, Commander !!!"

The two men bowed.

"Remember, the master must be fine."

"Any force that dares to be the enemy of the master, kill them all, none left !!!"

The middle-aged man yelled.


"Commander, won't you come with us this time?"

The two looked at the commander and said helplessly.

"My strength should break through recently. I need to retreat."

"When I break through, I'll meet my master !!!"

The commander said indifferently.


The two bowed their heads and nodded, and they left here directly.

And this middle-aged man is the commander of the Star Army, Ge Henxi, a top martial arts powerhouse.

The Star Army is the most powerful superpower of the Star Hall.

It was secretly formed by the Emperor Xingkong that year and was created by his own hands.

All members of the Star Corps are the true martial arts elites who have been screened.

Then use the most powerful resources for training and creation.

The Star Corps is divided into ten major regiments, each headed by a regiment.

And Ge Henxi is the commander of the top ten legions.

The Star Legion and the Star Hall are separate and do not interfere with each other.

But the strength of the Star Army is definitely not weaker than the Star Palace, even more powerful.

In ancient times, the Star Corps was a force that made all the stars in the sky frightened.

At the time of the destruction of the shadow world, the destruction of the killing clan, all were the hands of the Star Army.

This time, the Star Corps will set off again, which will definitely set off a huge storm! !! !!


Virtual God Realm, Divine Realm.

Now in this divine realm.

Hundreds of gods Tianjiao entered the divine realm, and then divided into various places of the divine realm.

And they all have an extra piece of jade,

This is the jade pendant that can help them leave the divine realm.

However, the blood dragon palace Shao Gong master, Tai Yi Dao Zong Shao master Shen Jun, Xue Wuji and Xiao Yifeng are all grouped together.

"Is this divine realm?"

Shen Jun's eyes glanced around, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

"Shen Jun, let's die !!!"

Then a roar sounded.

The master of the Blood Dragon Palace Shao Gong, a fist gathered with unmatched blood and blasted directly toward Shen Jun.

boom! !! !!

With the blood dragon palace Shao Gong master punched out.

A terrible **** fist came like a meteorite, exuding supreme might.

Shen Jun was too late to say anything.

He waved a long sword directly in his hand, resisting the opponent's punch.

Immediately a roar sounded, and both of them were backing up.

"You're crazy, what are you doing?"

Shen Jun looked at the blood dragon palace young palace master coldly.

"Tai Yi Daozong, didn't you look down on me when you were outside?"

"Today I will show you the power of my blood dragon palace !!!"

The blood dragon palace master shouted coldly and strongly.

His eyes were gleaming with blood.

The terrifying half-step Diwei erupted directly.

"Blood Dragon Fist !!!"

The main fireman of the young palace opened his fire, roared, and punched again.

As the fist blasted out, a harsh dragon's voice sounded directly.

A blood-colored dragon accompanied the punch and rushed out.

Zhang Ya's claws rushed towards Shen Jun, exuding unparalleled power.

With the strength of this little palace master, plus his prestige of the blood dragon.

Even Zhundi was hard to resist his attack.

After all, it is the strongest genius cultivated by ancient forces.

Naturally different, extraordinary! !! !!

"Since you want to find death, I will fulfill you !!!"

Shen Jun watched the owner of the Blood Dragon Palace Shao Gong get an inch.

His expression sank, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

boom! !! !!

A horrific power broke out directly from him.

Prestige of the Emperor! !! !!

That's right, a quasi-imperial power erupted directly on Shen Jun.

He was only a short distance from the realm of the Great.

And he is only three thousand years old.

You can reach this step at the age of three thousand, and you can imagine its talent.

I can even imagine the details of Taiyi Daozong.

"Taiyi sword !!!"


Shen Jun shouted coldly.

He not only exploded the power of Zhundi.

Shen Jun also exhibited a powerful emperor-level martial art in Taiyi Daozong.

A sword turned into the light of blue sky and daylight.

Although Shen Jun did not reach the realm of the emperor.

However, he has cultivated emperor-level martial arts, which shows that his talents are strong.

Rumble! !! !!

With Shen Jun's sword swept out.

This void is shrouded in its swordman.

The radiance and dazzling glare directly suppressed the power of the Blood Dragon.

And his sword instantly exploded with the blood dragon burst out from the young palace master's fist ~ ~ for a moment, a roar continued.

Shen Jun penetrated the blood dragon directly and destroyed it on the spot.

After the blood dragon was destroyed, Shen Jun's sword did not stop.

Booming towards the blood dragon palace Shao Gong main boss.

Immediately the face of the young palace master changed.

He directly urged the strength of the whole body to resist.

At the same time a blood-red defensive armor appeared on him, helping him to resist the sword.

"Off !!!"

Shen Jun drank again, he directly shot at the opponent and shot out.

This sword contains all his strength plus the terrifying sword intention bonus he has realized.

Makes his sword comparable to the attack of the Great Emperor.

Boom boom! !! !!

A roar of explosions sounded.

The horrible energy enveloped both of them directly.

Although the main owner of the blood dragon palace Shao Gong urged to resist fully.

But he still couldn't stop the sword of Shen Jun, and even his defensive armor was defeated.

Huh! !! !!

Instantly, Shen Jun's sword penetrated the blood dragon palace master's chest, and the latter spewed blood.

"Opposite me, die !!!"

The young master of Taiyi Daozong looked at each other coldly.

Then he pulled out a long sword.

The body of the owner of the Blood Dragon Palace Shao Gong disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

And on top of the mountain outside Shenjing.

The main body of the blood dragon palace young palace fell out.

He knelt on the ground and a blood spurted out.

And his realm fell directly to the extreme of half step.

Dropped a whole big realm.

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