The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4471: Step into the virtual temple

"Ah ... everything is long !!!!"

Xu Fan sighed.

"What the **** happened?"

"Is there something wrong with the old man?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Xu Fan.

"Xiantiandian has encountered a powerful enemy !!!"

Xu Fan said heavily.

"Encountered a strong enemy?"

"What a strong enemy? Can't even the old man in Xutian deal with it?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

The old man of Xutian in his mouth is the founder of Xutian Temple, Xutian Emperor.

The Emperor Xutian was the first power of the gods in ancient times.

Among the great emperors in ancient times, the Emperor Xutian belonged to the top existence.

The Emperor Xutian and the Emperor Xingkong are also very good friends.

He has always called each other the Xuantian old man.

"The other party is very strong, and I have been defeated by all the powerful men in the virtual temple."

"In the end, the ancestors who had been retreating had to go out and fight with them."

"It turned out that the two were indiscriminate."

Xu Fan said in a deep voice.

"Is it so strong?"

Xiao Yifeng couldn't help exclaiming.

The strength of the Emperor Xutian already belongs to the top of the Star Emperor's cognition, surpassing the eternal emperor realm.

And that opponent can be as good as Xu Tiandi, which is naturally shocking.

"What happened then?"

Xiao Yifeng asked again.

"Later, the ancestors and the nine elders of Xutian Temple joined forces to suppress each other."

"Finally they sealed it together in the Temple of the Virtual Heaven, which ended the terrible battle at that time."

"In order to seal him, the ancestors and the nine elders had exhausted their strength and closed their lives."

"Because the ten ancestors and the nine elder elders suddenly lost their most powerful combat power."

"At that time, in order to prevent several other ancient forces from taking advantage of this opportunity to deal with Xutian Temple, Xutian Temple went directly into the secret world of Xutian and was not available."

Xu Fan said.

"It turned out that I said why the Xuantian Temple suddenly disappeared, and I thought something unexpected happened."

Xiao Yifeng said with a stubble.

"Why did you come to me this time?"

Xiao Yifeng then looked at the vanity and said.

"A year ago, the guy who was sealed by the ancestors and nine elders suddenly woke up."

"He hit the seal directly and wanted to break it."

"Now the seal is getting weaker and weaker, and the ancestors and the nine elders have never gone out."

"Xiantiandian's strong now and I can't compete with that person's strength."

"I can only watch the ancestors' seals weakened day by day."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before the other party can completely break the seal."

"At that time, the ancestors will no longer be there, and I am afraid that Xutian Temple will be destroyed in the hands of this person !!!"

Xu Fan said in a deep voice.

"So you come to me?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Well, I heard that the emperor came to the world of virtual gods before. I am very happy. I feel that the virtual heaven palace is saved."

"So I came here to look for the Emperor, hoping that the Emperor could save me from the ancestor's face and save me once!"

Xu Fan said directly to Xiao Yifeng.

"If the Emperor can save me this time, the Emperor has any requirements."

"My Xuanfan and Xuantiandian Fan can do everything I can to do my best !!!"

Xu Fan said kneeling directly in front of Xiao Yifeng.

"Don't be so polite !!!"

"I have a relationship with your ancestors as well as old friends, so naturally I am here to help !!!"

"But I haven't recovered my strength yet, I don't know if I can fight that guy, but I will do my best !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Well, if the emperor shoots, if the ancestors go out, they may have the opportunity to deal with that guy !!!"

Xu Fan said.

"Who the **** is that guy? Is it so great?"

Bei Gun said curiously.

The sword emperor and the beast **** are all curious in their eyes.

"I don't know, that guy is like a lunatic."

"He claims to be a demon, he is so powerful, he is terrible !!!"

Xu Fan sighed.

"Devil? Interesting !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

"Sword Emperor, Beast God, Spirit Emperor, Yu Qi, and the four ancient emperors, you go with me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng then said directly.

Since that guy is so powerful.

Now Xiao Yifeng's strength has not been restored, he can only convene a group of helpers.

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