The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4481: Bully small

Next, all the major arrogants who came to participate in the battle of the gods Tianjiao list all went towards the entrance of the God Realm,

The least powerful of these people are quasi-extreme.

The arrogance of those saints might be regarded as top martial arts genius elsewhere.

But here, they are not even qualified to participate in the Shenzhou Tianjiao list.

They will not go to their own boring to participate in the competition of the God of Heaven arrogance.

Because that is purely a foil.

"Xiao Yifeng, I'm waiting for you inside !!!"

Xuan Yuanhong watched Xiao Yi Feng coldly drink.

He stepped directly into the divine realm.

"Today you will die !!!"

Emperor Shitian's cold eyes glanced at Xiao Yifeng, and his eyes flickered with a golden flame.

Then he rushed into the realm of **** directly.

Next, all the ancient forces, the martial arts Tianjiao carefully cultivated by several road ancestors, all headed for the divine realm.

"Let's go too !!!"

In a blink of an eye, all the people who participated in the God of Heaven's Top List were almost in the state of God.

Xiao Yifeng said softly.

Later, Xiao Yifeng took Lan Linger, Liu Xuan'er, Ziyan, Chuyu, Dongfang Yanran, Beimingshuang, Ling Yun, Yexue, Shao Yu, Yan Hao, Tian Tu, Tian Tian Cang, and broken bones. All under the age of five thousand are heading for the entrance to the divine realm.

Looking at Xiao Yifeng, the starry sky emperor really wants to participate in the test of God's Heavenly Rankings.

The powerful men who knew the identity of the Star Emperor all around changed their faces.

Their eyes were full of shock.

Every corner of his mouth was jerking.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yifeng and his party stepped into the realm.

Xu Fan watched Xiao Yifeng appear here, his eyes showed a shocked look.

He was about to ask Xiao Yifeng, but the latter gestured a look.

Xu Fan stopped talking.

"Is this an avatar?"

Xu Fan looked at Xiao Yifeng into the divine realm and muttered to himself.

He clearly remembers that the Emperor Xingkong didn't come out of the floating slaughter tower in the Temple of Heaven.

Now it suddenly appears here, naturally shocking him.

"Sovereign, I think I need to talk to you about something !!!"

At this time, the master of Taiyimen came to Taizong Daozong and spoke again.

"what's up?"

There was a look of doubt in Taiyi Daozong's eyes, looking at the Taiyi gatekeeper.

"The young man who argued with the young master just now is not ordinary, he is ..."

The master of Taiyimen said solemnly.

"Who is he?"

The lord of Taiyi Taoism Shen Shen.

"He is the reincarnation of the Starry Emperor !!!"

Then the owner of Taiyimen said directly.

"He is the Emperor of the Starry Sky !!!"

Hear the words of the master of Taiyimen.

The Taiyi Taoist suzerain's expression was frozen, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

"You just said that the kid was the Great Emperor of the Sky?"

At this moment, a shocked look flashed through the eyes of the ancestors of the Qianxue Daozong and the dragon blood Daozong, watching the Taiyimen master.

Even the masters of other ancient forces all looked at this Taiyimen master.

This news is very powerful for them.


"I saw it with my own eyes !!!"

Taiyi Menmen said Shen Sheng.

Suddenly, the faces of the masters of Taoism and the masters of ancient forces were constantly changing.

"I didn't expect this man to be the Emperor of the Starry Sky."

"No wonder I always have a sense of seeing through him !!!"

"The Great Star Emperor participated in the Tianjiao List. It seems that this Tianjiao List is even more interesting !!!"

The Ling Xiao Lord could not help but say.

"Damn, how can this great star emperor participate in the celestial list of the gods?

At this time, the blood dragon palace master yelled angrily.

The faces of the other major ancient forces were very ugly.

Although they have not seen the power of this great star emperor.

But they have all heard some of the things that the Great Star Emperor had done before in God's Realm.

And the other side also got the first sword in the starry sky.

Coupled with the prestige of the starry sky emperor in the ancient times as the strongest starry sky.

Now the starry sky emperor is actually competing with his disciples.

This is simply bullying, absolutely bullying! !! !!

For a time, the hearts of these ancient forces were naturally uncomfortable.

"Get Star Emperor out soon !!!"

The Lord of Longquan shouted to the Lord of the Heavenly Temple in the Void.

"The competition for the God of Heaven Rankings has begun."

"Unless it is the Star Emperor who has been killed or conceded by himself to leave the realm."

"Otherwise, even if I can't let him leave the realm."

Xu Fan said indifferently.

"Then let me in and get him out."

"It is unfair to them to compete with other Tianjiao with his strength !!!"

The master of Ling Ling Palace cried.

"During the game, no one can step into the realm of **** !!!"

"Although he is the Emperor of the Starry Sky, he is not over five thousand years old."

"In compliance with the rules of participating in the God of Heaven Competition, you have no right to interfere !!!"

"You guys are still waiting here for the end of the game of Shenzhou Tianjiao !!!!"

Xu Fan said indifferently and strongly.

At this moment, he showed the demeanor and style of the former power of the first realm of the Celestial Palace of Heaven, ~ you ...

Immediately, the faces of the Blood Dragon Palace Master, Ling Ling Palace Master, and Longquan Holy Lord were very ugly.

But they did not dare to oppose the master of the Temple of Xutian easily.

After all, behind the other side is the Emperor Xutian, the first strongest **** in ancient times.

"Everyone don't have to worry too much. I just found out that the star emperor now has the strength of Jiupin Supreme, and it's not scary at all !!!"

"Although he was once the star powerhouse."

"But now he is born again and is nothing !!!"

The lord of the Dragon Blood Taoism shouted with disdain.

"The show is about to start !!!"

The main shrine of the temple hall, Xiao Tian, ​​smiled mysteriously, with strange light in his eyes.

At the same time, the star-cutting dynasty.

In a magnificent hall.

Yuwen, the Lord of the Star Slayers, is sitting here.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment a man in a golden robe suddenly appeared in the hall.

"Holy Lord !!!"

Yuwen and watched the man quickly got up and shouted respectfully.

This man is the Lord of the Holy Land.

"What did you do before?"

The Lord of the Star-Cleaner Holy Land said indifferently.

"Report to the Lord, I have contacted several other star dynasties."

"Now they have promised to send soldiers together."

Yuwen and Shen Chan.

"Very well, I have contacted several ancient holy places and a dozen ancient ancestral gates, as well as 20 great emperors on the star list."

"At that time, they and I will march together to march into the realm of God, and join forces to kill the Star Emperor !!!"

Said the Lord of the Star-Crushing Holy Land in a deep voice.

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